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Liberals: Why do you continue to refer to FOX NEWS as "Faux" when they are the most trusted and viewed?

And further more MSNBC (all-Obama-all-the-time) is the lowest rated


TUES., JAN., 26, 2010


FOXNEWS BECK 3,196,000




FOXNEWS SHEP 2,187,000




CNN KING 796,000


25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    LOL at the answers above me. Does this look "partisan?" Is this just "cons" watching?

    CNN: 51% Democrats, 18% Republicans, 23% independents

    MSNBC: 45% Democrats, 18% Republicans, 27% independents

    Fox News: 33% Democrats, 39% Republicans, 22% independents

    Here's the entire pdf from pew research

    So, over half of Fox News audience is either Democrat or Independent? Interesting....Kinda puts some holes in some people's theories, huh?

    Which would you say, by looking at facts, is most fair and balanced?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You might as well face it: Libs can't handle 'fair and balanced' so it goes without saying that, as another poster said, anyone who disagrees with the libs, they're stupid and mindless, but it's the other way around. The LIBS are the ones who are mindless and stupid 'cause they can't handle the truth when it's told to them. Fox News puts things in the other perspective and libs can't handle 'the other perspective', which IS the plain truth! They're just pissed 'cause their MSNBC and CNN are doing so poorly in the ratings that they're on the verge of collapse - that's got them riled, so I wouldn't worry about what they think about FoxNews! I listen to the plain truth - not liberal rhetoric and garbage!

  • 1 decade ago

    What are you basing most trusted by? Are you basing it on views? If so, why is the most views the same as most trusted? Maybe some of that viewership is generated by FOXNEWS's sensationalism of celebrity news such as Anna Nicole Smiths Death or Michael Jackson's death. Maybe some of it is from liberals tuning in for a good laugh.

    I know when I'm interested in a "guilty pleasure" pieces such as a celebrity's death, I tune into FOXNEWS. That certainly doesn't mean I trust them to provide me with accurate non-biased important news pieces that are thrown in sparingly.

    Most importantly, I think there is some cynicism from liberals and FOX because of it being owned by News Corp. which is controlled by Rupert Murdock. I hate to stereotype but a lot of us liberals are leery about individuals who have to much power over the media. It makes us question the validity and accuracy of what's being reported.

    Honestly, I'm not a big fan of any of the news outlets. Even the "liberal" ones. They're all skewed.

    I'm not sure if this was an honest question or just an opportunity to insult liberals. Either way I hope my response gives you some insight.

  • 1 decade ago

    Truth isn't subject to polling.

    By any measure, Obama was the most popular and trusted candidate in 2008 - does that mean you switched to supporting him?

    There are 1118 million Roman Catholics in the world; 373 million Protestants and 1282 million Muslims. Should those statistics tell us all to change religions? China is the most populous nation - should we all emigrate there? The conflation of popularity with truth is ludicrous.

    Now let's look at a little history:

    Faux News told us what a bad president Clinton would be.

    Faux News told us what a fine president Bush would be.

    Faux News told us how big a threat Iraq posed.

    Faux News told us how well the war in Iraq was going.

    Faux News told us how smart Sarah Palin is.

    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    We've heard the spin. We've seen the results. We've made our own judgments.

    Do you remember what Fox News was broadcasting wall to wall in the summer before 9/11? Do you? Other networks were talking about the recount in Florida, but not Fox News. Fox News was wall to wall Gary Condit. They wanted a story with an anti-democrat bias because national events cast a poor light on republicans, so they blew Condit up all out of proportion. That's the kind of thing they do day in and day out. And then as soon as 9/11 happened they went into 24/7 blame Clinton mode.


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  • 1 decade ago

    News is not the only option on TV. A viewership of 3.5 million is pretty decent for a fringe channel... such as Fox News... but not really of interest to the average viewer.

    As such, you are comparing apples and oranges by saying that a conservative right wing channel is mainstream when, by your own evidence, it is not. Mainstream would have much higher viewer-ships.

    Therefore, your argument that Fox is the most trusted and viewed medium is skewed as you have dismissed other forms of entertainment and news. People who do not care for right wing rhetoric will probably seek more informed sources of information than a sound bite or 3 minute news article. A possible place of information beyond magazines and papers is the Internet. TV news is rarely the best place for information as it is often skewed (as is the case on most of the shows you reference). TV viewers often seek entertainment. Some find Fox News entertaining, some prefer other shows on TV for entertainment and other mediums for news.

    Try your argument against all news sources and the audience intelligence. Is an audience who seeks sound bites more informed than those who want a broader view and more in-depth analysis? I am not answering this question, just posing it in counter to your flawed argument.

  • Kevin
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Just because people are watching a show doesn't mean that it is telling the truth. Hell, Rush Limbaugh even said that he wasn't out to tell facts, he was out to entertain. Frankly, MSNBC and Fox News are both completely worthless entities because neither has any interest in actual meaningful discussion. They would rather call each other names. They can both go to hell for all I care.

  • 1 decade ago

    I loved reading the responses to this question. The answer is liberals think anyone who disagrees with them is hopelessly stupid and probably believes in useless fairy tales like Jesus Christ and terror cells intent on destroying America.

  • 1 decade ago

    the ratings are high because fox is the republicans social club, they don't have any other place to go. democrats are split, CNN, msnbc, cbs, abc, nba, hln,bbc, ccn international ect ect.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because Faux News is the most trusted and viewed by a public that's largely been duped by conservative propaganda.

    I'd rather trust CNN. I only watch Fox News to see how the conservative media machine is spinning the facts.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lol that is like Honest John saying I am the most trusted person to Pinnochio.

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