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Favorite Answers34%
  • Will the republicans learn that insulting a large portion of the electorate isn't a good idea?

    The 47%, all their constant talk about people with their "entitlements", the horrible comments about women and rape. They do realize that if this continues, they won't be relevant for very long. Or will they remain in that little fear bubble quietly telling themselves how awesome they are?

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • How much must it kill the cons to see Gov. Christie gushing about Obama's leadership?

    Isn't one of the big sticking points how horrible Obama is at leading? Doesn't the strong preparation and response from FEMA and how well he's worked with a republican governor that has been incredibly critical of him shoot that argument down?

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Thoughts on Romney's latest lies and flip flops?

    Flip-flop on FEMA. First, let's cut it, now, let's not!

    Then bald-faced lie on Jeep:

    Seriously, how can anybody take this guy seriously? The only thing consistent about Romney is he will change any viewpoint, and lie about most anything to win this race.

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why won't Romney be a man and denounce the ignorant statements by Richard Mourdock?

    Seriously, how much more of this do we have to go through with these middle-aged white men making these kinds of statements about rape? The fact that Romney won't distance himself from him, to me, is an endorsement of this type of thinking. Frankly, that kind of ignorance is disturbing to the core.

    6 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Isn't it interesting that actual voter fraud keeps coming back to republicans?

    First Republicans try to pass wholly unnecessary voter ID laws in order to suppress voting groups that tend to vote for Obama, then all the stuff that happened in Florida this year, and now we learn that the Romney's actually own part of a company that makes the voting machines in Ohio? How on earth are people not shouting this and crying foul to the world?

    11 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Exactly what is Romney offering?

    Paul Ryan said in the VP debate the the Obama campaign was doing the whole "If you can't run on your record try and scare people from the other people" style of campaign. But what actual policy things and plans, with any type of specifics, have we heard from Romney. He said he's for creating jobs. Well okay, we all are but what are you gonna do? He hasn't laid out anything specific about his tax plan other than he wants to cut 20% across the board. No discussion on how that would work in specifics. He said he wants to repeal Obamacare, but not all of it. He still hasn't seemed to have formed an opinion on the Lilly Ledbetter Act. He can't seem to decide if he's for any exceptions to abortions (health of the mother and that sort of thing). He's been very vague about his medicare plan, though that is probably the thing he's been most specific about, but refuses to admit it's a voucher. Ryan made some allusions to wanting to allow people to privatize social security (that's a scary idea right there) and Romney had made a statement that resembled the educational voucher system during the first debate (another scary thing). Where are their specifics? If they're the ones with the record that they can run on, why don't we hear anything about their plans? Aren't they actually the ones attempting to defame and use scare tactics? Am I the only one seeing this?

    15 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • We do know Romney is lying about Benghazi, right?

    If not, here is a nice little timeline that points it out, several times, with Obama using the words "act of terror" many times, including in his comments in the Rose Garden the day after the attack. Sorry romneybots, your man is lying in this one.

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • So about those 6 studies Ryan was talking about.?

    Doesn't it bother than the 6 studies Ryan was talking about were blog posts, op-eds, and a paper by his own campaign basically just saying, "Yeah-huh, this will too work." I mean, doesn't the fact that the Tax Policy Center's findings contradict each and every single one of these "studies" each of which makes some pretty serious assumptions about what else would happen, hold more water? Doesn't that fact that the Tax Policy Center says, "Even if these aggressive assumptions happen, it still won't be 'revenue neutral'" as Romney and Ryan love to spout? Seriously, I'll take the word of the Tax Policy Center.

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Romney's debate strategy, is he trapping himself?

    Romney's campaign has said that he is lowering his expectations for the first debate. In fact, the Romney campaign seems to be doing nothing but touting how good Obama is at public speaking and debating.

    Does anybody else find this strategy interesting? How can Romney's side see this as a good strategy? "Oh yea, Obama definitely has the advantage. I mean, that guy sure is an amazing public speaker!" Is his own campaign admitting that Romney has no idea how to deliver effective public speeches? Are they hoping to make people expect so much out of Obama they might think that Romney actually wins the debates because Obama might not then live up to the ridiculous expectations that Romney's campaign has for him? Honestly, this seems really foolish to me. Anybody else?

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How can Romney supporters trust him?

    People on the right wing love to refer to Obama as a liar, but whose campaign is saying that they won't allow the campaign to be "dictated by fact-checkers?" They are out and saying that telling the truth, and allowing people to call them on their lies cannot be a part of their campaign. You want to hitch your wagon to that?

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What is the top political priority for republicans?

    Let's let Mitch McConnell tell you.

    How can anybody expect things to get done, or for there to be any kind of compromise, or for any type of tone to change surrounding our government, if one side makes it clear that their only goal is to oust the guy currently in charge? They can disagree with somebody but still be able to work with them, can't they?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What is the punishment to a team that is not salary cap compliant?

    There are a couple of teams that, at the moment, aren't fully salary cap compliant, according to What is supposed to happen to them if they are over the salary cap?

    5 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Is anybody else concerned that the GOP seems so dead set against reform on Wall Street?

    Is this another case where the GOP has "offered" tons of great ideas, yet still continues to just say no? Fill me in! What solutions have the GOP offered other than just don't do this?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Considering a Droid phone?

    I'm on Verizon and I'm in a pickle. I don't know whether or not I should hold out and wait to see if the iPhone comes on over, or if I should go with a droid or a blackberry. Can anybody provide me with an accurate comparison between the droid and the iPhone?! Or if something like the Blackberry Storm 2 might be worth my while? I'm just a wee bit indecisive when it comes to this. Many thanks!

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Will this finally silence the connies that say Obama has raised taxes?

    Clearly states that taxes are lower for Americans since Obama took office. Are we still going to hear the republicans spout all the lies about how Obama has raised taxes? Or will they find some other way to try and scare us all?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If people opposing the current health care bill are so concerned with listening to the American people.....?

    ..then why are they so against a public option? When polled about it, people approved of a public option at around 60%. So what's the deal there? Can it be that they are just using this because it happens to support what they want right now? Do people in America realize that people in Washington, in general, don't care what we think if they have the votes to contradict the people?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Anybody else having trouble viewing questions that they have answered?

    I'm having an issue viewing my questions answered bank. I'll come to my activity screen just fine, I'll click more on the questions answered part, and I'll get my first page of answers just fine. But as soon as I try to go the next page, it shows me an empty box with a no answers yet message. Is this happening to others as well? If not, how do I get this to stop? Who do I talk to about it? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What's with the lack of medals in the medal ceremony?

    I just watched the medal presentation for the men's moguls and there was something missing. The medals! Is that something that they are doing during this games? Or was that specific to the mogul event? Because that would sort of suck if people weren't getting medals during the medal presentation.

    1 AnswerOlympics1 decade ago
  • Is it just me, or is RAW becoming a bit of a sideshow now?

    I mean, look at some of these matches that were on here. Brian Kendrick and the King? Chavo vs. Hornswoggle? Jericho (who isn't even a raw superstar). Is it just me or is this getting kind of silly?

    9 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • does anybody know where i can find out how much cap space the avs have?

    if you could point me in that direction that would be great. thanks!

    2 AnswersHockey1 decade ago