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Has anyone changed oil in a 2010 Toyota Tundra?

It does not have the spin on filter but and element filter. I know I have to take the skid plate off.

What size wrench do you need to take the bottom bolt off and the size of the oil filter wrench

to take the filter housing off?

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no no dont do it,you need a special tool for this by toyota,weve tried other oil filter cup tools and they would work once or twice then it would just spin as the tool wears out,if you use a filter tool like a channel lock this can crack the housing(aluminum)and cost you big,you might even have to wait for the part,,,what i would do if you really want to do it yourself is go borrow it from a toyota tech,offer hi mmoney and leave him with something to make shure you will come back or better yet pay him to come to your place and get it loose,all you need is a regular extention to tighten it up from the middle afterward,,

    Source(s): toyot thech that is i lived near you i would come do it,
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