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Are there 'emotions that could exist which human beings have not experience? like what....?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unconditional love.

    A long time ago I thought that love was something that you reserved for some special set of people that you had judged worthy of it.

    After a while I got to thinking about what Jesus had said about turning the other cheek and loving our neighbor I put the two together and realized that he had made no exceptions in these statements. It became obvious to me that he intended that we exclude no one from the love that we are supposed to be giving. I started thinking about my idea of love and suddenly realized that I had not been loving anyone at all. I had simply been judging everyone and every thing.

    Judging someone worthy of love is not love, it is only judgment. I actually started to cry when I realized this. I saw just how much of my life I had wasted being judgmental, thinking of myself as a Christian, when I was actually doing just the opposite of what Jesus had asked us to do.

    I thought about the verse judge not lest ye be judged, and I understood it for the first time.

    I realized that I have a lot of catching up to do. So many opportunities were wasted. I now try to apply the love that I have for the world in a universal way like Jesus asks us to do.

    If I start to feel afraid and think that I see someone that I should not love because of something I have thought or heard I try to catch my mistake as soon as possible. I tell myself that I have forgot the truth and have fallen for the same old trick that had cost me so many opportunities to be loving in the past. The horror of this realization is often all that is necessary to bring me back to my senses and make me drop the judgmental nonsense I was thinking.

    I still have a lot to learn about love, but at least I’m making progress.

    Love and blessings

    Your brother


  • 1 decade ago

    If there are, no one would know it and they

    would not be able to say what they might be

    like. We humans carry around within us a vast

    repository of feelings that correspond to each

    of the events in play at the time of their

    formation. I think that, sometimes our inner self

    synthesizes new variations of old feelings and that

    while we do experience them, we don't have words

    to apply to them and they take on the appearance

    of emotions that are new and different. This is

    borne out by the occasional response to the question

    "How do you feel bout that?" which is usually expressed

    as "I don't know what I feel". The coining of the term

    love-hate relationship illustrates this in great


    This is an excellent question. Feelings are the

    truly mysterious question mark in our psyches.

    I appreciate the opportunity to review my thinking

    in relation to my feeling.

  • 1 decade ago

    *sigh* I'm not sure. There could possibly be emotions human don't experience because they don't want to or just because we are human, other beings might have emotions that we don't realize.

    But, the emotions would probably be very difficult to understand as emotion because if our body cannot recreate them, i doubt the limited usefulness of a human brain could.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you are wondering what emotion that could be then don ot waste your time we would already have experienced such an emotion if i or someone can think of something but ofcourse there will be many emotions that exist(in some aliens head or in the platonic realm of pure ideas)that we have not thought or felt before.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    you've a good factor: in easy words the most sensible beings in the international worship God. the following is yet another good factor: why might want to faith have handed the evolutionary attempt if it were counter effective? might want to not non secular habit were screened out of the gene pool a lengthy time period in the past? yet, the following it truly is, alive and nicely contained in the twenty first Century. certain, it truly is, truly, sparkling that in the time of easy words people journey good and evil, and that is the answer for your own question. Animals do not journey good and evil because they are operating on instinct, so that they are uncertain to worship God. they want not repentance or grace. they don't seem to be like us. With awareness comes duty, and this change into the point of the tale of the tree of awareness in Eden. Jesus, Himself, sponsored this up at the same time as He prayed from the flow, "Forgive them, Father, for they understand not what they do." He made it sparkling that their lack of expertise excused their movements, even for killing Him.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Emotions are not so discrete from one another. That is, we give names to certain sorts of feelings in order to distinguish them from other sorts of feelings, but all feelings are variations of two very basic emotions - anxiety and contentment. There are many degrees of intensity of these feelings and many ways we can respond to these feelings. Some of our responses, such as "anger", we actually think of as a separate emotions when in fact it is a strategy to respond to extreme anxiety.

    Anxiety can be unpleasant, such as work stress, or pleasant, such as making love. Contentment can be unpleasant, such as boredom due to lack of stimulation, or pleasant, such as a nap in the sun on a summer's day.

    I think if you examine all the feelings that are true emotions, you will see that they are variations in intensity and perception of anxiety or contentment.

  • Milton
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Emotions are reactions to inner and external reality. Since they are reactions and not separate entities, there may be millions that exist that no one has yet experienced.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You already have so many excellent and well thought out responses that I have nothing to add. except to say to Don, there is unconditional love from most parents to their children. I may not like everything my children do but the love I have for then is totally unconditional

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think so. somewhere along the line most people have experience most emotions

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course... one ex. the wide range of feline emotions in def humans have not experienced them for they are no solitary creatures.

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