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On Days of our Lives what is the rest of Carly's secret?

Rumors are spreading that there is more to her secret than what we have been told so far so what is the rest? Is it going to turn out to be who the father really is or is there something else she is hiding?

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can't find it in spoilers anywhere but with conversations lately and Days desire to upset every couple out there, I wouldn't be surprised if Daniel is the father. Last few days Chloe has been all upset about having kids and Carly was teary eyed when they talked. I believe Daniel is the father and she didn't tell him because he was with her friend. I can't understand if it is Daniel why she gave her to Trent as the father? Daniel would fit in with their close friendship and it would possibly destroy his relationship with Chloe, which is what the writers love to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I like Mellies theory! LOL! At first I was thinking no way, but she has some really good points. I think Carly got teary eyed though because Chloe was talking about watching a daughter grow up... something Carly missed out on with Mellonie. I was also thinking that maybe in some twisted way that Mellonie would be Bo's daughter, but that would be hard to convience the audience of. If the baby was for Daniel or Bo I'm sure either way (or whomever the real father is if it is not Trent) that Carly never told the father that she was even pregnant. Trent traveled alot and had alot of money so I'm sure Carly thought he'd take care of Melonie.

    **Just a thought though, I wonder why Bo never asked her who the father was. I mean come on he risked everything for her. Shouldn't he be courious??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If Melanie isn't really Trent's daughter that would make her & Max Brady NOT 1/2 brother & sister. PLEASE no more story re writes! Daniel isn't "old" enough to be Melanie's father. He's not even 40 (his character) & Melanie I guess to be barely 21. Bo & Carly never had a child period!. PLUS we already did that with Chelsea! I read in spoilers too there is another secret Carly has about Melanie but I do NOT think it has anything to do with her paternity. I still think Carly had an affair with Trent & Lawrence paid him to change her name or something so Carly couldn't track her down. Remember a rumor is just that. A spoiler is more accurate!

  • 1 decade ago

    It's obvious that Daniel is the could tell the first week or two that Carly was back. Her father cannot be Bo, because then it would make Melanie and Phillip related (Bo and Phillip were both fathered by Victor). I don't think DOOL would do that to the characters especially after sleeping with each other.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm almost positive Trent Robbins is the father, because if he wasn't Max & Melanie wouldn't be related. And that would be stupid to rewrite that, Trent's the father. I believe he was paid for by Lawrence to take Melanie. So I'm pretty sure that's not the rest of her secret. Maybe it has something to do with Nicholas.

    Source(s): Soap Opera Digest, February.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think that Bo will be the father. I think there is a high chance and it would really shake things up!

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