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Why didn't Obama tell the House Republicans to buzz off?

So they don't like Nancy (wah, wah) and they can't play by the rules!

I hope they all LOSE in the primaries!


Oh-kay, beconnie, tell me WHY that wouldn't be an intelligent thing to do. I'll give you Best Answer if it makes sense.

Update 2:

hyperhealer, do you think Obama inadvertently disrespected Nancy Pelosi by meeting with them?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think he just did.*

  • 1 decade ago

    Democrats will keep the house and senate in November. They will loose ground, but maintain majorities. The economy is sustaining growth now and the banks are begining to lend money again. there are no more excuses for republicans to cling to other than be exposed as the "party before country" hypocrites that they are. I believe that the independant majority of this country has seen the truth already. Scott Brown will be a moderate voice in the Republican party or face losing in 2012. He will work with Dems in a lit of issues.

    Basically, it would be bad form for the Prez to disrespect elected representatives like that. Even though it's not beneath them.

    EDIT - I don't see it as disrespect as much as political capital. America is supportive of Obama while Pelosi and Reid are less popular. You can snub a senator or representative, but if you snub a president, then it shows that you are not sincere in your concern for the country.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    in the world of reality

    Obama and the Democrats have to pander to the GOP

    as they had one year to force their agenda down the throats

    of the public

    now its payback time for these politicians

    just like it was payback for eight years of Bush Jr.

    At least the Republicans stick together

    Democrats have a long history of biting the hand that feeds them

    right now Obama has lost the inititive on health care

    kept the wars on terrorism Going~and going and going

    and screwed up the Stimulus Bills and gave the $$$ to the

    wrong people

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama is an adult and has class so he took on the Republicans. He proceeded to make them look foolish. You know he was effective in his arguments because Fox "News" cut away from their coverage rather than continue to let people see how stupid the Republicans were looking. Other networks covered it to the end.

    It's disturbing to see how detached from reality many of the answerer's to your question are.

  • Greg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The Republicans are going to gain leadership of both houses & the white house in the next 6 years

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gee, that would really make him look dignified and professional now wouldn't it. Your rant went kinda like in a hundred directions and didn't seem to go anywhere. Better get used to having republicans back in charge again!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nancy Pelosi's brain is swimming in botox. Obama is full of crap. Democrats are going to fall like dominos. Wah, wah.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you're referring to the GOP House confernece in Baltimore, it's hard to do since he asked to be invited. Anyhow, he's been telling Republicans to buzz off since he was inaugurated.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do you think>?

    Because he needs them.. and he needs the Independents too.

    He had a majority and he still couldn't get anything done.. so now he is sucking up!

  • Taylor
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think he pretty much did!

    I thought the Q&A was great! President Obama was ready for any question they asked him!

    I thought he was outstanding! I doubt it will happen again...

  • 1 decade ago

    Because that would not be an intelligent thing to do.

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