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How do Americans justify routine circumcision?

If American Christians on the whole are as devoutly religious as they appear to be, why do they commonly perform circumcision on their male children? My understanding of the Bible is that God created everything and saw that it was good, and that the instructions and advice given by Jesus were that God should be honoured (he might also have mentioned something about obeying). How, therefore, do Christians justify their decision that God's creations are imperfect - a design fault - that entitles them to interfere with His intent? (I can see Biblical justification for surgical intervention in cases of medical necessity, but not in cases of ritual, when the action represents blasphemy).

I might ask the same of certain other religions, but I do not know enough about them to be able to ask a rational question.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jesus was a Jew, Jews get circumcised, christians like to be like Jesus.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'm definitely concerned about this. It's a step in the wrong direction. I can see why they're doing it - to reduce harm, but this can easily get out of control. Next we'll be seeing people come here from African countries that have outlawed it, so they can get their kids mutilated. It's bad enough that boys here have their genitals mutilated. Expanding this sick practice to girls is a big mistake. All genital mutilation is evil - it needs to be stopped altogether. Liamlynchfan, you really need to do some research. Yes, pro-circumcision sites claim that circumcision is healthier, cleaner and better all-around. That doesn't mean it's true. Guess what - pro-circ organizations in Africa say the exact same things about female circumcision. ALL circumcision is less healthy, less clean, it forces people to have deviant sex because it removes parts that are necessary for normal sexual activity. That applies to men in the US as well as women in Africa.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How do Americans justify routine circumcision? Just take a look at your answers and you will understand :


    "having a circumcision has been shown to be healthier than being non-circumcized"

    "I hear it is healthier to ve circumcised than to not be."

    "it is more hygienic."

    "I been told that its for cleanliness and to prevent infection " etc...

    Americans justify this dehumanizing procedure with tons of pseudo scientific studies claiming it has health benefits. There are none, not one single reason to routinely circumcise boys, of any age. None of these so called benefits manifest in the real world. The rest of the world gets by just fine with their “diseased” penis flaps. There’s no reason to do it besides false claims of non-cleanliness.

    Circumcision is a procedure in search of a rationale. It has always been a cure in search of a disease, it was supposed to cure :

    masturbation (1845), epilepsy (1865), Spinal Paralysis (1870), blindness (1890), tuberculosis (1914), penile cancer (1926), prostate cancer (1942), cervical cancer (1954), UTIs (1984), AIDS (1986) etc...

    The media has been the greatest promoter of male circumcision in North America. They are always ready to publicize the latest research in Africa, India, or some other remote part of the word indicating the possible advantages of circumcision. These studies are usually methodologically flawed and filled with inconsistencies.

    Circumcision of males in the US, without their knowledge and consent, is immoral and abhorrent. The crime of circumcision can no longer be condoned. It's medical fraud.

    The only people who have ever really benefited from circumcision are the American doctors who have treated the homegrown American foreskin as an annuity. Not only circumcisions aren't free but doctors sell the baby's foreskin to cosmetic industry :

    "Is it ethical to cut off a baby's foreskin, charge his parents for the operation, sell his foreskin without telling his parents, and keep the money? Is it legal?"

  • 1 decade ago

    I been told that its for cleanliness and to prevent infection (yeast) and otherwise. In the Judaism it seems more like a ritual. I do not know about other religions but I believe in Africa this act is performed on girls in puberty which is very wrong.

    Personally, I see no reason for this its appears routine in the hospitals where I have worked, etc.

    I do not believe Christians even attempt to justify this act. It's routine now and should be rethought.

    Just as tonsils were at one time routinely removed - everyone at age 5 had their tonsils removed.

    Now the medical community has learned that they have many benefits to keep them in, they fight infection and help prevent it from entering the upper repertory system.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You apparently don't know enough about Christianity either. The practice of circumcision in this country has its roots in the Judeo religion, but it has also been shown scientifically to be healthier with less disease spreading due to the ability to keep the pubis clean. Statistically Jewish women have a far less chance of cervical cancer than the general uncircumcised populations. This is generally attributed to the fact that less of the organism that causes women to have cervical cancer has spread through the unclean male organ. Once again the arrogance of atheists in their utter lack of any real knowledge has shown itself in your weak, lame rather rude, offensive question: not a proper question for a public forum such as this. But then atheists are not noted for their sensitivity or morality are they?

    From a religious perspective or biblical: circumcision was a sign of the covenant between God and Abraham and later between God and Moses: a covenant being a form of a contract. As such Jewish men practice this as a form of agreement that they would abide by the laws of the covenant. It has nothing to do with God's creation being imperfect or with any failure of God's creation. What a pathetic idea. And Jesus clearly mentioned obeying... but not the obeying of the old covenant legal system of works, but with the obeying of the leading of the Holy Spirit. A walk of faith in the spirit, rather than a walk of the flesh and works by the law. In no way does it represent blasphemy for any individual to undergoing minor surgical procedure that may promote their health and the health of their wife while at a young age when it's most opportune. The fact of matter is that God decreed that they should be circumcised on the eighth day. Science has only recently discovered that the clotting factors in blood do not begin in the liver until this very same eighth day. Once again God has revealed his knowledge of his own creation that far exceeds anything that science can ever hope to match.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They usually justify cutting off part of their children by saying it is more hygienic. As a matter of fact, in the name of honesty, a medical journal declared it reduces the odds of being infected with HIV - that is, when you have unprotected sex with a seropositive individual.

    A former housemate of mine, a Muslim, once declared it was more hygienic to be circumcised, and I, nonplussed, asked him whether he never washed his penis.

    It's like they don't know you can pull back your foreskin, and honestly, how would they know?

    I think it might actually be a gruesome sort of hype among the non-Muslims and -Jews.


    Lifesharer: or perhaps they discovered through trial and error that the kids would always die if you mutilated them before the eighth day. Seems a little more likely, doesn't it?

  • Connor
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You can't justify infant male circumcision.

    You can't justify doing something horrible to a person.

    Circumcision isn't done for religious reasons in Christianity.

    They claim to do it for medical reason (reason which don't truly exist)


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Health, it has nothing to do with the Old Testament ceremonial law. And as far as "design flaw," man was created for a world without disease, his disobedience is the reason for disease, thus the need for health care.

  • 1 decade ago

    Great shave, cologne fragrance, wife loves it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    for starters, not all Americans are christian, also, having a circumcision has been shown to be healthier than being non-circumcized

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