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  • biomass gassification storage pressures and tanks?

    I am looking at potential storage of biomass gassification Gas in old propane tanks or in other pressure tanks. any sites or information you may have would be appreciated!

    1 AnswerEngineering9 years ago
  • Christians and atheists do you agree with Steve Martin's assessment?

    Go to this site and hear The Comedian Steve martin and his musical composition mourning that "Athiests have no sone" DO you agree? I DO !lol

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why do so many christians confuse regeneration and salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

    regeneration : from the greek palingenesia : to go back to genesis or by implication to that NATURE which God created in Adam when he was first created (his genesis) Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. BODY SOUL AND HUMAN SPIRIT, this is our "nature" as God created us. A unregenerate man is reprobate and his spirit is " dead in trespasses and sins" cut off from god by sin he is called spiritually dead, where as we are "quickened and made spiritually alive by regeneration the "rebirth" of our human spirit BY the Holy Spirit: Joh 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. The fact is that the INDWELLING of the Holy Spirit is NOT the rebirth of the human spirit, and that neither of these concepts is "salvation" proper ... is evidently manifest because salvation is about being saved from hell to heaven with God for eternity. When Adam sinned he died spiritual ( cut off) to god and regeneration is a literal rebirth of the human spirit. Hence: RE generation: Strong's concordance defined this term as spiritual renovation or rebirth : literally or figuratively. SO< why ARE so many christians unable to rightly divide these concepts?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do evangelical christians confuse these three distinct concepts as one thing?

    1) The literal rebirth of your human spirit BY the HS (John 3:6 deut 30:6): (born again, spirit rebiirth , circumcision of the heart circumcision of Christ, quickened, newness of life, and many other names for this concept), 2) the indwelling of God in the person of the Holy Spirit, Baptism of fire, baptism of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit, 3) Salvation, defined as: WHERE you will spend eternity: saved FROM HELL to Heaven. Saved FROM your just punishment for sin, to an eternity WITH GOD in heaven. "Translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light" "Salvation" PROPERLY divided is JUST THIS, and to add all the other benefits of having salvation to it is poor eisogesis and blurs the concept to meaninglessness, imho. Neo evangelism has made a spam out of these three distinct and seperate concepts in thier striving to justify thier salvific (at the time of salvation) regeneration /baptism of the holy Spirit, doctrine. this is DIRECTLY related to thier making col 2: 10-13 and Rom. 6: 3-6 a mere philosophical statement or LIE, as to when we are born again (spirit rebirthed). Why have they forsaken the biblical injunction to: 2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. ???

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago

    Eph 2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins. Properly rendered: "And you [has he quickened; spirit re-birthed / made alive] who were dead [spiritually] in trespasses [many sins] and [many] sins." This rendering properly defined "quickened' as literal spirit rebirth. But there is a clear problem with the last half of the verse. The bracketed parts are not found as words directly in the text but are implied by the theological premise and context including verse 5. The terms "trespasses" has been defined by some through various artificial means to imply something different from "many sins". But the term is clearly a plural form for sins, or many sins. A trespass is to go past the line of the law, or to trespass beyond the limitations imposed by the law; and is a exact parallel to "many sins" in the plural sense. The second word "sins" then would be redundant: i.e. "many sins and many sins". This is a curious error for a man who shows the high intelligence and inspiration of the HS in the 14 letters he contributed to the NT text. I suggest a different rendering along the lines of the use of the second "sins" as an IDIOM For the sin NATURE as the cause of our sinning and sinning repeatedly. So that the verse would be rendered theologically correct as: "You has he spiritually re-birthed, who were spiritually dead in your many sins and the sin nature." This then is logically inductive and theologically accurate rendering of the meaning of that verse. The term "sinS' is used in a number of regeneration verses such as Col, 2:10-13 body of the sinS... and the Parallel to Eph 2: 1 : Col. 2: 13. It is used with the terminology: "baptism for the remission of sinS", Mark 1: 4, 2:7, Luke 3:3, Acts 2: 38,Act 22:16 And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord. (Since When does water have the power to wash away sin itself? Rev 1:5) Rom. 7: 5, Heb 10: 2. While "sins" is not always used in this idiomatic sense, there are clear exceptions, where this is used as an idiom is clear in the implication of the sentence contextually; usually in reference to water baptism or clear regeneration (spirit rebirth) verses. Rom. 7:4,5 and 6, etc.

    SO, ... what do you THINK of that rendering> "You has he spiritually re-birthed [quickened] who were spiritually dead in your many sins and the sin nature." (The sin NATURE is properly defined not as sin itself, but a nature of a dead spirit: cut off from God by sin.) This conclusion of mine is the results of many years of my study and the teaching of the Holy Spirit on the subject of regeneration.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • WHy did all those LIBERALs act so harsh and even evil .....?

    When the story broke about the Baptist men and mostly women who were trying to take the 33 children out of Haiti after the earthquake " to protect them from the violence and dangers of a country devastated" and were detained by the quasi government: .... why did so called liberals began to claimed they were "trafficking in children" and called them every sort of evil name and layed on them every sort of evil MOTIVE , and tried to condemn all christians and specifically these people as trying to: "steal children", ...have they NOT come back to apologize?

    I said when all those anti christians started posting their so called questions and began to distort and rabidly spew hatred (as LIBERALS!), against these good intentioned and sincerely sacrificing of their own safety, men and women, have we seen no response from the media or NEWS about this since they were all OVER IT when it first started and NOW NOT ONE WORD????? See this web site >

    NINE of the TEN were cleared of ALL charges, and you would think that a so called open minded good hearted patriotic american liberal would rejoice in the justice, and that the news would shout the good new that americans had been found NOT GUILTY of trumped up charges????

    The last person still has a single ridiculous phony charge of "arranging irregular travel" . Just the kind of ridiculous charges you saw in Russia and in many tin pot kind of third world governments to give them some form of legitimacy. I suspect that the charges will be dropped or at LEAST set to time served possibly to just expulsion, since this is more a face saving action for the government to prevent liability while lending some credence to their heavy handed actions.

    WHY? Why don't these morally superior NON christians liberal people actually say: "I am sorry"? for all the violence they did against christians here in yahoo answers and across the net? Why hasn't the MEDIA made the effort to actually state a retraction of all their venomous attempts to smear christians? Isn't that at least as important as the story was, now that these people have been vindicated and the GOOD NAME of them, Christianity, and the AMERICAN PEOPLE been shown?

    It was so ugly to see post after post in the yahoo answers religion section by endless people who made this out to be the worst FACT of a clear cut case of "trafficking in children " "stealing children", "cults" and any other evil dispersion of these good peoples character. Suddenly they are silent.... I would hide in shame myself if i had acted like these people did in their apparent hatred of Christians and the Christian community, while hiding behind a cloak of self-righteous liberalism.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, How does 1 Cor. 15:45 relate to regeneration, defined as: human spirit rebirth ?

    "Regeneration" (in relation to us the person): Titus 3:5, "spirit rebirth" of the human spirit, John 3: 6, Ezekiel 36: 26, Rom 7:6, "Quickened" : Eph. 2: 1 and Col. 2: 13 and many other passages.

    This fundamental concept is the foundation of major passages and chapters in Paul's writings. There is a mystery here, and it is revealed BY that verse in 1 Cor. 15: 45, as well as Rom 8: 2 and many other verses. As much as 1/3 of the New testament writings have some bearing on this concept as the source, focus, explaination or teaching of regeneration. There are 35 + names, titles, Idioms and metaphors for this concept in the NT. And NO, "salvation" is NOT one of them.

    SO to expand the question a bit: how does Jesus ( the last Adam) become a quickening (s)pirit for us? The word "spirit" is NOT capitalized by the KJ translators for a reason, even though the word "pneuma" in the greek is used interchangably for our human spirit and the Holy Spirit. Capital "S" = Holy Spirit and Lower case "s" = any other spirit, including the human spirit. Now they could be wrong about what spirit is in reference, but i think they have it completely right there, AND I think they got it completely WRONG in Rom. 8: 2 ! The Bibles theology should explain the proper "spirit" in reference, rather than the artifical and ungramatical greek rule they used of the "defintie article "THE" preceeding the term "spirit" as defining which one ( spirit or Spirit) is contextualy right.

    Watch and follow this question, and when the answers are done I will give you MY explaination of the question.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • When does regeneration occur according to scriptures, and how do you prove that's what it is talking about?

    Regeneration from the greek: palin genesia (palingenesis) when applied to a person, ( Titus 3: 5) is to go back to the original nature that God created in Adam at his "genesis" or creation. Its defined as a literal rebirth of the human spirit by replacing the old one with and entirely new human spirit. (REBIRTH, not a renewing) This is done by the Holy Spirit : John 3: 6 I refer you to Rom 2:29 and 7:6 and Ezekiel 11: 19 as proof text. who can give the accurate and clear scripture reference to this question of " when does it occur" and show the reasoning for it? HINT: there are about 35 names, titles and metaphors for the simple concept of : "spirit rebirth" in the New Testament, and some come from the Old Testament.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago