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Lv 4

Christians, How does 1 Cor. 15:45 relate to regeneration, defined as: human spirit rebirth ?

"Regeneration" (in relation to us the person): Titus 3:5, "spirit rebirth" of the human spirit, John 3: 6, Ezekiel 36: 26, Rom 7:6, "Quickened" : Eph. 2: 1 and Col. 2: 13 and many other passages.

This fundamental concept is the foundation of major passages and chapters in Paul's writings. There is a mystery here, and it is revealed BY that verse in 1 Cor. 15: 45, as well as Rom 8: 2 and many other verses. As much as 1/3 of the New testament writings have some bearing on this concept as the source, focus, explaination or teaching of regeneration. There are 35 + names, titles, Idioms and metaphors for this concept in the NT. And NO, "salvation" is NOT one of them.

SO to expand the question a bit: how does Jesus ( the last Adam) become a quickening (s)pirit for us? The word "spirit" is NOT capitalized by the KJ translators for a reason, even though the word "pneuma" in the greek is used interchangably for our human spirit and the Holy Spirit. Capital "S" = Holy Spirit and Lower case "s" = any other spirit, including the human spirit. Now they could be wrong about what spirit is in reference, but i think they have it completely right there, AND I think they got it completely WRONG in Rom. 8: 2 ! The Bibles theology should explain the proper "spirit" in reference, rather than the artifical and ungramatical greek rule they used of the "defintie article "THE" preceeding the term "spirit" as defining which one ( spirit or Spirit) is contextualy right.

Watch and follow this question, and when the answers are done I will give you MY explaination of the question.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you have waaaaaay to much time on your hands man

  • 1 decade ago

    Another word for regeneration is rebirth, from which we get the phrase “born again.” To be born again is opposed to, and distinguished from, our first birth, when we were conceived in sin. The new birth is a spiritual, holy, and heavenly birth signified by a being made alive in a spiritual sense. Our first birth, on the other hand, was one of spiritual death because of inherited sin. Man in his natural state is “dead in trespasses and sins” until we are “made alive” (regenerated) by Christ when we place our faith in Him (Ephesians 2:1). After regeneration, we begin to see, and hear, and seek after divine things, and to live a life of faith and holiness. Now Christ is formed in the hearts; we are now partakers of the divine nature, having been made new creatures. God, not man, is the source of this (Ephesians 2:1, 8). It is not by men's works, but by God’s own good will and pleasure. His great love and free gift, His rich grace and abundant mercy, are the cause of it and these attributes of God are displayed in the regeneration and conversion of sinners.

    Regeneration is part of the "salvation package," if you will, along with sealing (Ephesians 1:14), adoption (Galatians 4:5), reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-20), and many other salvation concepts. Being born again or born from above is parallel to regeneration (John 3:6-7; Ephesians 2:1; 1 Peter 1:23; John 1:13; 1 John 3:9; 4:7; 5:1, 4, 18). Simply put, regeneration is God making a person spiritually alive, a new creation, as a result of faith in Jesus Christ. The reason regeneration is necessary is that prior to salvation we are not God's children (John 1:12-13); rather, we are children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3; Romans 5:18-20). Before salvation, we are degenerate. After salvation we are regenerated. The result of regeneration is peace with God (Romans 5:1), new life (Titus 3:5; 2 Corinthians 5:17), and eternal sonship (John 1:12-13; Galatians 3:26). This regeneration is eternal and begins the process of sanctification wherein we become the people God intended for us to be (Romans 8:28-30).

    The Bible is clear that the only means of regeneration is by faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. No amount of good works or keeping of the law can regenerate the heart which from birth is “deceitful and wicked above all things” (Jeremiah 17:9). This concept of the new birth is unique to Christianity. No other religion offers a cure for the total depravity of the human heart, preferring instead to outline an often massive body of works and deeds that must be done to gain favor with God. God has told us, though, that “by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight” (Romans 3:20). Total regeneration of the heart is necessary for salvation. Paul explains this concept perfectly in Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” This is true regeneration.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all,the bible is the inerrant word of God.

    This being true,you are attacking the truth with

    the finite mind of man.This makes you a judge of

    what is right and wrong in the word of God.There

    are no mistakes in the word of God.So you need

    to be corrected on this issue.Let the word of God

    correct you,Don't try to correct it!

    Source(s): bible
  • 1 decade ago

    1 Corinthians 15:45 states this: The Scriptures tell us that the first man, Adam, was given a natural, human body but Christ is more than that, for he was life-giving Spirit.

    I think in this verse of when Christ rose from the dead, he became "life-giving Spirit." This means he entered into a new form of existence like on 2 Corinthians 3:17 where it states: The Lord is the Spirit who gives them life, and where he is there is freedom [from trying to be saved by keeping the laws of God]. I think that in this verse in 2 Cor 3:17, that when the Lord Jesus rose from the dead, he became life-giving Spirit. This does not mean that Jesus - in my opinion - is now without a body or that he became the Holy Spirit; it means that he entered into a new form of existence when he was glorified. As such, he can live in Heaven and in the hearts of the believers at the same time. Admittedly, this is a mystery; but those who know that Christ lives within them appreciate the reality of his presence.

    Christ's new glorified human body of my interpretation from 1 Cor 15:45,now suites his new glorified life - just as Adam's human body was suitable to his natural life. When we will be resurrected, God will give us a glorified body suited to our new eternal life. In Eph. 2:1 the Spiritually dead are made alive when it states that the mighty prince of the power of the air was first understood by Paul's readers to mean Satan and the evil spiritual forces they thought inhabited the region between earth and sky. Satan is therefore pictured as ruling the evil spiritual world - the demons and those who are against Jesus Christ - our Lord and Savior. "Satan" I think means "the Adversary." He is also called the devil in other parts of Ephesians and the king of demons in the book of Mark. In his resurrection, Jesus Christ our Savior was victorious over Satan and his power. Therefore Jesus Christ is the permanent ruler of the whole world; Satan is only the temporary ruler of the part of the world that chooses to follow him.

    In Romans 8:2 of when it talks about the Holy Spirit frees us from sin and death, I think this means that this life-giving Spirit is the Holy Spirit. He was present at the creation of the world mentioned in the first parts of Genesis, and he is the power behind the rebirth of every Christian. He gives us the power we need to live the Christian life. Salvation is not a term that is mentioned in 8:2 and yes, I agree with you on this topic of why the Holy Spirit gives us strength for extraordinary tasks in life but not for other long term tasks beyond our time here on earth. In Titus 3:5 of when it states: "But when the time came for the kindness and love of God our Savior to appear, then he saved us ----not because we were good enough to be saved, but because of his kindness and pity ---- by washing away our sins and giving us the new joy of the indwelling Holy Spirit whom he poured out upon us with wonderful fullness ---- and all because of what Jesus Christ our Savior did.... I think Paul summarizes what Christ does for us when he saves us. We move from a life full of sin to one led by God's Holy Spirit, All our sins, not merely some, are washed away. We gain eternal life with all its treasures.

    We have the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and he continually renews our hearts. None of this occurs because we earned or deserved it; it is all a gift of God's grace. All persons of the Trinity and I am saying all of them - participate in the work of salvation, based upon the redemptive work of his Son, the Father sends the Holy Spirit to wash away our sins and continually renew us. The Spirit with an "s" is capitalized everywhere in my bible and God knows that if you know beyond a shadow of a fact that you have the Holy Spirit, your name is and will always be listed in the Book of Life in Philippians 4:3 where those who have names mentioned in the Book of Life are all who are marked out for salvation through their faith in Christ our Lord. and Revelations 3:5 where it mentions the Book of Life is where the names of all believers are registered. It symbolizes God's knowledge of who belongs to him anointed by the Holy Spirit, will be clothed in white that is set apart for God and made pure. Jesus Christ promises future honor and eternal life with the blessings of the Holy Spirit, to those who stand firm in their faith by guaranteeing a list with their names printed in it in the Book of Life by introducing this Book to the many hosts of Heaven as ones who belong to Jesus Christ. It is confusing when it states in Ezekiel 36:26 that: "And I will give you a new heart ---- I will give you new and right desires --- and put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony hearts of sin and give you and give you new hearts of love. 27 - And I will put my Spirit (the "S" is capitalized) within you so that you will obey my laws and do whatever I command.

    I believe on versus 25-27 taht God promised to restore Israel not only physically, but spiritually, giving them a new heart for following him. To accomplish this, God would put His Spirit - The Holy Spirit - within them. Again the new covenant is promised once more and is ultimately to be fulfilled in Jesus Christ. No matter how impure your life is right now, God offers you a fresh start and is offering you a new soul or spirit. -(not capitalized) to wash your sins away forever. If people would accept this type of offer, and accept God's Holy Spirit in them, they could patch up every aspect of their lives almost.

    I hope this answers your question

    Source(s): My Holy Bible and my many years of knowing my Bible inside and out.
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