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Lv 4

When does regeneration occur according to scriptures, and how do you prove that's what it is talking about?

Regeneration from the greek: palin genesia (palingenesis) when applied to a person, ( Titus 3: 5) is to go back to the original nature that God created in Adam at his "genesis" or creation. Its defined as a literal rebirth of the human spirit by replacing the old one with and entirely new human spirit. (REBIRTH, not a renewing) This is done by the Holy Spirit : John 3: 6 I refer you to Rom 2:29 and 7:6 and Ezekiel 11: 19 as proof text. who can give the accurate and clear scripture reference to this question of " when does it occur" and show the reasoning for it? HINT: there are about 35 names, titles and metaphors for the simple concept of : "spirit rebirth" in the New Testament, and some come from the Old Testament.


Kitty your answer shows a vast inability to read the question or comprehend the points made therein. i suspect you just fish for any source of points and inflating your " best answers" by seeking out questions no one else has answered in the hope of getting best answer by default, how sad and typical of those with little morality and less ability to actualy answer a point.

3 Answers

  • carl
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Regeneration occurs at baptism.

    “Not by the works of justice, which we have done, but according to his mercy, he saved us, by the laver of regeneration, and renovation of the Holy Ghost” (Titus 3:5)

    ‘Ver. 5. Not by the works, &c. St. Paul in this verse alludes to the sacrament of baptism. This text is brought by divines to prove that baptism, like every other sacrament, produces its effect by its own power, (or, as it is termed in the schools, ex opere operato) independently of any disposition on the part of the receiver. We are saved, says the apostle, not by the works of justice, or any good works we have performed, but our salvation must be attributed solely to the mercy of our Saviour, God, manifested to us by the washing itself of regeneration and renovation of the Holy Ghost. --- By the laver of regeneration, &c.[2] That is, baptism, by which we are born anew the adoptive children of God, by the grace of the Holy Ghost, whom he hath poured, &c. (Witham)’

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    John 3:5-6

    5 Jesus answered: Amen, amen, I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

    6 That which is born of the flesh, is flesh: and that which is born of the spirit, is spirit.

    Ver. 5. Unless a man be born again of water, and the Holy Ghost. Though the word Holy be now wanting in all Greek copies, it is certainly the sense. The ancient Fathers, and particularly St. Augustine in divers places, from these words, prove the necessity of giving baptism to infants: and by Christ's adding water, is excluded a metaphorical baptism. See also Acts viii. 36. and x. 47. and Titus iii. 5. (Witham) --- Except a man be born again. That is, unless you are born again by a spiritual regeneration in God, all the knowledge which you learn from me, will not be spiritual but carnal. But I say to you, that neither you nor any other person, unless you be born again in God, can understand or conceive the glory which is in me. (St. Chrysostom)’

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    "And we're in him who is correct - even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the real God and everlasting existence" (a million John five:20). Until you have an understanding of who Jesus Christ, the Son, REALLY is, you are going to stay within the non secular darkish. When Christians worship God, their worship embraces the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Within the One Being of God subsist the the ones 3 individuals. Jehovah's Witnesses deny who Jesus Christ REALLY is, demoting him to a created archangel. They are definitely right to not worship an angel. But then, our Lord and Saviour isn't any mere created angel. Christians recognize that the pre-incarnate Jesus used to be the Word, who used to be with God within the starting and who's God (John a million:a million). Christians recognize that God didn't grow to be Father to an angel, that no angel is referred to as God's Son, the all God's angels worship the Son, that God didn't location an angel at his proper hand, and that God has no longer subjected the arena to come back to any angel. It's all there in Hebrews bankruptcy a million.

  • 1 decade ago

    So far no human ever regenerated single lost finger or limb.So answer is "never"

    ADD:I'm pretty much able to read and comprehend.If you don't agree with my point of view, it is not a reason for insult.and if points earned by me, really bother you, you have few solutions:

    1)delete the question.Thus I'll never earn BA.

    2)vote for "No Best Answer".I have one vote, so do you--I cannot do much in this case also.

    3)report my answer.Thus I'll even loose that points that bother you so much

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