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What comes next in spiritual evolution, after humans?

What is the next stage?

18 Answers

  • juexue
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bodhisattvas, then finally buddhas.

  • 1 decade ago

    Spiritual evolution is an interesting idea. We maybe can understand natural evolution - how animals survive and learn new tricks and change their metabolism in response to the environment. I'm guessing that the next stage of human evolution is to grow a big head, lose the use of the legs and just move around on wheels. Or maybe float around like the Mekon. Maybe humanity is a peak product and its all down hill from now on - Devolution and bust.

    Some Buddhists would say Enlightenment is the ultimate peak human evolutionary development.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Your question is in my view overly optimistic because it assumes that there will be a next stage. Many highly successful species have turned out to be evolutionary dead ends, so why not us?

    Why do you think that there will be further evolution in the human line? I mean, it's not as if mankind is obviously wonderful. Indeed, I would argue precisely the contrary, that mankind is the most verminous species ever to walk the Earth. So given that we are disgusting & degenerate (Hiroshima, Auschwitz, the North American genocide, overpopulation, greed & stupidity) why do you expect anything spiritual to arise?

  • 1 decade ago

    You mean spiritually? I think human beings who will have a spiritual outlook that is more refined than that of a 5 year old child.

    Children believe in Santa, God and the garbage man, but most kids by the time they are 10 give up Santa, and most educated adults give up god by 30. As for the garbage man, there is evidence he does exist (empty cans, noise in the alleyway), so most of us believe in him.

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  • neil s
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There are no "stages" in evolution. Evolution is simply adaption to a given environment, and does not imply progress in any sense.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    The transformation of monkey to human has already performed a impressive skill for the latter to be a self-conscious(ing) specie. to respond to your question, definite it will be religious in nature. Human doesn't favor to strengthen wings to fly - it has invented one. in short, human can expedite the sluggish mind-set of evolution, so interest will be centred on religious progression.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Humans with bodies regulated by nanobots who share one collective super consciousness via ultra fast Information distribution (Future Internet) whilst maintaining individual traits at the same time.

    A Technological Synthesis of Collectivism and Individualism.

  • 1 decade ago

    Artificial Intelligences.

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Spiritual evolution? The spirit is from God and is therefore eternal and unchanging (metaphysics)

    Evolution is a theory of how things change and adapt to their environment (empirical)

    Seems unusual to lump the two concepts together. None the less, here is where you can go for more information.

  • Yoda
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The brain defines what a human is, and what an ape is and what a fish is. We separate the whole of nature from its parts (us). This division is an illusion: all nature is one movement of the universe. Particular patterns have a beginning and an end, but the movement of nature will continue until nature itself reaches a conclusion. The whole cycle of nature has the unknown at the end of it: you're asking what comes next, because you don't like staying with the unknown. Wanting to change the unknown into the known is evolution: dividing the whole into parts, then synthesizing possible outcomes!!!! Knowledge is the product of evolution: the association of thoughts, sounds, images etc to a particular mental image over time (identification) is an evolving process.

    The human brain is apt to evolve its knowledge about the physical world, in order to manipulate it. You are taking the same approach to spirituality.

    Knowledge about the physical world has application in meeting our physical needs of acquiring food, water, shelter, protection and maintaining health. There is no requirement for spiritual knowledge, as it has no application. There is no such use for spirituality: spirituality is what the divided mind calls psychological death, or evolving towards egolessness! That is a paradox: evolving is a building process, egolessness is a primitive position-less position. By position-less position, I am trying to convey a natural operation of the mind, devoid of influence from the movement of any internal memories (fears/desires/hopes), something totally sensitive to the factual movements of the outside world. All evolution of spiritual knowledge is an escape from egolessness. There is no such thing as spiritual evolution.

    All these words we use are similar to the word "unknown": these words are concepts whose reality is indescribable in language. There is no such thing: as the unknown; or as spirituality; or as "infinite", or as "zero". Any word that describes an unapproachable "thing" (including any concept) is an escape from nothingness: knowledge (made of words) destroys the act of not knowing. If you describe empty space, you are not experiencing it, so it is no-longer empty (in your brain).

    There is nothing to experience and remember about empty space. Any description of it, is therefore an illusion. These words we use are nouns without adjective description and without verb application. For instance: the word humble means nothing to a humble man and is a mere badge to collect and wear, for the the rest of us. Vanity as a concept never enters the mind of a humble man: humble men are not concerned with concept. So a humble man doesn't know if he/she knows nothing or not. If you asked a humble man if he is humble, he'd say "are humans humble"? Then the answer to your question would come from you and not him: I don't know if I'm making myself clear.

    Spirituality is also just a badge (a knowledge hamper) people are grasping at, to cover up facing the unknown, it is an escape.

    I have to say quite clearly: all these monologues about spirituality are being collected by our brains, to sustain the brain's continuous egocentric activity. We are procrastinating! Spiritual monologues, will not lead to any physical change in the way the brain works. There is no such thing as dialogue: there is only the brain of man, one stream of knowledge manifesting in our myriad brains. This stream of spiritual knowledge is only a bed we (ego/psyche) are resting upon in order to remain. Your ego is lying down upon these mattresses made of spiritual knowledge: there is no rest for the mind of man, get off your mattress and walk!

    We have to be honest at the games we are playing in order to avoid the natural way of living! Thought is our enemy, language is our burden, spirituality is holding ego in shape. Understanding is our way of remaining. There is nothing to understand, there is no answer and no question that will lead to change: fact is unapproachable by thought. The concepts I am describing to you is not a path to facing the unknown: all the brain of man can do is see a picture of itself in action, and all pictures such as fears and desires are competing with this spiritual picture. Pictures cannot help. I cannot help you, you cannot help you. We have to end our continuous reign over the minds attention.

    Ponder the question "How do I know I am in that state of egolessness?"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Source(s): Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!
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