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Josh S
Lv 4
Josh S asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Has anyone other than me believed that the science we know today could one day become nonsense?

Everyone knows that science is the explanation for everything we try to understand. But what if one day, everything people know today will become fake and ridiculous in the future.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No it will not become nonsense, but will just result in becoming outdated.

    Over 50 years we washed clothes with mangles. wrote letters on type writers, had to watch television on tiny screens composed of only 400 lines. It wasn't nonsense, it was just all they had.

    Science is actually more correctly termed "organised knowledge" - our quest to understand the world although we are fallible and liable to be wrong. It evolves with us, but is based on a principle that has changed little in 400 years called "The Scientific Method" Really the SM is just a lot of logical rules on how to go about testing, observing and explaining something. The science and technology has changed, but the method remains.

    It can't ever become fake because it is based on observed and repeatable evidence. Evidence and facts are the driving force behind progress ad you see this in the Industrial revolution as technology feeds on the new ideas presented by science.

    A lot of what science talks about can sound nonsensical - like line coefficients, quasi-particles, polarisation, cryogenics etc. But it's all based on mathematical expressions, and they stop sounding nonsensical when they make technology work.

    Most of us can't get our heads around the sciences behind air travel. But when we use planes, we only can do because of the scientific principles making it fly. The engineer understood metallergic stresses properly. The designer got his aerodynamics equations correct, the technicians knew how many kilojules of energy its engines needed in fuel. That planes fly at all - means the scientific principles that created them work. The are their own evidence that they're not fake!

    And that goes for phones, computers, space shuttles, plastic bottles, cars, concrete buildings, electric lighting - you name it. The mathematical equations in a microwave oven alone would fill a whole book.

    a hundred years from now, we'll be seen as primitive certainly, just as we think of those at the dawn of the atomic age in WWII as primitive by comparison. But the actual way in which we understand the world does not change. It hasn't changed since the Enlightenment, and unless we enter a new dark age, will remain the same well into the future. Only in the future - they'll be much better at making things than we are now.

  • 1 decade ago

    As new knowledge and new understanding comes in, old information may become outdated and obsolete ;-p

    However, not everything will become nonsense, only those theories that have no evidences ;-p

    For example, scientist use to believe that when tornado hit a house, the pressure differences inside and outside the house cause the house to explode.

    However, someone film down a tornado hitting the house disprove the theory. The house was destroyed by many flying projectiles (cars,tree trunks etc) and from a distance, it seem like the house exploded.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope. Your ******* computer would not work if today's science was wrong and ridiculous. You look down on people in the middle ages thinking that the universe revolved around the earth, but those guys could still predict the next time Venus would be at the highest point in the sky. Can you do that? No? That means medieval astronomers were smarter than you.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no single answer actually.

    That is because some things are proven and will remain as such - plus new advancements will be added in order to improve.

    Some things might be thought of as proven and new evidence will contradict what we think we know, so that we will have to change our ideas around to suit new info.

    Some things that we think today are just theory and will be replaced as we advance in knowledge.

    ...The word science is a general term that embodies a myriad of subjects and categories. All together, it is an evolving entity/body and will mutate and grow just like the organisms that practice it - human beings.

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  • Luke
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Ahahaha yep of course it could become nonsense, we will be right on somethings even time will not change that, but yes we could be seen as poor scientists one day.

    But i think we will be more remembered as the generation or so who opened great monuments to knowledge such as Wikipedia. But we will also be known as the generations who could feed everyone but didn't, and i think we will regret the massive budget cuts to space programs like NASA.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think we'll build on to what we have today and may look back at 2010 like it was archaic, but I think we've proven enough so far to know that there is such a thing as gravity and if you heat water to 132 it will boil...

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course. That is the road progress takes. Some things we will understand better, and from that understanding see mistakes in our earlier models. Other things I have no doubt we will create inaccurate theories on. Some of these might even replace more correct current assumptions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many of the things that I was taught in school have been completely discredited and I am 61.

    Trust me In 50 years a lot of this will be considered nonsense.

    Love and blessings Don

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