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Can you help us choose between Lisbon, Portugal and Madrid, Spain?

We have frequent flier points that we want to use for Europe. We have been to Rome and Paris. Having trouble deciding where to go next. Has anyone been to both cities and which would you recommend? We are 50 and 53 years old and in good health. We like sightseeing, night life, churches, art museums, etc.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I'm Portuguese and I Don't know much about Madrid, nut I know that it has a great night life. For sure it's better than portuguese one.

    Well let me say what I know than: Portugal has 3 major areas to visit and with different caracterists:

    1. Lisbon, the capital, lots of museums, important places to visit; for sure you will not regret to visit Lisbon; it's a relativity safe city, you can always enjoy good meals and not too expensive.

    2. Porto: second major city located in the north; well it's where I live and I wouldn't move anywhere else but that's me, ok... It's an city.... not as big as Lisbon, but as for the rest it has it all... museums, old (and new) churches... You can always visit the places where Port wine is produced, and take a boat tour up river "Douro". Romantic, passionate, exclusive... and not too expensive...!

    And it sure has some nice places where to eat great (unexpensive) food.

    3. Algarve, if you enjoy the beach but it's better at summer months like from june till september. Absolutely lovely beaches.... charming... like those you see at some postcards...hey do a search at google "praia do barril" - barril beach - OK i confess... if I had to leave from Porto I'd go there... and stayed there for ever....

    Well if you want, contact me and maybe I could give some more advices if your choice is to come to Portugal.

    Either way, you have a great time!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have been to both and I also prefer Madrid. Lisbon is very similar to San Francisco (if you've been there). It has a similar bridge and the bay/ocean, nad similar looking streets, hills, and trollies. I found it interesting, but we were able to finish all we wanted to do in two days. If you do end up there make sure you go to Sintra (it has castles) and make sure you go to Belem and eat the pastries they have there. But Madrid, I think, is in a class of its own. It has something for all ages of tourists. I love the Prado museum (well to be specific I love the painting Las Meninas and went back often just to see it). While the Prado is more traditional art the Reina Sofia is the place to go for modern art especially Picasso's Guernica. Other than the museums the palace in Madrid is gorgeous. If you are young at heart you can go to the WB theme park in Madrid. The park (parque del buen retiro) is amazing, it's like central park only cooler. Then last but definitly not least is the nightlife. The Madrid nightlife cannot be beat, by any city in the world (and i've been to a number of cities). The night starts with dinner at 10 pm ( I often saw little kids out with their parents at 1am) and the night typically goes on till 6am with chocolate con churros. The food in both countries did not impress me, not horrible, but no France either. Which city are you leaning towards? Why not do both and take a train from Madrid to Portugal?

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Lisbon is Europe's second-oldest capital and once home to the world's best explorers like Vasco da Gama, Magellan and Prince Henry the Navigator, getting the first correct world city, the capital of an empire scattering over all continents, from South America (Brazil) to Asia (Macao, China; Goa, India) and know you are able to spend a couple of day to know that historic city, with hotelbye is wherever you ought to start. The most recognized of Lisbon's significant attractions is the St. George's Castle. That fort directions a glorious position near Alfama on the crown of a mountain overlooking the Portuguese capital. This is one of Lisbon's hottest tourist destinations. Its impressive battlements, participating memorial, and exciting archaeological website mix to make the fortress a rewarding experience for the whole family, and kids particularly will like clambering over the durable walls and towers that encircle the grounds.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Madrid is a exciting town with a huge selection of theater shows, chrome, dancing and countless other styles of nightlife and if you intend to learn it then this is the place hotelbye . In Madrid you may also discover probably the most exciting areas to go for a night to keep in mind and is also the newest home of Flamenco because Madrid is living with audio and passion. The numerous beautiful areas and gardens offer tranquil places and areas like: Royal Palace, Royal Theater, Almudena Cathedral, Plaza Mayor Square, Prado Museum, Queen Sofía Museum, Gran Vía Avenue and Puerta del Sol reminds you why you select this city for the vacation.

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