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Chuck N asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Sarah Palin and the low tech teleprompter?

Isn't it funny how Sarah Palin rants and rails against President Obama's use of a teleprompter and then gets caught writing notes on her hand like a school child.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No its not funny, it is normal to have a reminder of a few points, what is funny is 0bama using a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders

    Source(s): May God Bless you and save us from the progressive axis of evi,0bama, Reid & Pel0si
  • Ciaron
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Actually it is a useful memory technique - I used the same technique to write details of things I needed to check up quickly. Still if I was doing a presentation I actually wrote notes, she didn't do herself any favors by doing it is a slapdash manner people tend to forget that Ronald Reagan introduced the teleprompter, but then he actually did write the script before hand and it has saved Presidents since. In her answers she did not give anything of real substance, still when she pardoned a Turkey for thanks giving she was reading notes and she sounded like a 4th grader giving a talk to the class. She then make herself look a laughing stock when she gave an interview whilst one of the farm workers was killing turkeys behind her.

  • scrgrl
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    That would be your redneck teleprompter.

    I sort of love Sarah Palin because she is exactly why Obama won. I remember talking to my 18 year old daughter about my sister. I told her Aunt Sharon (lesbian) was angry that Clinton didn't win the nomination and had decided not to vote. I told her that after Palin got the VP nod it convinced Aunt Sharon to vote. My daughter looked at me in dismay until I continued, "for Obama." The relief was palpable.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't believe that people in this country as seriously thinking this kookoo is capable of running this country. Are you people out of your minds or do you like the thought of this country going completely down the tubes? We are close enough to being ruined by Obama and his bullshi*. Why consider someone who is clearly numb above her neck to make it worse. Wake up America. This is not a game. Better get serious,and do it fast.We need someone who has a friggin clue in the office of President. Not Obama. Not Palin.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm seriously almost half-believing that Sarah Palin is some Liberal in disguise trying to sabotage the Republican Party.

    I mean, she blasts Obama about the teleprompter, and bam, her hands just "miraculously appear" revealling the writing on them.

    Could someone be so completely oblivious?

    I think she's a Democrat sabotaging the Republicans, seriously.

    Noone could be so stupid.

    <EDIT> VVVVV That's not what the writing on her hand said. Get your facts straight Budd.

  • Jay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Palin is a series of self-inflicted wounds. It's painful to see how she humiliates herself.

    - Preaches against sex education in Schools and abstinence only education, then her daughter gets knocked up...

    - Makes rape victims pay for their own rape kits.

    - Was in favour of the "Bridge to Nowhere" then opposed it.

    - Agrees to run as McCain's vp but seems to know next to nothing about his campaign

    - Says she understands Russia because Alaska is next to Russia, but has never been there.

    - Outsources her job as Governor to her secessionist husband, but complains that Obama gives jobs to his cronies

    - Lectures Obama in how to run the country, but quits as Governor

    And now the teleplamer...


  • N
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    it's the original Palm Pilot

  • 1 decade ago

    She looked so unprofessional and so unworthy of becoming President. What truly frightens me is that some people actually believe she can run a country even though she supposedly is getting briefed daily yet she doesnt know who our founding fathers were. She is ignorant in so many ways and will make us the laughing stock of the entire world and I am positive put our safety in jeopardy.

  • 1 decade ago

    here's her comeback, the pen is mightier than the sword and much easier to write with. and the pencil hurt

  • extremely... but what is sadly even funnier is those that defend her ....and then in the same breath turn around and slap Obama for the use of a teleprompter...

    like the world's leaders of other nations will have respect for her.

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