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Can you see into the Future?

How do you perceive the future,

do you look forward to life

and all the changes it brings ?

Or do you believe in Fate ?

19 Answers

  • COA
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can only see what is important to me and my life. Having died during an earthquake in a past life somehow makes me more perceptive of those events. Once while vacationing in Mexico we stayed in a high-rise hotel. I forget what floor we were on but as soon as we entered the room I became deathly ill. I collapsed on the bed and told my husband I didn't want to stay there, that something bad was going to happen. He kind of laughed at me, but in just a few moments I started feeling better with the realization that nothing bad would happen to me. Anyway, within a year or so of us returning home from the trip a major earthquake in Mexico extensively damaged that hotel. My husband was awestruck with the knowledge that I knew something catastrophic would happen.

    As to your other questions, it seems I chose to be here so I may as well look forward to each day and find opportunities to help others. I think we make our own destiny, no matter what happens. Of course, I am looking beyond this physical plane of existence, as this life, like the rest, is fleeting anyway. In my view it is the lessons learned and the love shared that will make a difference in where I go from here.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think there is a way to accurately see into the future on purpose unless you are a psychic... it usually at the most unexpected times. Anyways, there has only been one instance when I was able to see the future (sort of).

    I was in trouble with a friend and she needed to find me. I thought about her sneaking up on me after the last subject of the day as I was making my way out of the class room. Soon enough when the bell rang, she was waiting for me right at the door! I thought it was a coincidence, but you'll never know!

    I also have the occasional deja vue, or "already seen". I find this kind of spooky that I remember doing something in the past or in a dream that I do in the future and it's very cool. All this paranormal stuff is very interesting, but I don't think there will ever be an exact answer to a lot of these questions. Anything is possible, even if it sounds like the impossible.

  • I think its all a matter of perception. By thinking outside the box and having an inquisitive and sceptical mind I have come to several open conclusions.

    The passage of time will enfold and we will only experience one direction.

    I have had a little think about it and fate, the universe and how we came about.

    I am interested in astronomy and you astrology. There was a time not so long ago where they were one of the same.

    From Astronomy, I have learnt that there might just be enough matter within the universe to gravitationally close it and trap us in a forever expanding and contracting universe. Universes for ever! Creation followed by Destruction followed by Creation. In fact an interesting thing to mention here is that the amount of matter in the universe is finite but the number of time it is destroyed and re-created is infinite.

    My point? ….

    As the number of universes is infinite and the matter within it finite, there will be only a certain number of universes (all be it a lot!) before the whole thing repeats with an identical universe of today.

    Every possible universe will unfold and indeed it has been.

    In 100 years we will all be dead and dead for a very long time? I am not convinced.

    Just as light travels from one end of the galaxy to the other in no time at all (Time Dilation), you may be asking this same question again in a very distant future universe and it would seem to you that no time has passed at all.

    The only evidence I can offer you for this theory is the fact that after 13.7 billion years of universal evolution and time passage, you are here and alive in the here and now. Quite a coincidence don’t you think?

    Of course, I am open minded to realise that its just all crock too!

    If you are intersted, the Hindu religion is the only one of the world’s great faiths dedicated to the idea that the cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite number of deaths and rebirths.

    It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, no doubt, by accident, to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the earth or the sun and about half of the time since the big bang. And there are much longer time scales still.

    There is the deep and the appealing notion that the universe is but the dream of the god who after a 100 Brahma years… dissolves himself into a dreamless sleep… and the universe dissolves with him… until after another Brahma century… he starts… recomposes himself and begins again the dream… the great cosmic lotus dream.

    Meanwhile… elsewhere… there are an infinite number of other universes… each with its own god… dreaming the cosmic dream…

    These great ideas are tempered by another perhaps still greater it is said that men may not be the dreams of the gods but rather that the gods are the dreams of men.

    Kind regards


    Source(s): Hmmm, time for a coffee and a bickie!
  • 1 decade ago

    I can't believe in psychics in the sense of special powers of a few. Having said that, all of us have the same capabilities depending on how we train our consciousness. I have seen what I would call probable outcome states. AS some mentioned, it is a place from which change can happen.

    If one doesn't look forward to the changes life brings I would say they are already dead, literally or figuratively. Fate is a tricky question because while things can and do seem to change by our words, actions and presence, I can also conceive of an eternal state beyond space and time, although I have not evolved to that state in my present consciousness. Being in an illusion of space and time we appear to have free will, thus variable outcomes. Conceiving that there may be a state beyond this illusion of time boundedness, I must concede the POSSIBILITY of fate.

    Edit, @Lou, even astrological influences can be 'flexible', as can 'the future'. As can the present. The 'devil' is in our perceptions. Remove false perceptions and gain clarity of vision and thought.

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  • 1 decade ago

    anyone can see into the future, but the fact that its always changing prevents many people from being correct

    and in some cases people need fate to predict what is to come

    but fate only has so many ties while a choice is ever present

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in fate but I also believe that in some instances we can change that. In some cases we can't though because of the way our planets are aligned in our astrological charts.

    We can all see into the future, past and present with scrying, this takes practise though.

    Check the links below:

  • 1 decade ago


    most of the time i can sense that something is going to happen, either good or bad.

    it happens to me like 2 or 3 times a day, and over the summer I did have some dreams that did come true. Sometimes it's really creepy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    im not sure whether this counts really, but i often dream of something then it happens about a week later. depending on the dream i welcome or fear the week ahead

    (eg, i dreamt last week that i would be unable to pay for the training i need for a job opportunity, and on monday the exact situation happened and i have been quite upset, yet today, my dad told me he could give me a loan and i could pay him back without interest as soon as im qualified and hired with a steady wage.)

    so, in this case it was something i'd seen, but it wasnt the whole picture.

    i believe life is what we make it and that we are in charge of our own destiny, others may influence us, but ultimately, its the decisions YOU make that get you to where you are at this moment.

    EDIT: i dont claim to be psychic by the way, and i have yet to meet anyone who is, but the things that i see in my dreams only ever involve me, and therefore that gives me the opportunity to influence my own life, and not others. like i said; we are all responsible for ourselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe what will be will be. You should read the Power of Now will totally change your entire outlook on life for the better.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i dont believe in fate

    and i cant see into the future

    in all honesty the future and age terrify me

    its something i cant prepare for or understand

    i dont know what will happen

    and not knowing is one of the most frightening things

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