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Lv 5
faye asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

Schooling Help, Dilema?

My pony is just coming back from injury and we are now walking out for 20 mins on the road.

I am not allowed to trot him for anouther 6 weeks at least. I thought this would be a perfect time to work on the quality of his walk. However I am drawing a blank on what to do all the exercises I can think of involve trot or canter. Specifically I want to work on rythum and the forwardness of his walk.

Now this pony works beautifully in an outline most of the time as that is all he has ever known. He is now 20 and has been schooled and worked in a correct outline since he was 4. I have been taking into account his general lack of fitness in the amount of time I am asking him to work in an outline.

Does anyone have any exercises that can be done in WALK only and on the roads as he is not allowed to go on soft surfaces like schools for anouther 8 weeks.


I have access to a sand school but am not allowed to use it untill this pony has done at least 6 weeks on the road and is doing an hour and a half worth of hacking on the roads to tighten and strengthen his tendons.

Update 2:

Zakiit - yes it was severe damage to a suspensory tendon resulting in 18 months off work, 6 months of that on complete box rest and the rest turned out in the field. Initialy my vet advised to fully retire him as he would never be sound again and at 20 years old an operation was not an option. Well he is sound and he is back in work, with very very little thickening of the tendon, if you didnt know it was there you would never be able to spot it. My vet was amazed. We have a very very strict work regime for him, starting with 14 days of 20 mins walk on the roads every day, not a second more. Then I have to increase it by 5 mins every other day untill we are doing an hour and a half of walk. Then I can introduce 1 min of trot in the hack and build it up untill we have 15 mins of trot within the 90 mins hack. Only then can I ask for a canter on a verge but only if I am sure of the footing and it is not deep. I'm not allowed to put him on a surface untill after we have started cantering.

Update 3:

Corbelle. I am using the public roads so cant put tires or poles out. Well I supose I could but I might get in trouble with the police and local residents lol!

4 Answers

  • zakiit
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good things to do is to practise sit deep in the saddle, and tall. Let your legs hang long and wrapped around his sides, use them but also practise using your seat to build up the speed and and rhythm of the walk, swinging your back and hips (while staying glued to the saddle), and allowing him or her to walk forward, then slow the swing of your back and hips to slow the walk down to half the speed, walk like that for a few strides, and then swing stronger to allow her to walk on again. Then practise with the slowing of your seat and see if you can stop altogether without putting any more pressure on the reins other than a steady contact. This will teach the pony to listen to your natural aids and will help get his hind quarters under him.

    You could also build up fitness without hammering his legs by walking him up hills on the roads, still under saddle, though if he has had a leg problem, you might need to plan your route so that you do not have to come back down it.

    If it is a tendon problem, I imagine that you will be increasing the times by a few minutes every other day and you could vary the route as much as possible, and I would not consider turns on the forehand or leg yielding unless the vet says it is okay as these are quite strenuous on the joints.

    I had a pony with a similar problem and we had to be careful. When it came to trotting, it was one minute and not a second longer to start with, increasing every few days, with breaks in between, total walking two hours and though the temptation to do more is strong, it is vital to stick to the rules and take things slowly in order to prevent any set backs and the pony will have less problems. You sound as though you are going to be sensible and I wish you both well.

    I wi

    Source(s): Riding instructor
  • 1 decade ago


    I´m not sure if you should do such intense work with him when he´s just recovering.

    If you do teach him shoulder in´s and such (which I´d also recommend otherwise) make sure that your vet is ok with it. Because these exercises also require a lot of bending and stretching.

    If that's ok with the vet go for it. Other than that you could introduce some pole-work( is it a closed road you walk him on?) or let him walk over tires, or an awning/ canvas cover or such like.

    To work on his gaits and accentuation you could also do some groundwork with him, like teaching him to lift his legs when you touch them with a whip, (ie the spanish gait).

    I hope this was somehow helpful. I wish you Good Luck for the amendment.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its difficult to think of exercises you can do on the road, but if you have access to a sand ring or indoor arena, then work on bending around corners, leg yielding off the wall, turn on the haunches and turn on the forehand. Also try and do a 10metre circle in the middle of the ring, and then go straight, and then another 10metre circle. It really helps horses stay limber and listening to you, especially older horses. I hope this helped!

  • 1 decade ago

    1)Shoulder in,

    2)Shoulder out,

    3) Haunches in,

    4)Haunches out,

    5)Hass pass (oblique)

    6)Collected walk,

    7)Extended walk

    8) Using your driving aids in rhythm with his foot fall

    That should keep you busy for 6 weeks or 6 months!

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