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I've owned and competed horses at high level for over 25 years. I regularly break young horses and rehab problem and difficult horses. I mainly compete in dressage and showing.

  • Schooling Help, Dilema?

    My pony is just coming back from injury and we are now walking out for 20 mins on the road.

    I am not allowed to trot him for anouther 6 weeks at least. I thought this would be a perfect time to work on the quality of his walk. However I am drawing a blank on what to do all the exercises I can think of involve trot or canter. Specifically I want to work on rythum and the forwardness of his walk.

    Now this pony works beautifully in an outline most of the time as that is all he has ever known. He is now 20 and has been schooled and worked in a correct outline since he was 4. I have been taking into account his general lack of fitness in the amount of time I am asking him to work in an outline.

    Does anyone have any exercises that can be done in WALK only and on the roads as he is not allowed to go on soft surfaces like schools for anouther 8 weeks.

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What is normally involved in a site visit?

    I'm applying for a graduate training scheme with a company.

    I've gotten through the initial screening, the interview and the assessment centre. Now i've been asked to go on a site visit.

    Does anyone know what this is likely to involve? anouther interview? more testing? or just a tour and me asking questions?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Good place to sell ball dresses?

    Does anyone know where is a good place to sell ball dresses? In the UK. I'm in north wales so north wales and the north west of England or online is best.

    I need space in my wadrobe and conciquently have about 10 ball/prom dresses that need selling.

    They vary in cost (what I paid for them) between £160 and £500 so not cheap dresses.

    Ebay is useless as second hand dresses are selling for £5 or less and I'd rather hang onto than accept that for them.

    any ideas?

    Anyone who suggests ebay will be given an automatic thumbs down.

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How can I strengthen my lower back muscles alieviate te pain in my lower back?

    Due to my build (a naturaly enormous bust) and my reluctance to under go major surgery to solve the problem I am now looking for a way to strengthen my lower back musles.

    I'm looking specificly because I can no longer stand upright for more then 3 hours without ending up with my back soo sore that I'm in tears (and I'm a horse rider it takes alot to get me in tears).

    My posture is good, that is not the problem. The pain is aleviated slightly when i hunch up into a ball type shape but I cant walk round all hunched over.

    I need to strengthen my lower back muscles, I hate gyms (horrible nasty boring places) and hate getting hot and sweaty in front of other people so i need an exercise that I can do at home in private or that dont involve me getting sweaty in front of people.

    Bonus points for anyone who gives exercises that can be done at work without looking like you are insane!

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How do I strengthen my lower Back musles?

    I do not need to loose weight. My current BMI is 22, my doctor says I am the perfect weight for me. When I did loose weight my bust got bigger not smaller. I exercise alot as my job is a groom for horses. I ride for up to 6 hours a day, muck out 16 stables and generaly run round like a nutter all day.

    I repeat I do not need to loose weight and loosing weight does not solve my bust size problem

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Different question for you. Computers?

    Right we had a small accident with one of the laptops, involving the power cable, a dog and a drop from height.

    Anyway the screen cracked and now it is bleeding a green colour in the screen.

    What is this liquid? what is the chemical?

    I'm insanely curious and need to know

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Souffle tips needed. mine went flat?

    I made an attempt at souffle's.

    They went splat and collapsed. edible but not puffy and tall.

    They came out of the oven tall and pretty but within 2 mins had collapsed.

    Any tips or suggestions as to why they collapsed?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Question about horses out of work for a long time?

    Do they tend to get a bit ribby?

    Stan my 14hh 19 year old purebred connemara has been out of work since august last year (after a serious injury), it is by far the longest break he has had since he was 4 years old apparently (other breaks being around 3 months tops). Previous to his injury he was kept fit and in show condition for 9 months of the year and given a break in december to march.

    So far he has had 5 months box rest and 7 months in the field

    Now he has lost all his top line and his neck is currently a bit upside down muscle wise, fair enough, i expected that.

    However what i didn't expect was for him to look ribby. The rest of him is actually quite fat, he is verging on apple bummed (very unusual for him he can get very very fat before going apple bummed). However i can very easily feel his ribs and can see them when he bends even slightly.

    He is up to date with his worming and his coat is glossy and healthy looking and he is feeling good (well if the antics of yesterday were anything to go by)

    Is this normal for a horse out of work for this long to get a bit ribby or should i be worried?

    8 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Canter problems on the right rein.?

    I'm supposed to be showing this coloured traditional mare in a HOYS qualifier at the weekend however I took her for a schooling session yesterday and she has decided that canter on the right rein just isnt going to happen.

    On the left rein she is perfect, round, collected, bum under her, correct strike off with very little effort on my part.

    On the right rein I turn red from the effort of convincing her to go into canter at all. and when we do get canter it is normally on the wrong leg and hollow.

    The mare has had her back, tack and teeth checked just a few weeks ago and her owner has seen her canter correctly on both reins for anouther (far better) rider, but she was always better on the left rein. I concider myself a reasonable rider, I've schooled horses before and can ride most horses in a correct outline (from back to front, leg to hand what ever way you want to put it) and can do the same for this mare in walk and trot and canter on the left rein!

    I need suggestions quick. I cant use spurs in the show ring as it is against the rules.

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Those with ponies/horses with sweet itch in the UK?

    Have any of your sweet itch ponies started scratching yet?

    Strangely mine hasn't, he has quite bad sweet itch and by early march we have normaly started the annual battle with the dreaded midge.

    This year it is now mid april and i've yet to see a single sign of scratching from him. One of his favorite scratching posts is opposite my window so i can watch him most of the day.

    So just wondering if this is happening to anyone elses ponies/horses or if the sweet itch vaccine has final done its work (he was on the vaccine trial in 2005, 2006 and 2007).

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • gaseous hydrogen storage.?

    Quick question for an essay ive got due.

    When hydrogen is stored as a gas under high pressure conditions does anyone know the average pressures used, or the range of pressures?

    I realy need answers for this especially if you have references to where you got the informations.


    2 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • How do i get rid of a young dogs energy?

    I've got a 2 year old golden retriever who is currently driving me to distraction.

    Today my sister and I spent 4 hours walking on the beach, throwing the ball enough so that my arm hurts, we went miles. My older golden retriever is shattered, so tired that we had to lift him back into the car as he didn't have the energy to do it himself (he is 6years old).

    The 2 year old was still running like a loon at this point, jumped into the car no problem and when we got him home bounced round the yard like an idiot.

    now he is used to having quite a bit of exercise (an hour in the morning, 2 hours in the evening and free run of approx 4 acres of land during the day) but this is getting excessive.


    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago