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Avi S asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

What is the difference between nationalism and extreme nationalism?

4 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    To give you an example of nationalism as we see it today .....

    Some nationalists exclude certain groups. They view people who are, in fact, citizens of their nation, as being not really citizens, in some sense, and therefore not protected by the rights afforded "real" citizens.

    For example, George H. W. Bush once said, "No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."

    George Bush was showing a type of Nationalism in making this statement.

    If he had ACTED upon this statement, and made laws to exclude people who did not believe in God as citizens of the United States ..... then he would have been showing Extreme-Nationalism.

    Nationalism generally involves the identification of an ethnic identity with a state.

    The subject can include the belief that one's nation is of primary importance.

    It is also used to describe a movement to establish or protect a homeland (usually an autonomous state) for an ethnic group. In some cases the identification of a homogeneous national culture is combined with a negative view of other races of cultures.

    Extreme Nationalism OR Ultra-nationalism is when nationalism is pushed to an extreme.

    When nationalism is pushed to an extreme, it not only justifies wars against other nations, as in the German invasion of Poland at the beginning of World War II, but it is also used to justify attacks against ones fellow citizens, as in the Nazi assertion that Jews are not really citizens.

    This kind of nationalism often has as its avowed goal racial, ethnic, or religious purity.

    Since most states are multicultural, nationalism often leads to conflict within a state, as well as between states, and in its extreme form leads to war, secession, or genocide.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Extreme Nationalism

  • 1 decade ago

    simple. they are both 'ism' which means ideal.

    the extreme 'ism' is someone that does not just percieve or appreciate or contribute toward that ism but will place more value on the ism than other things you might think naturally rank over an ism.

    extreme ism basically means setting that ideal at a level equal to or higher than other basic values you might hold.

    (like your own well being or the well being of others to see an idea set to practice)

    I really like this question so i want to illustrate my perception of an example here as well:

    Seperation of church and state. This is one of the basic principles at the foundation of the United States. This is suggesting an amazing feat of sacrifice in and of itself. However, during settling, working in and expansion of this country the work is done by people and so often one might find setting thier truest efforts to producing a highest quality product that they can. I find this evident in the common statements of 'God' in various references lending towards ideal how the state should be valued or maintained.

    It hasnt been til only the last couple decades it seems that a lot of nationalist mindset toward a more crystalized and implemented value has become apperent. We see that public schools are government facilities are not welcome to brandish Christian symbols anymore.

    While some may see this as a loss, really. I believe it is a nationalist ideal that is setting back a pronounced extreme nationalist value which many of us ( including myself ) ignorantly enjoyed in our youth.

    The opposition of an established norm is not necessarily extremism and an established norm can indeed give an example of extremism. Engaging with and grappling the fact of opposition I believe in this example the extremist were the people only listening to thier heart, as indeed at first this concept really pissed me off too, but then I was able to appreciate the argument of the opposition, I was able to grasp the idea and accept the change.

    When one calls you to answer to your basic principles, it is basically just and right to honor those. In so doing you expand the base reality of the nation itself. What was once clearly a concession on the part of established extremists rapidly gave way to broader reality and truer implementation of a basic nationalist value.

    If we are to buy our minds into extremist statements such as 'The greatest nation on earth'. Do realize that is truly an extremist statement. I do believe it is worth hoping that this place can continually evolve towad the betterment of all mankind and be all inclusive, otherwise it will truly slow to a rotting caste system like most other places people flee to come to the US to take up opportunity. If people worship the place they came from rather than unselfishly give back to the place that gave them this opportunity then we shall fail. In this nation it is important for all of us to embrace the fact we are all indigent and of broken legacy, establishing a new way in fact is the American way and we have come very far in a short period of time historically, and we need to maintain that vigil, oppose fatting and casting. So what do we have but a nation of eclectic extremists that often when having clashing lines of sight are quick to denounce each other as exremists. But truth is, the fat lazy slob that doesnt get involved in anything is the worst kind of extremist.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Very simply, socialists see themselves as dealing with class (i.e. social level) and nationalists as dealing with a nation (all social classes). Socialists want public or "workers'" ownership of everything (depending on how you define this), nationalists want their nation to control itself. Another key difference is that socialism is left wing, whereas nationalism can be left wing, right wing, centrist, centralist, decentralist, liberal, conservative -right across the political spectrum. It can also be expansionist - like British nationalism, or American (Manifest Destiny), or be interested in only a small area, e.g. Manx nationalism, Chechen, etc, or in unitiing a widely spread group - German nationalism, Arab nationalism. Usually nationalism is based on a territory - e.g. Scotland - but it can also be based on language - Wales, Catalonia, Basque Country, or perceived ancestry. Some nationalists are socialists, but this is not to be confused with "national socialism" (Nazism), which is an extreme right wing form of nationalism, which is not related to socialism at all, really - other than stealing some of its totalitarian tendencies. Socialism and nationalism have modern origins, but their roots go back much further. The Scottish wars of independence during the 14th century are quite definitely nationalist in inspiration - see the Declaration of Arbroath - but are not modern.

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