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How should a dozen roses look from a florist when they're first delivered?

My husband sent me a dozen roses in a vase for Valentine's Day and they're already dead. They were delivered Friday afternoon and they were already fully opened. Yesterday (Sunday) some of the stems had already bent and today they are all fully bent and look awful. I wasn't going to say anything to my husband because I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but after seeing how they look today, he did call the florist. They actually told him that people in our area (Georgia) like their roses fully opened. Huh? To me, opened roses mean they're getting old and they shouldn't be open but just slightly when delivered. The florist did agree to deliver new flowers tomorrow, so I'm just wondering what everyone's opinion is. Thanks!

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The florist did not tell you the truth. Roses are normally delivered budded, but not opened. You should immediately cut the stems and feed the roses. Cut roses do not have a long life, but certainly longer than 2 days.

    He'd better deliver new flowers.

  • 4 years ago

    maximum florists dont have a margin on transport. They pass on the direct fee to the shopper besides the undeniable fact that they must write out the cardboard, run the possibility of loss or redelivery if the recipient isnt dwelling house and spend time reconciling transport driving force expenses and so on. Thats why maximum florists wont grant decrease plant life and somewhat will in basic terms grant an affiliation. In Australia the trouble-free fee of a unmarried long stem boxed rose is $40 two to $40 5. we've a information superhighway internet site and grant boxed roses to Melbourne for $35. the fee you have been quoted sounds life desire to me presented it somewhat is a top classification long stem rose in a container and extra.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That sounds like the florist was making an excuse. Of course if they are fully opened they won't last as long, but they should still last more than a couple of days.

  • 1 decade ago

    when roses are delivered or any flowers they should be the most beautiful flowers you have ever seen. they should look alive and red and be small not fully opened. So you did the right thing hopefully your new ones are a lot nicer and fresher. Good luck

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  • 1 decade ago

    Freshly delivered roses should look like this: Good that you're getting them replaced at no charge. They'll still only last a few days to a week. Fertilizer has Nothing to do with keeping them "new" looking.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    sophisticated issue. browse from the search engines. that could actually help!

  • 1 decade ago

    you can feed them some plant food to help them stay longer.

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