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I'm a stay at home mom with a daughter in school and a son who graduated Le Cordon Bleu's Patisserie & Baking Program. I've been married 22 years to a retired Marine and we live in Georgia.
Can this be reported as fraud?
My niece became pregnant while a senior in high school. Baby boy was adopted by my father in-law for insurance. (he's retired Army). Niece had previously been adopted by her grandma for the same reason.. insurance. Because my father in-law was a senior citizen when he adopted his great grandson, he received extra social security benefits. Understandable even though the great grandson lived in the same house as his mother. My niece is now a grown woman, probably going on 31, married to a guy in the Coast Guard and they also have a daughter between them. Her son is living with her yet she continues to get money from her grandpa from his social security checks. It seems that those benefits should have stopped when she moved out with her son and got married, yet she gets a check for $500 a month sent to her from her grandpa. My daughter told me that she bragged about the numerous Louis Vuitton purses she has and that she didn't pay for any of them. My father in-law now has terminal cancer and probably has less than 6 months to live. Should this be reported to social security so the payments can stop? It literally makes me sick that she has been receiving $6,000 a year, tax free, for her son who is living with her. I have no problems reporting someone who I believe is receiving fraudulent benefits, even if they are family. My husband and I thought this had been taken care of, but he recently found out she was still receiving checks and supports me reporting this if it is fraud.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoCan you help me find a specific carne asada taco recipe?
The meat is chopped and the onion is cooked with the meat. A local Mexican restaurant we eat at prepares it this way and it's my husband's favorite. All of the recipes I saw online uses raw onion to be added on top and he isn't happy with it that way. I'm hoping someone knows what I'm talking about so I can put a smile on this grumpy old Marine's face. Thanks.
1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years agoDoes anyone have a package of IKEA's Swedish Meatball Sauce mix?
I tried to make IKEA's Swedish Meatballs tonight, but the instructions were so small that I couldn't read the amount of water that is needed. It's been a while since I made it, so I didn't remember how much I previously used. I even used a magnifying glass and it looked like 1 1/S cups of water. It just didn't make sense, so I used a cup of water, which ended up being way too much and the whole dish was ruined. If you have a package on you, could you let me know how much water is used? Thanks.
6 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years agoI have a question about Tricare's coverage for young adults. Can you help?
My husband is a retired Marine and our son lost his health insurance with Tricare when he turned 21 because he was no longer a full time student. He is not eligible for coverage at his work that I know of, so I was wondering if anyone knows if Tricare will be required to offer coverage for my son, or are they exempt?
4 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoHow should a dozen roses look from a florist when they're first delivered?
My husband sent me a dozen roses in a vase for Valentine's Day and they're already dead. They were delivered Friday afternoon and they were already fully opened. Yesterday (Sunday) some of the stems had already bent and today they are all fully bent and look awful. I wasn't going to say anything to my husband because I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but after seeing how they look today, he did call the florist. They actually told him that people in our area (Georgia) like their roses fully opened. Huh? To me, opened roses mean they're getting old and they shouldn't be open but just slightly when delivered. The florist did agree to deliver new flowers tomorrow, so I'm just wondering what everyone's opinion is. Thanks!
7 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoWhat would you do if your daughter told you a kid in the neighborhood gets his by his mother?
Earlier today my daughter told me about a couple of people looking for a boy who ran out of his home "because he didn't want to take the garbage out." My daughter found out that the reason he ran out was that his mother hit him because he didn't want to take the garbage out. She told him he should tell someone, but he said he didn't want to because he didn't want his mom to hit him again. She then asked him if his mother has hit him before and he said yes. How do you handle a situation like this? If the boy is afraid of getting hit again, how do you report it and still protect him? I mean, if you tell someone like the school principal or counselor, they are going to talk to the boy, and possibly his mother and then the mother would know her son told and that could get her angry and hit him. So how do you handle something like this?
9 AnswersFamily1 decade agoCan you refer me to some restaurants that serve good chicken and waffles in or around Atlanta?
Other than Gladys Knight's place, please. I'm looking for a really good place either in Atlanta, or going south towards Peachtree City. Nothing north, please. I saw a place called Thumbs Up, but the wait seems awful long just to eat a meal. Thanks!
2 AnswersAtlanta1 decade agoIs there any product I can buy to get a black dye out of my daughter's hair?
My daughter wanted to dye her hair a brown/black, but it looks all black and she's not liking it. I've already tried two kits, hoping it would lighten up the color, but no luck. Is there anything out there I can buy that works? If not, can a salon take the color out? Her normal hair color is brown.
4 AnswersHair1 decade agoWho did Lesli Kay (Felicia, B&B) play on ATWT? Also, did you hear about Brad?
I don't remember her on the show, but Soap Opera Digest said she's going to be on both ATWT and B&B. Also, it said that Austin Peck (Brad, ATWT) has been let go and his character will not be recast. Any ideas or guesses as how he will be written off?
4 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoWhy is our smoke detector going off at night?
Last night was the third time this week that our smoke detector went off, waking us up. We recently changed the batteries in all of the detectors in the house, but for some reason, the one in our master bedroom is now going off. Has anyone else had this problem before or does anyone know why it's doing it? We have a 1 year warranty on our house and I was hoping to find an answer before I have to call the electrician out. Thanks!
9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoHave any GL actors found new jobs with other CBS soaps or other networks?
If so, who and what show will they be on?
4 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoWhy does my body feel totally exhausted about an hour or so after I go to the gym?
I've been going to the gym for 5 weeks or so and work out an hour a day, 5 days a week. I'm watching what I eat (I'm not under eating) and have lost 11 pounds so far, which I'm very excited about. I eat a protein bar in the morning for breakfast before I go to the gym, but everyday when I come home, my body feels like it's wearing out and I have to lay down for about an hour. Should I be eating something else with protein or something else in it after I work out so I don't feel this way? Is my body lacking something after I work out? I drank a 20 oz. bottle of Gatorade today after I came home to see if that would help, but I still had to lay down. I did an hour on the eliptical machine and burned 655 calories which I was really proud of and tomorrow I'll be doing both weights and cario. I make sure I have plenty of fluids in me throughout the day, so I don't know what's causing this.. Any suggestions? Answers from personal trainers or anyone who works out would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade agoIf you got bitten by bed bugs in a hotel on vacation, would you report it to the health department?
My family and I recently returned from a trip to Gatlinburg, TN. We made reservations at a hotel and I ended up getting between 3 and 5 dozen bites all over my body due to bed bugs. I even saw the bugs around my ankle after I woke up the day we left and gave them to housekeeping. The hotel has been less than responsible in handling the situation and only offered us water park tickets (at their hotel) to compensate us. Why would we want to return there? They're pretty much denying there has been any bug problem in our room and has had no problems since we checked out on Monday. So if you were unhappy with the way the hotel handled your bug bites, would you make a complaint to the health department?
4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoDid you hear that Guiding Light is being cancelled?
I just read the article on Yahoo news that the show's being cancelled and the last air date is September 18th. Comments? Memories of the show??
14 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoHow can I file for my income taxes when I worked in two states, one pays no state income tax. Help?
My husband worked in Florida until the end of October. Florida pays no state income tax. He started working in Georgia, which pays a state income tax and his retirement pay from the military was paid to him mostly with him being a resident of Florida, with two months only residing in Georgia.. Turbo Tax isn't recognizing that he lived in Florida for the first 10 months and is reducing the amount due to us because it thinks we didn't pay state tax for those 10 months, which we didn't have to since we lived in Florida.. Is there anything we can do to show that those taxes weren't due? (I hope I made sense) Thanks!!
3 AnswersUnited States1 decade agoWould a house for sale that does not include a refrigerator prevent you from buying?
Our house is due to go on the market tomorrow and I really don't want to include our new refrigerator because it's not even paid for yet. It's one of those ones with the french doors, ice maker and freezer on the bottom. All of the other appliance in the kitchen are new also, but they are paid for. I've seen listings for homes that don't include a refrigerator, but I'm wondering what the average person would think. Would this prevent you from buying the house? Thanks!
11 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoDid I buy the proper hair products for my daughter to use with a hair straightener?
I found some Chi items to use on my daughter's hair and need to know if these are the proper things to use. Her hair has become quite dry since using the straightener. I bought the Chi Infra Shampoo, Infra Treatment and the Silk Infusion. Are these the right things to buy? Thanks.
3 AnswersHair1 decade agoWhat is the best quality hair straightener you can buy?
I've been reading reviews on the Chi. The regular Chi seems to stop working a lot and the Chi Turbo isn't all ceramic, so I'm not sure if Chi is the right straightener to buy. Does anyone know what company makes the best quality straightener? I've also read that if you buy your straightener from places like Target or even online, that the warranty is voided. Can someone verify this? Thanks.
4 AnswersHair1 decade agoY&R fans: Do you think Victor is going to give Nick the money to buy out Jack?
We've been seeing scenes for this week about something that is given to Nick from Victor. I'm guessing he's going to give Nick the money to buy out Jack since he wanted Neil to offer Victoria her job back. Any thoughts to this?
7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoY&R fans- how do you think the actor that plays Adam feels, knowing that nobody likes his character?
I mean, Adam is a slime ball. Do you ever wonder what the actors and actresses feel when they play a character nobody likes? You sort of have to feel sorry for the guy because there's just nobody who likes Adam.
16 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago