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2Beagles asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 1 decade ago

Is there any product I can buy to get a black dye out of my daughter's hair?

My daughter wanted to dye her hair a brown/black, but it looks all black and she's not liking it. I've already tried two kits, hoping it would lighten up the color, but no luck. Is there anything out there I can buy that works? If not, can a salon take the color out? Her normal hair color is brown.


You know, my mom told her the same thing. I think she only used it once, though. I'll mention this to her again to continue using it to see if it works.. If not, we'll probably head to a salon if there's nothing out there we can buy.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd say this is a time for the salon pros to step in. My son's fiancee had to have double-processing done. One 'bleach' job, then the new color. It's hard on the hair, but they can recommend a good conditioner, since they're the pros.

  • 1 decade ago

    The salon could recolor it no problem. But if you are just trying to lighten it use dish soap a few times. It really works, my mom had the same problem. Her hair came out too dark when she had it done (not by me) and I told her to use dish soap a few times in the shower and it lightened really well. But, be sure that she conditions really well afterwards. Hope this helps! Good luck!

    Source(s): I work at a hair salon
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A salon could lighten it without re-dying it.

    Or you could try a clarifying shampoo. But, that takes quite a long time to work, and it would turn her hair back to it's natural color.


  • 1 decade ago

    you should go on and click on the hair colour section. You will find the products to take out the colour.

    <a href=” Hair Extensions</a>

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