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Husband wants me to look as pretty as possible? Is this normal for men?

My husband honestly told me that he wants me to work as hard as I can to look as pretty as I can so that other people will think "Wow he has a pretty wife". I am guessing that if I told a woman that they would say he was a pig and that he should be happy with my personality and other things I bring to the relationship but men would say they feel the same.

We have been together over 17 years and are in our late forties, have a business and a child together.

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know how I would feel if my husband said this to me.

    I am attractive and I know he finds me attractive but, I also know when I wear my hair down with a little make up on it enhances my looks more than if my hair is up in a pony tail with no make up on.

    BUT I'm the same woman he married. NOT wearing make up, sexy clothes and having my hair styled DOESN'T make me unattractive or less pretty.

  • 1 decade ago

    Look beautiful for yourself first and for him second. Since you guys have been married have you stopped putting as much effort in your looks?

    Either way, there's a lot more to a person than their looks and he needs to realize that. I'm sure if something caused him to lose his looks you wouldn't give him some sort of ultimatum to look better. Also consider this; when you guys go to bed at night it's only the two of you in your bed. When you wake up it's also just the two of you in bed. Why is he so worried about what other people are going to think.... ask him to ask his self why he needs validation from other people to tell him he has a pretty wife. Hope this helps.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    My EX husband is gay. I would definitely divorce this man - he has more than likely been having affairs behind your back with men. Since my divorce I have found out that my ex had numerous affairs with men while we were married even though I didn't have a clue it was going on. This is a very bad situation that you are in and I feel for you because I have been there. Get out - there is no way to salvage this relationship unless you are willing to give up the rest of your life and your happiness for him. You deserve to find a man to love you like you should be loved. I have and it wasn't until I met my husband that I realized just how bad and unloving my first (gay) husband was. I'll be praying for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Really??? I hope you told him he'd better sink an equal amount of effort into HIS looks. Which means he MUST:

    1) shave daily (not excluding weekends)

    2) work out for 3 hours daily (oh and we're talking pecs, quads, hamstrings, the works!)

    3) wear GQ magazine clothing around the house

    4) get mani/pedi-ed regularly

    5) forget about blebbing around on the couch watching football, because down time = more jogging that could be done

    6) religiously shine his own shoes

    7) get his hair cut and styled regularly

    8) drop off/pick up his own dry cleaning

    9) get his teeth professionally whitened regularly

    10) conform to a rigorous hair removal regimen (pubic, nostril, back, eyebrows, etc.)

    11) stress over moisturizing, exfoliating, cleansing, and invigorating

    The list goes on and on...

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  • 1 decade ago

    He just wants his friends to be jealous. He's obviously not just with you so you can be his trophy wife, since you guys have been married for 17 years. Usually when it's just a trophy wife, he stays married for about 2-3 years, gets a hot girlfriend a few years younger than the trophy wife, and then dumps the wife. However, he's been with you for 17 years, so he loves YOU not his looks. He just wants his buddies to be jealous that you're still attractive after all of these years.

    It's not wonderful, but it's just the "see? My wife is hotter than yours!" He still loves you the way you are. But if it is bothering you a lot, you should talk to him about it.

    I hope this helped!


  • 1 decade ago

    It may be normal, but it's not healthy.

    Your husband revealed his hand ~ "Wow he has a pretty wife". It says more about the reflection he wants you to have on him than it does anything else.

    There are men who want trophy wives and girlfriends for the express purpose of making themselves look good.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he was a wise husband, he would present you with some gorgeous clothes, new shoes, and some free days at the hair salon. What he said to you is degrading and the hidden meaning is that you do not look good enough....that can seriously damage your self esteem. It was cruel. If he really wanted you to put more of an effort into your looks, our of love, he would help, not hurt.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would say he simply wants you to look your best. Personally, I would not find this offensive and desire the same from my mate. I don't want a man who does not take pride in his appearance. Not due to what others may think or feel but I simply don't want to look at a dump of a man who doesn't care about his own personal appearance. Everyone should strive to look and feel their own personal best.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think men all want this. What does he expect from you? Exercise everyday and put make up on every day??

    That's not too bad, that's what I try to do too, but not for him, for myself.

    Stop doing everything for him and start doing for yourself, and you will feel a whole lot better.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, but ironically when you start to be bleach blonde, 100 pounds, not just work out at the gym but work at the gym, have your nails and makeup perfect and wear designer clothes, he will get insecure!!

    Then he will "sabatoge" you: "You're wearing THAT?... Here, have the whole pound cake with me... Oh, let's watch a movie marathon together!... You look good just the way you are, why go to the hairdressers?...I never liked the long nail look on women..."


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