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Gone fishin' asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Hyperactive dog goes crazy with TV. I need help!?

My 1 year old dog is getting more agitated by the TV every day. She cannot rest when it is on even if it is nature show with only landscape scenery. I have tried leaving the TV on with no sound but she gets worse. Any suggestions?


She is a Aus. Shepherd....a serious herding dog. SHe is our 3rd herding dog so we know what they can be like!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like it's time to either stop watching TV, or put the dog in a crate or somewhere out of the room when you wish to enjoy TV. -!-

  • 1 decade ago

    Get your vet to check her. You're not watching the TV with no sound much of the time, are you? Must be a really enlightening experience. There might be some kind of waves or something that come from the TV that hurt the dog's ears. I know my 2 can hear the tiniest piece of lettuce hit the floor from 2 rooms away! When in doubt, ask the vet. If he/she brushes you off, change vets until you find one with a brain.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I think you should. reward your dog when she is good, then turn on the T.V. if she makes a noise, remove her from the room, shut the and wait . Once she calms down, bring her back in, try to turn on the tv, as soon as you hear a noise from her, remove her again until she is calm.

    This might take a long time but don't give up....I saw this on Its me or the dog, an animal planet show with a Professional dog trainer.

    Source(s): Its Me or the dog
  • 1 decade ago

    You didn't mention the breed...many breeds have a VERY high prey drive. The movement of objects on the TV is what is triggering the drive. Terriers are amongst the ones that are very prey driven. My Norfolk Terrier can spend hour watching the TV and will "turn on" at fast mving objects.

    (we have done earthdogs trials with him so we encourage the drive)

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  • 1 decade ago

    put it down

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