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questions about romeo and juliet?

i have already read romeo and juliet but i need help with these questions:

who dies first? then who? and next? anyone else?

why does friar lawrence's plan fail?

who is punished in this play? why?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mercution dies first during the brawl between Romeo and Tybalt.

    Then Tybalt dies when Romeo avenges his friend.

    Then Romeo commits suicide when he thinks Juliet is dead.

    Juliet stabs herself when she discovers Romeo is dead.

    It is revealed that Lady Montague dies of grief when Romeo was banished at the ending scene.

    Friar Lawrence plans to reunite Romeo and Juliet fail when his message to Romeo about putting Juliet in a death-like state is misinterpreted by the messenger which results in Romeo thinking that Juliet is truly dead. Thus bringing upon his death and Juliet's

    I would say that the main people who were punished were the Capulet and Montague families as their hatred and hot-headedness lead to the all the deaths in the story. eg: Mercution fighting with Tybalt, Romeo and Juliet dying.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am doing this play in my school.

    Mercutio dies first, he is killed by Tybalt. Then, Romeo kills Tybalt out of anger for Mercutios death. Lady Montegue dies (her heart stops) after hearing her son, Romeo has been exiled for slaying Tybalt. At the end of the play Juliet takes a poison that makes her appear dead, her family thinks she is dead, and buries her in a tomb. Romeo visits the tomb and kills Paris (the man Juliet was arranged to be married to) who is also looking to see Juliet for the last time. Romeo drinks a poison once he realizes that Juliet is "dead." Juliet, upon wakening and seeing Romeo dead, stabs herself with his dagger.

    Friar Lawrences plan (to give Juliet the medicine, so her parents will think she is dead, so she can live secretly with Romeo) fails because Romeo doesn't get the memo that Juliet is not actually dead, so he kills himself.

    I'm not sure about the answer to the next question.

    Next time, just reread a couple scenes and try to do the homework on your own, okay? I'm just very obsessed with this play now since we are doing it (I am Benvolio, even though I am a girl) Hehe :) Your welcome

    Source(s): experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mercutio, then Tybalt, then Romeo dies because Juliet drank the vial and appears dead but isn't really so Romeo kills himself then Juliet wakes up and kills herself because she sees Romeo is dead.

    Friar Lawrence's plan fails because Friar John fails to deliver the message of the plan to Romeo.

    I'm not sure about the last one. I guess Friar John because he has to live with his mistake? Idk.

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