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Which do you consider more dangerous to our country-left wing liberals or right wing conservatives?

In recent years, neither group seems to find any legitimacy in the other group's viewpoint. Which is the more apt to destroy this nation first?

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Progressives, who should more aptly be named 'Regressives', as their policies seem to cause the US to progress backwards. Something like the USMC's 'Advancing to the Rear'.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Wow, the liberals on here are really trying to say that it is the right trying to take our freedoms.

    The last time I checked the Left wants a government that tells us, what to eat, drive, temperature to keep our homes, our health care decisions, how to spend our money, how much we can make, where we can live, which businesses should survive, which businesses should die, who gets our hard earned money given to them , and who deserves to have our hard earned money taken from them, take children's life without due process, attack freedom of speech through the fairness doctrine and even the president directly attacking anyone that disagrees with them even threatening arrest in Missouri during the election, and more. Every time I watch the news Obama is talking about taking someones rights away and giving them to another,

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    we've lost all civility in politics. what's the over-decrease than on sort of months in the previous a fistfight breaks out in Congress like they do in Europe for all time? in simple terms study the idiocy of the questions approximately YA and you notice why the climate will no longer be able to compromise. The conservatives repeat Rush Limbaugh slogans verbatim and the liberals answer back with knee-jerk accusations. we would desire to correctly known the similarities, no longer the adjustments in political ideals and additionally in people. as a replace of being white or black, Christian or Muslim, republican or democrat, we would desire to continuously all be people first and proper. Addition: seem no extra than the solutions on your question for information of idiots. woman in spite of-her-call-is leads the p.c.. in nonsensical inflammatory bullsh*t solutions.

  • 1 decade ago

    The democrats have the most problems and are the most dangerous because of progressives.

    The republican party needs to rid itself of RINO's and get back to it's roots and values. The democratic party has to do the same. Democrats face a bigger challenge as the progressives have taken over their party under the liberal label.

    Republicans & Democrats use to work things out for the benefit of our people & country. Since the progressives entered on the scene they have been working at dividing us to take us over.

    I see everyone running around thinking progressive means progress.

    Why do so many people think progress is associated with Progressivism? Is it because the word progress is in progressive? If that is their basis. Is Marxism progress?

    The progressives are their own party and hijacked the democratic party using the liberal label. The progressive party never could get anyone elected. That is why they hijacked and are running the democratic party.

    Progressivism is not just an idea but the practice that the government knows best and has full control and ownership over everything including people. Progressivism does not believe in government as it is now. With that I mean progressivism does not believe that representation of the people is needed because the executive branch runs everything and knows what is best. People are the property of the government like animals are owned by people. There is no such thing as peoples rights such as freedom, privacy, individualism etc. If you have ever seen the Borg on Star Trek that would be similar.

    Progressivism operates under the facade of appearing to be a government doing what is best for the people without their input and silencing all opposition.

    Progressivism goal is Marxism.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Which do you consider more dangerous to our country-left wing liberals or right wing conservatives?

    I find extremist on both sides to be a threat to my country as well as the partisan politics that Washington is drowning in. I will say, I believe the radical left in America is much more organized and has a lot more influence over things then does the far right (especially) when it comes to academics. The left write the textbooks we learn from....not the right.

  • ICH8TE
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The people who spew racist bs like this:

    "put the blacks back in the gutter where they belong.

    Hopefully they ll crush the jews once and for all too."

    That was a comment in that post about Republicans "saving America".

    There are many here who hold the same sentiments as that racist. Maybe you can figure out which party they belong to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Both. They keep trying to polarize themselves from the other, quickly abandoning anyone who is remotely close to the middle. Essentially, they are playing tug of war with America, but the rope is made of tissue paper. The only thing we can hope to do is cut just outside of the middle section, so we can rebuild while the two sides fall on their butts in the mud.

  • Gunny
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Right wing reactionaries are far more rabid than the so called liberals, and most likely to drive America to ruin...right wingers champion no cause except endless wars they are generally ignorant of the world at large, have nothing to offer but noise. Our so called liberals are ineffectual at best and no threat to anyone but themselves.

    Source(s): lifetime observations
  • 1 decade ago

    Left-wing liberals are far more dangerous.

    Right-wing conservatives tend to focus on individual issues and urge others of their stripe to promote individual rights. Left-wing liberals tend to focus on macro issues and want everyone to follow their lead.

    Conservatives will usually leave you along even if you disagree with them, but do not like it when you obstruct them and their causes. Liberals will only leave you alone if you agree with them and promote their agenda. If you don't agree with them, you are WRONG and need to straighten up and follow them to the promised land.

    My comments do not include right wing conservatives who believe they have an obligation to bomb abortion clinics and even assassinate doctors who perform abortions. Nor to the include left-wing liberals who are so far left that they think you must be all but a communist to deserve to live.

    Neither group has any control over who can proclaim they are liberals or conservatives. Some of them should just announce that they are kooks.

  • 1 decade ago

    The side in power is always the most dangerous.

  • 1 decade ago

    In worst case scenarios the left wingers would reduce our nation to the living standard of Denmark. Worst case scenario the right wingers would nuke us into a fiery armegedon...

    Gee i wonder.

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