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Describe your toddler son or daughter?

What are their likes/dislikes?

What is their temperament like?

What are they like with their siblings/pets?

Where are their favorite places to go?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    What are their likes/dislikes? He likes to be outside, he likes to play hide and seek, he likes baths and cartoons. He dislikes getting dressed, and coming in from playing outside.

    What is their temperament like? He's so sweet and lovable, friendly, and cuddly, but gets frustrated easily and has a short attention span.

    What are they like with their siblings/pets? No siblings yet, but he loves his doggie.

    Where are their favorite places to go? He loves the park, the mall, anywhere that he can ride in his stroller or get out and run.

  • 1 decade ago

    Likes: being around family, being the center of attention, laughing, chasing mommy around the kitchen, hiding in the closet and jumping out and scaring mommy and making her scream (lol), the Cars movie and all the toys/clothes that associate with it, animals, riding rides at the amusement park, taking baths, watching movies, chocolate....

    Dislikes: Hamburgers, Deviled Eggs, being dropped off at daycare on Monday mornings, waking up early, going to bed without giving Mickey (his stuffed animal) a kiss, the Electric Man (lol, we rented a movie and I had to take it back - but he thought he got to keep it. This was while our power was out during a massive snow storm, so I told him the electric man took the movie. Now he says "Mean ol' Electwic Man has my dump truck movie out in da woooods." LMAO)

    Temperament: Totally happy go lucky. Hardly ever mad/upset.

    Pets: Great. He's really affectionate with our cat, but he also loves playing with him.

    Place to go: We have a small air & space museum about an hour from our house. He goes there with me or my mom or my stepdad probably at least once a month, if not more. He walks around and looks at all the airplanes and they have a spaceship in there (that's his fav). He also likes going to the park, the petting zoo (right down the road from my house), and Dinosaur Land (it's a place near my house that has a bunch of huge dinosaurs all around the park).

  • 1 decade ago

    Marley is fourteen months old and he LOVES the teletubbies, bananas, his ride on/push car, play dishes, and magnets. I can't really think of anything he dislikes. He has a decent temperment. He's very active and curious. With the cat and dog . . .hmm, they have an interesting relationship. Sometimes I think my son doesn't realize that they are pets and he is a person and not a pet, lol. He loves to go anywhere, and he will let me know when he is tired of being at the house and is bored.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She loves watching TV, reading books, doing puzzles, doing anything I'm doing, looking in the mirror, playing dress up, trying on my shoes, drawing, taking a bath.

    She dislikes when I leave her in the morning at daycare. She doesn't like the sweeper. She hates having her hair messed with.

    As a baby she was the best. She hardly ever cried and was always happy. She's almost 3 now and is still always happy. She's funny and laughs a lot. She is really smart.

    She has a half brother who is 11 that she adores. We have a golden retriever that she likes but gets annoyed by. She likes to chase after my cat.

    She loves going to her grandparents' house, to the library, to the YMCA, to the park.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He likes most everything but being away from mommy.

    His temperament is getting a little crazier with tantrums, but for the most part he is gentle and loving.

    (No siblings) He is great with our 2 dogs and cat, other than he wants to love on them more than they care for. hehe.

    His favorite places are the park, daycare, mc donalds play area, anywhere there are other kids to play with. Although he seems to be shy sometimes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My son who is 2 and a half,likes being with mummy and daddy, running around,bath time,playing in the park,getting treats,being around other kids,gettng spoilt by gran and grandad,toy story,being told stories,Cbeebies,playdough,painting,cars,football and baking cakes.

    he dislikes the word 'no' and bed time.

    He can be the cutest child who has ever walked the earth,but is prone to having temper tantrums.(and they can be quite bad!) He is quite clued up for his age,and doesn't miss a trick! He remembers conversations that my husband and I have had a couple of weeks before,which can be embarrassing at times!espesh if we have had an argument and he tells the ladies at nursery that mummy was shouting at daddy(cringe)lol

    wouldn't change him for the world tho,luv my lil guy 2 bits : )

  • 1 decade ago

    Likes: dirt, flowers, water, animals, wonderpets, farms, makeup, tea parties, veggies, fruit, Orange Juice!!, chocolate milk, hot cocoa, feathers, washing her hands, mommy's shampoo and "makeup for your arm pits", daddy, uncle Ray, uncle Gerry, Me-maw (my mom), Great grandma, great-great grandma, grandpa, mommy, fish tank, crawling under the coffee table, anything outside, car rides, motorcycles, the beach, her purple jammys, tinkerbell, mirrors, candles (blow it together, want to!), popcorn, mouse movie (Stewart little), playing at the park, Just about everything!

    Dislikes: peanut butter cookies (I burnt them so now if you ask her about them she says, "butter cookie gross! No want it!". lawn mowers (hush!), naps, leaving the park, water chestnuts, and the vacuum

    Temperament: sweet, quiet, cuddly little princess with an attitude fit for royalty! She is too smart!

    Siblings: older sister lives out of state but she loves her.

    Pets: Fat Boy is her puppy and she loves him to pieces!

    Favorite places to go: to the park to feed the ducks and play on the slide and swing set, Me-maw's house, out to eat, sun splash park, beach, mall, anywhere!

    Source(s): My 2 year old little princess
  • Julie
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The Gift of Life comes from God

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