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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

How come Jews don't like "Messianic Jews" calling themselves Jews ?

Do Jews have the right to define Judaism ?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because not only are they are not Jews, their entire purpose for existence is to use their fraudulent identity to lure secularized Jews into their cult, thus destroying their Jewishness, too. What they are doing is essentially another Holocaust, only they are killing souls rather than bodies.

    Of course Jews have the right to define Judaism. Every group has the right to define itself, and to exclude those who do not belong. Christians define who is Christian. They can give the boot to people who stray via excommunication. I don't see anyone questioning that. The very fact that this is a question about Jews demonstrates the deep-seated prejudice against us. That is not to say that you, personally are prejudiced, but that the persistent and loud attacks against us make even reasonable people wonder. That, of course, is the intention of the antisemite.

    Proof that they're not Jewish to ANY Jew:

    (1) Orthodox position -- "Why Don't Jews Believe in Jesus?". Ask the Rabbi. Aish HaTorah. February 1, 2001. Retrieved 2007-02-14.

    (2) Conservative position -- Waxman, Jonathan (2006). "Messianic Jews Are Not Jews". United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Retrieved 2007-02-14. "Hebrew Christian, Jewish Christian, Jew for Jesus, Messianic Jew, Fulfilled Jew. The name may have changed over the course of time, but all of the names reflect the same phenomenon: one who asserts that s/he is straddling the theological fence between Christianity and Judaism, but in truth is firmly on the Christian side.…we must affirm as did the Israeli Supreme Court in the well-known Brother Daniel case that to adopt Christianity is to have crossed the line out of the Jewish community."

    (3) Reform position -- "Missionary Impossible". Hebrew Union College. August 9, 1999. Retrieved 2007-02-14. "Missionary Impossible, an imaginative video and curriculum guide for teachers, educators, and rabbis to teach Jewish youth how to recognize and respond to "Jews-for-Jesus," "Messianic Jews," and other Christian proselytizers, has been produced by six rabbinic students at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion's Cincinnati School. The students created the video as a tool for teaching why Jewish college and high school youth and Jews in intermarried couples are primary targets of Christian missionaries."

    (4) Reconstructionist/Renewal position -- "FAQ's About Jewish Renewal". 2007. Retrieved 2007-12-20. "What is ALEPH's position on so called messianic Judaism? ALEPH has a policy of respect for other spiritual traditions, but objects to deceptive practices and will not collaborate with denominations which actively target Jews for recruitment. Our position on so-called "Messianic Judaism" is that it is Christianity and its proponents would be more honest to call it that."

    That covers EVERY Jewish denomination.

    Further works:

    (1) Kaplan, Dana Evan (August 2005). "Introduction". in Dana Evan Kaplan (ed.). The Cambridge companion to American Judaism. Cambridge Companions to Religion. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. g. 9. LCCN 2004-024336. ISBN 0521822041. "For most American Jews, it is acceptable to blend some degree of foreign spiritual elements with Judaism. The one exception is Christianity, which is perceived to be incompatible with any form of Jewishness....Messianic Jewish groups are thus seen as antithetical to Judaism and are completely rejected by the majority of Jews."

    (2) Harries, Richard (August 2003). "Should Christians Try to Convert Jews?". After the evil: Christianity and Judaism in the shadow of the Holocaust. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. g. 119. LCCN 2003-273342. ISBN 0199263132. "Thirdly, there is Jews for Jesus or, more generally, Messianic Judaism. This is a movement of people often of Jewish background who have come to believe Jesus is the expected Jewish messiah.…They often have congregations independent of other churches and specifically target Jews for conversion to their form of Christianity."

    (3) Kessler, Edward (2005). "Messianic Jews". in Edward Kessler and Neil Wenborn (eds.) (GoogleBooks). A dictionary of Jewish-Christian relations. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 292–293. LCCN 2005-012923. ISBN 9780521826921. OCLC 60340826. Retrieved 2007-11-02. "From a mainstream Christian perspective Messianic Judaisms can also provoke hostility for misrepresenting Christianity."

    (4) Harris-Shapiro, Carol (1999). "Studying the Messianic Jews" (GoogleBooks). Messianic Judaism: a rabbi’s journey through religious change in America. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. pp. g. 3. LCCN 98-54864. ISBN 0807010405. OCLC 45729039. Retrieved 2007-11-02. "And while many evangelical Churches are openly supportive of Messianic Judaism, they treat it as an ethnic church squarely within evangelical Christianity, rather than as a separate entity."

    Source(s): Jew (a real one)
  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    First of all it depends what do you define as Messianic Jews. Actually, a very famous Ultra-Orthodox movement of messianic Jews by the name Chabad is one of the most popular Jewish messianic movements.

    The name Chabad presents the Hebrew letters חבד. Each on its own stands for another principal which is a core value for this movement: חכמה=wisdom, בינה=insight and דעת=knowledge.

    By know it is clear that this movement is founded on value of reason and logic, although it is criticized for its spiritual inclination when in the late 1990s its followers had thrown their Rabbi (The head of a religious movement) as the Messiah and still believe he is, even a decade after his passing away.

    Still, the Chabad movement is one of the leading Hassidic sects in the Jewish world which contradicts any claim what so ever as to hatred Jews feel towards Messianic sects inside Judaism. Messianic sects which are not Jewish is a whole non-related story and I also think there is no hate towards them either.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, JEWS have the right to define Judaism !!

    IN SHORT... Many people, Christians and some Jews as well, erroneously believe that just as one can be Black and Christian, just as one can be Oriental and Christian, one can also be Jewish and Christian. It is not true. The Jews are not a race. There is no genetic code passed from either mother or father to the child that makes that child a Jew. Even if all, or some, of the genetic code in a child could be proved to be of Jewish Origin, that would not make the child a Jew. Jewish law determines who is a Jew, and Jewish law is quite clear. If a person's mother is a Jew, and that person has not converted to another faith, then that person will be considered fully Jewish, so long as that person wishes to identify solely as a Jew. Although one cannot convert to become a member of a race, for example one cannot convert to become an Oriental or an African-American, one who converts to Judaism does, indeed, become fully a Jew. Similarly, if one converts from Judaism to another faith, one is no longer a Jew.

    If the messianics claim to remain Jews, what do these messianics say about their supposedly "fellow" Jews? Messianic "Jews" will say that the real Jews are going to Hell because they don't accept Jesus. This means that the messianic "Jews" condemn to hell the very group of which they still claim to be a part. Does this make sense? That means that as soon as they become a Christian, as soon as they accept Jesus as their personal savior, son of god, and messiah, they then condemn what is supposedly their own group. But no one else who claims to be Jewish, no one else who does, indeed, remain a Jew, condemns his or her own Jews to Hell for their lack of belief in Jesus. Many churches do, indeed, condemn the Jews to Hell for not accepting Jesus. Talk about trying to have one's cake and eat it too!? To the Jewish community, it is ridiculous to claim one can be a Jew and a Christian at the same time, and knowledgeable Jews are not fooled.







  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All Jews are messianic. We all believe that a messiah will come or the messianic age will come (well most of us believe that). So the term "Messianic Jew" is kind of like "Messianic Christian." I'm just sayin'

    That said, the group that actually calls themselves "Messianic Jews" are committing identity theft and attempting to steal someone else's religion by redefining it. Not that this would ever happen, but it would be like if a group of Jews started calling themselves "Covenant Christians" (which would be accurate because we believe in the Covenant and we believe a Christ will come) -- it would be technically accurate if you think about it, but very very misleading and Christians would be up in arms about Jews calling themselves any kind of Christians.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Probably because messianic "jews" are not Jewish in the slightest and disrespect Judaism by claiming they are!

    Do Jews have the right to define Judaism? erm well yes, they obviously know a hell of a lot more about THEIR own religion and have a right to speak out against people redefining and trying to twist their religion.

    messianic "jews" are christians end of and not very good ones at that what with all their lieing and decieving!

    Source(s): atheist
  • Kevin7
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Messianic Jews are Christians,they are NOT JEWS

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Nobody has the right to define Judaism but Jews.

    We don't like Messianic calling themselves Jews because to believe in Jesus as the Messiah is totally against Judaism and is considered blasphemy.

    Messianics are not Jews even if they were born Jewish by their acceptance of Jesus they have cut themselves off from the Jewish religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why on earth should a group of evangelical *Christians* have the right to pose as 'messianic jews'?

    Is it OK when these same *Christians* pose as "messianic MUSLIMS"?

    It's wrong for NON JEWS to pose as 'jews'.

    There is NO 'messianic' sect IN JUDAISM. None.

    Evangelical Xians don't GET to REdefine Judaism.

    Jews define Judaism. End of.

  • 5 years ago

    Once, a Messianic told me, a Jew, and some of my Jewish friends, "God gave us his son... and we killed him." they are Supersessionist Evangelicals, who while may call themselves "Jews" despise us with a fiery hatred for not conforming to their values. In the end, they're all just narcissists.

  • If they kept it to themselves, it would be one thing. But the folks who call themselves 'Messianics' are associated with evangelical 'born again' Christian denominations. You know, the ones who see it as their divine mandate to convert everyone and sing it from the rafters.

    So the folks who call themselves 'Messianics' aren't at all the kind to sit in their pseudo-synagogues and keep their business amongst themselves.

    Which causes all sorts of problems when they go about preaching their born again evangelical Christ-centred message as if it were Judaism.

    And they very definitely don't have the right to redefine a continuous tradition going back a minimum of 3500 years. Jewish law defines Jewish identity. Outsiders preaching replacement theology don't.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "messianic Jews" are Christians, that is clear enough as far as Jews are concerned (they believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, worship him, believe he was the divine son of God, they hold the New Testament as sacred and holy, etc. etc. etc). It matters not to us that they have certain ideological differences from other Christians and that they refuse to call themselves Christians. It does matter to us that they decided to call themselves Jews. Calling themselves "Jews" is just plain fraudulent. They are guilty of religious identity theft. They commit blasphemy as far as Jews are concerned by inserting Jesus into Jewish rituals and holidays and calling the result Jewish when it is clearly not. They are an insult to Judaism and we take offense at people who insult us.

    Source(s): Reform Jew
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