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Lv 7
knh959 asked in SportsOlympics · 1 decade ago

Russian sour grapes at Vancouver 2010?

The childish behaviour of some Russian athletes (particularly their figure skaters) has now expanded not just into the Russian media but even to Russia's political leadership. Russia's president (don't know his name/don't care) has cancelled his trip to Vancouver for the closing ceremonies.

Pravda has published an article calling Canada "cowardly" because Plushenko came second men's figure skating and Oksana and Maxin came third in Ice Dance. They're crying about their hockey team getting whipped as well. They went so far as to describe Canadian troops in Afghanistan as being "abjectly cruel".

Any Russians reading this? How do you respond?

7 Answers

  • RO35
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Russia was pathetic in its insulting of Canada. They cut up the country and were desperate to make us look bad. Funny coming from a country that killed tens of million of its own people, pounded chechnya, has a mafia that dwarfs the italians and is a developing into a developing nation from its once mighty status. These olympics they sucked at is just another indication of a crumbling empire and they arent going down with any class either.

    Best they spend their timelooking for their missing nukes and making sure their scientists don't go working for north korea by paying them more than $100 a month.

  • 1 decade ago

    This seems a little over the top. I think Lysacek 100% deserved the gold medal. Plushenko can't be upset about getting a silver medal after making a come back after an I-don't-care-how-long period of time.

  • ginger
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    That can't be true. Every Canadian knows that the whole world loves them. That was a great piece in the Pravda..

    "Everybody who knows anything about Olympic skating, Winter Olympic sports and international politics will infer from the pitiful and dangerous conditions provided by the Canadian authorities, which already caused one death, that Vancouver is mutton dressed as lamb. Take off the outer veneer and the stench is horrific."

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    even however I trust you, i will't think of that different countries could choose our bitter grapes. regrettably, there are going to be some preferring eating their 'whine' made out of bitter grapes mutually as drafting their articles of impeachment for a president-choose who has no longer even been sworn in yet. in step with hazard in time, the two they and their wine will mature.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't care. The Canada/Russia rivalry goes way back. As far as them commenting on Canada's activity in Afghanistan, they obviously have a very short memory.

  • Anu R
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I wonder if that Russian remembers the invasion of Afghanistan.

    Russia used to be so good in the games, what happened???

  • scrgrl
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm not Russian but I find it amusing...

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