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  • NFL Overtime format.?

    I love watching games, but I don't like the overtime rules and have an idea to make OT more exciting.

    Team that wins the OT coin toss scrimmages at the oppositions 40 yard line. They get 4 downs to try and score a field goal or TD. (First downs allowed). They either score or they don't score.The other team then takes over and starts at the 40. They must equal or exceed the score of the first team. If after the 2nd team's scrimmages the score is still tied, the first team gets to try again. Continue this way until both teams have had three chances to beat the other guys. If it's still tied after each team has had it's three tries, the game ends in a tie.

    Example 1

    Team A scrimmages at the opposition 40 - scores a field goal.

    Team B scrimmages at the opposition 40 - scores a field goal.

    Team A scrimmages at the opposition 40 - scores a field goal.

    Team B scrimmages at the opposition 40 - scores a TD. Team B wins.

    EG 2

    Team A scores a TD on their first try.

    Team B is intercepted on their first try. Team A wins


    Team A scores a TD on their first try

    Team B scores a TD on their first try.

    (continue two more times to see if somebody can win it)


    8 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • this is a complicated relationship question?

    ok, here's the scenario. My wife (age 58) recently took part in a 240 km bicycle ride (along with 10,000 others) to raise funds for cancer research. She did fund raising for nearly a year (with my help) in order to get the necessary money. She left our home on Friday morning with a friend who was also riding, traveled to the start point, spent the night in a hotel and was off on the two day ride starting Saturday morning. The ride finished up just outside of Seattle and the riders were all transported back to the start point in Canada via bus. She got back to Canada around 5 pm on Sunday. (I didn't know this until later). I was expecting her to call me when she got back to Canada to let me know that all had gone well and that she was safely back in the country with some estimate of when she might be home. As I said, she was back in Canada at 5 pm on Sunday. She never called me. (we have free cell to cell long distance anywhere in Canada), instead asked her friend who called her husband to let him know all was well to call me. He didn't call me until 9 pm so I spent the evening worrying about her, not knowing whether she had safely returned to Canada and with no idea of whether she'd be home that night. The friend, as I understand it called her husband three times over the evening. Finally, after 9 o'clock (10 minutes after the other husband had called me), she finally called to say she'd be home around 11:30. I was upset with her and angry that she didn't think enough of me to call me to let me know that she was safe. (There had been a fatal accident where one of the riders was struck by a car and killed. I knew about the accident and that it wasn't her, but still, it was still very upseting). Before anyone says I should have called her, I need to explain that whenever I call her when she's away, I'm accused of checking up on her or of trying to be controlling or of treating her like a child. (None of which is true).

    So, basically my question here is this - am I wrong to be upset with her or should I just turn the other cheek. She hasn't even seen fit to apologize nor acknowledge that she should have called me.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • What do you think of this as a playoff format every 2nd year?

    Every year the same teams play the same teams in the prelims, 2nd and 3rd rounds of the playoffs. I'd like to see the NHL do something a little different every 2nd year like this:

    Preliminary round:

    1st in east plays 8th in west

    2nd in east plays 7th in west

    3rd in east plays 6th in west

    etc etc.

    2nd round

    highest remaining seed in east plays lowest remaining seed in west

    2nd highest east plays 2nd lowest west

    etc etc

    3rd round

    highest east plays lowest west

    lowest east plays highest west

    SCF - last two remaining teams. They could both be from the east, both from the west or one from each. You could have a Toronto/Montreal final or a Boston/New York final or an LA/Vancouver; Detroit/Chicago (I know Detroit's moving to the east next year but you get my point.)

    The only downside that I can think of is what do you do with the Conference trophies if all the east or all the west teams get knocked out early? That plus the eastern teams would be whining about all the extra travel. Otherwise, I think that doing this every 2nd year would be great for the game and would renew interest in the playoffs.

    What do you think?

    6 AnswersHockey8 years ago
  • What's up with all these Catholics Come Home TV ads?

    Is the catholic church running out of money or something?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Washington State and Colorado voted to legalize marijuana in last week's election?

    My question is, do States' rights in this supersede any federal drug laws. I read USC Code Section 841 which deals with controlled substances and all I could find was reference to detectable amounts of marijuana in mixtures weighing 1000 or more kilograms or 1000 or more marijuana plants.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • What is your family's military history?

    Remembrance Day approaches. At this time of year I tend to be reflective on the sacrifices that members of my family have made throughout the years to ensure our freedom. I'm going to list my family's military lineage and would very much like to read the lineage of others.

    Maternal grandfather - British Army Boar War. Canadian Army World War 1. Rejoined Canadian Army in 1940 at age 57 - died of pneumonia in an unheated barracks in 1941. Paternal Grand-father Canadian Army World War 1. Wounded at the battle of Passchendaele.

    Father - Canadian Army World War 2. Veteran of D-Day Juno Beach. Wounded in Action the Netherlands, 1944. Served in Korea, 1951. Went on to serve for 25 years.

    Uncle (father's brother) Canadian Army World War 2. Killed in Action, Ortona, 1943.

    Uncle Canadian Army (father's brother) World War 2 - Wounded in Action Sicily 1943.

    Uncle (father's brother) Royal Canadian Air Force World War 2. Radioman/gunner on a Halifax Bomber - Shot down over Germany 1944 - spent remainder of war as a POW.

    Uncle - (mother's brother) Royal Canadian Air Force - bomb aimer - shot down and killed over Stuttgart Germany July 1944.

    Me. - 26 years Canadian Navy - never heard a shot fired in anger.

    Youngest son - 11 years Canadian Navy (and counting) Has completed one deployment to Persian Gulf another to the coast of Lybia and is preparing for second deployment to the Gulf after the new year.

    5 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • is anyone familiar with Breteniere, a small village just south of Dijon?

    I have an uncle who was buried there after being shot down in 1944. One of my 'bucket list' items is to visit his gravesite. I believe that this village is very close to the Dijon airport. Can anyone tell me how to get around in this area? Rental cars? Public transportation etc etc. Thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - France9 years ago
  • Is Romney planning on annexing Canada?

    Romney has once again stated that he wants a "North American" energy policy that will make "North America" energy self sufficient. He doesn't mention that 85% of North American oil reserves are within Canada's borders. Is he planning on annexing Canada in order to make "North American" energy self sufficient?

    2 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Getting around O'Hare Int'l Airport?

    Hi. I'll be flying into O'Hare in a couple of weeks. I've never been through that airport before. I'm arriving on a United Airlines flight (booked as Continental but the plane is actually United) I leave O'Hare with Continental. Does anybody know whether I'll have to change terminals? If so, what's the inter-terminal system consist of? Shuttle bus? Train? etc. I have two hours so I'm sure that I'll have lots of time but would just like to know what's involved.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerAir Travel9 years ago
  • Denver International Airport?

    Can anybody tell me whether 55 minutes is sufficent for a connection through Denver? We fly in with Continental and leave with United. Are they in the same terminal? Would we need to travel between terminals and if so is there a train system? Thanks.

    1 AnswerDenver9 years ago
  • What is your family's military history?

    Remembrance Day approaches. At this time of year I tend to be reflective on the sacrifices that members of my family have made throughout the years to ensure our freedom. I'm going to list my family's military lineage and would very much like to read the lineage of others.

    Maternal grandfather - British Army Boar War. Canadian Army World War 1. Rejoined Canadian Army in 1940 at age 57 - died of pneumonia in an unheated barracks in 1941. Paternal Grand-father Canadian Army World War 1. Wounded at the battle of Passchendaele.

    Father - Canadian Army World War 2. Veteran of D-Day Juno Beach. Wounded in Action the Netherlands, 1944. Went on to serve for 25 years.

    Uncle (father's brother) Canadian Army World War 2. Killed in Action, Ortona, 1943. Uncle Canadian Army (father's brother) World War 2 - Wounded in Action Sicily 1943. Uncle (father's brother) Royal Canadian Air Force World War 2. Radioman/gunner on a Halifax Bomber - Shot down over Germany 1944 - spent remainder of war as a POW. Uncle - (mother's brother) Royal Canadian Air Force - bomb aimer - shot down and killed over Stuttgart Germany July 1944.

    Me. - 26 years Canadian Navy - never heard a shot fired in anger.

    Youngest son - 9 years Canadian Navy (and counting) Has completed one deployment to Persian Gulf and is preparing for second deployment after the new year.

    8 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Putting the "Royal" back in the Canadian Navy and "Air Force?

    According to today's news the Government of Canada has directed that Canada's Navy and Air Force will officially revert to "Royal Canadian Navy" and "Royal Canadian Air Force". Good idea? Bad idea?

    2 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • My mother's family ring?

    My mother died about 16 years ago. At the time of her death I gave her family ring to an aunt. That aunt recently passed away. I think her daughter (my cousin) now has the ring but I'm not sure that she knows where it came from. Would it be appropriate for me to ask my cousin if she has the ring and whether I could have it back?

    3 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • My wife is 56 years old, fit and active. A year ago she wouldn't even take a pill for a headache.?

    A year ago she began seeing a naturopath and began taking a large amount of medications to "enhance" her athletic performance. In spite of being concerned about the volume of medications she was taking I said nothing. Now she's decided that she needs to inject herself with non-steroidal drugs that she believes will further enhance her athletic performance. (This without consultation with a medical doctor). After a huge fight I presented her with an ultimatum - either stay married to and living with me OR commence sticking needles in her body. We have now separated. I have told her that she is not welcome to return home until she decides that our marriage is more important than needlessly sticking needles into herself. I believe that she is obsessive compulsive and has taken the first step towards steroid abuse. Am I wrong or should I just shut up and let her do as she pleases? We have been married for 35+ years and have never separated before.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Are citizens of Northern Ireland considered to be British?

    and is Northern Ireland considered to be part of the United Kingdom? Does Northern Ireland have an independent Parliament and if so how much autonomy does it have?

    8 AnswersOther - United Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Who is your favourite TV Hockey Announcer?

    Mine is either Bob Cole (CBC Montreal) or Jim Hugheson. (CBC Toronto)

    Worst - **** Cuthbert TSN (screeches like a girl)

    19 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • New Quebec Law enacted?

    The Government of Quebec has enacted a bill requiring all those who wish to deal with the government "uncover" their faces. This primarily effects Muslim women, requiring that their faces be visible for such things as identification cards and drivers licenses.

    Do you think this is a good law?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Russian sour grapes at Vancouver 2010?

    The childish behaviour of some Russian athletes (particularly their figure skaters) has now expanded not just into the Russian media but even to Russia's political leadership. Russia's president (don't know his name/don't care) has cancelled his trip to Vancouver for the closing ceremonies.

    Pravda has published an article calling Canada "cowardly" because Plushenko came second men's figure skating and Oksana and Maxin came third in Ice Dance. They're crying about their hockey team getting whipped as well. They went so far as to describe Canadian troops in Afghanistan as being "abjectly cruel".

    Any Russians reading this? How do you respond?

    7 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • Busch Gardens, Tampa Fl?

    Hi. My wife and I will be travelling to Florida on vacation next month. We're flying to Ft. Lauderdale and will spend most of our time in that area. We're looking at side trips and are thinking about going to Busch Gardens for a couple of days. My questions are: 1. How many days would we need to see all of Busch Gardens? 2. Is it worth the drive from Ft. Lauderdale.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • What would you do if you were me?

    Hey! To begin with I scored my first ever ace today!! 158 yard par 3. Hit a 22 degree hybrid, hit the green bounced once right into the hole!! 57 years old, have golfed for 40 years and this was my first ace. After the round I bought lunch for my playing partners. One of them said I should buy a round for the clubhouse. I looked around and there were only two people in there that I knew. I bought each of them a beer and felt that I had done enough.

    Agree or disagree.

    12 AnswersGolf1 decade ago