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if jewish people don't believe Jesus came, than why don't the till sacrafice animal for their sins?

how are they going to prove his blood line

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well now


    Back then when Jesus did die a lot of them did see what had happen and didn't want ta take any chance in making God un happy


    So just encase and to be safe they kind of said lets put this animal thing on the back shelf for a while


    And it kind of started to become the fad of the Jewish day of atonement


    Deal with what ya do wrong


    And don't do it again


    Man now if that don't make it easy to understand I don't know what will


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Judaism makes no comment on whether Jesus came or not. Judaism doesn't really care. The subject of Jesus doesn't really come up.

    The sacrifice of animals was not in order to remove sins or appease an angry God. It was a way of showing gratitiude and giving thanks to a benevolent God. We no longer sacrifice animals because the Temple was destroyed suspending that and many other mitzvot Also we have grown and matured as a people so when the Temple is rebuilt it is unlikely that we will resume that practice.

    edit to Kaitlin. There are zero Jews that believe Jesus was the Messiah. Those that do are called "Christian Christians". We could care less what they call themselves.

    And Judaism does not regard Jesus as any type of teacher, great or otherwise. He is completely irelevant to Judaism as Siddartha is to Christianity.

  • 1 decade ago

    The idea of blood sacrifice being needed for sins is a Christian one. It was never true in Judaism. Bottom Barrel gave an excellent answer.

    For more details see: (answers to very common misconceptions) (all about the role sacrifices really played.)


    A Jew who converts to believing in Jesus is now following a version of Christianity. For more on that:


    I'm Jewish, so is Bottom Barrel, so do be careful what sources you use, as someone else pointed out.

  • Ami
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The Temple doesn't exist, so the mitzvah of animal sacrifice has been postponed until the Temple's reconstruction.

    And I don't know what "blood line [sic]" you're talking about.

    EDIT: Jesus is NOT a "great teacher" in Judaism. Some Jews won't even say his name because that would constitute saying the name of a false idol.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Prove his blood line? There's no need to *prove* his blood line. When we have universal peace on earth, we will know the messiah has arrived and who he is. Strange that Jesus couldn't *prove* it to everyone since not only was he the messiah, he was also a god.


  • robb
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Once the Temple was built the sacrifices had to take place there. (Deut 12:5-11) Once the Temple is rebuilt the sacrifices will resume. (Ezekiel 43:26-27)

    This question seems to be asked about once a day lately.


  • Ishtar
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They don't do the sacrifice because there isn't a temple any more. That was the only place they were allowed to do the sacrifices.

    Given the way heredity works, by this time almost every Jew in the world is of David's bloodline.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They believe Jesus came, they just don't think that Jesus is the Messiah. Most of them just look at him as a wise teacher. Some Jewish people do believe that Jesus is the Messiah. Those are called Christian Jews. As long as they follow specific rules given to them by God, than they will be okay. I suggest you ask somebody who knows more about this so you don't get fooled by persuasive internet people who just want to trick you or make you look stupid. People can give you any answer on the internet and they'll almost never get caught. Be careful who you believe and and who you don't.

    The temple hasn't been rebuilt yet, so they can't.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't understand this question. Rephrase it or word it a bit differently.

  • 1 decade ago

    They believe he came, they just don't believe he was the messiah

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