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livin life asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Why do so many folks think that if they keep the dog/pup in a crate it wil automatically be potty trained?

People say they arent home with the dog for 8+ hours and why does it pee in the crate...It amazes me that people think of a crate as a miricle tool to automatically stop the dog from peeing, pooping and chewing. They dont think about doing the training themselves.

How many people feel this way?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Crate training really requires a lot of patience, time and hard work. Create a solid program and make sure that you stick with it.

    In here are some pointers on crate training,

  • T J
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    quote: "8+ hours without a break.. puppies cannot hold it that long"

    That's BS, they manage to do it at night when you are sleeping , don't they?

    You should crate the puppy when it is inside and you can't supervise it. You should be training the dog when you can supervise it.

    If a puppy makes a mess while it is in it's crate, that does not set your training back. If the puppy makes a mess while it is allowed loose in the house, that DOES set your training back.

    Ultimately there is only one way to potty train a dog, and that is to take it outside WHEN it needs to go. That is only possible when you can supervise it.

    Just because it craps while out on a walk, that is NOT potty training it.

    I am a ferm believer in crate training, but not so much for the potty training issue. But because I'm a ferm believer in NOT having a dog run around loose in a car, and you either crate train or you don't.

  • 1 decade ago

    if you have a young puppy it shouldnt be crated for 8+ hours without a break.. puppies cannot hold it that long. You need to make arrangements for someone to potty the puppy.

    Gating the dog in the kitchen wont housebreak a dog either.. the dog will just learn to pee in the kitchen, then the owner will be back complaining 6 months later that the dog is mostly housebroken, except they always come home to find pee by the fridge.

    Dogs/puppies need to be taken out frequently to housebreak them.. thats all there is to it. The crate is merely a tool to assist with the housebreaking.


    TJ, I have NEVER had a young puppy hold its bladder ALL NITE! I had to get up several times during the nite to take the puppy out to pee.

  • 1 decade ago

    The sad thing is you don't need to take a test to own a dog and you don't need to know anything about them before a breeder or pound will give you one.

    It's called ignorance my friend and YA is full of them. When I got a puppy (first one) I'd been caring for dogs my entire life, I'd read books, and when I didn't know anything I looked it up online, it's amazing what you can find if you simply google it. I did the research I never asked for other people to tell me how to do anything.

    Too many dogs are "impulse" buys so no research goes into deciding on a dog.

    It's frustrating to say the least, I have to walk away before I yell at people for being stupid, like the kid who was adding water to his dogs milk, and when everyone including me told him milk gives dogs diarrhea he responded with, You're wrong milk is good for humans it's good for dogs too, so ignorance runs rampant in this section I'm afraid.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They just aren't that smart, I will not get a puppy for that reason and that reason alone. I know that I have to be at work for a certain amount of time that would not be suitable for training a puppy. I know it would cause problems with training and it would take a lot longer. So I usually go for a 1 to 2 year old dog at a shelter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They don't Research expect miracles then when they start weeing and pooing in there cage they wonder why they obviously don't realise that they have to train the dog cant understand why they think they don't need to train the dog in the first place but there are all sorts of stupid people put there

  • 1 decade ago

    I have always been against crate training. To me it only serves as a way & excuse for not training a pup. It teaches them that it is ok to piss & poop & live in it. Nasty & disgusting & no way to treat a puppy. If you are not there to train him he does not get trained, period. I have always put pup in a room with no carpet so that they can get out of their piss & poop. They still don't get trained but to me it is far more humane.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because they didn't bother to actually study up on what ACTUAL crate training is. Hell i know people who think crate training is training the pup to go IN the crate.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can actually potty train a puppy. i bought a puppy a few years back, initially i faced a problem of the puppy shitting everywhr, so i came up with an idea. Whenevr my puppy started his shitting process, i used to pick him up and take him to the toilets. Initially i had to clean a lot of crap but in a few days he was trained to potty in a toilet

    Source(s): Personal referance
  • 1 decade ago

    I come home everyday on my lunch break and feed and walk my puppy ......I guess its too much for some people.

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