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Worst Classical Music puns ever?

What are the worst classical music puns you have ever heard. And by worst I mean best since we're talking about puns.

We were about to go through a Handel piece in orchestra. Our conductor says, "Can you Handel it?"

Of course there are the classics,

What's Mozart doing right now? Decomposing

Why couldn't Beethoven find his teacher? He was Haydn

And one that a friend made up

How rich was Bach? He was B'roque

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many of the puns already mentioned I've heard before. So I'll offer just one that hasn't been mentioned. I saw this on a bumper sticker years ago and it's still, to me, one of the funniest classical puns I've heard:

    "What's Wrong With A Little Sax And Violins Now And Then?"

  • 5 years ago

    Music Puns

  • 6 years ago

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    Worst Classical Music puns ever?

    What are the worst classical music puns you have ever heard. And by worst I mean best since we're talking about puns.

    We were about to go through a Handel piece in orchestra. Our conductor says, "Can you Handel it?"

    Of course there are the classics,

    What's Mozart doing right...

    Source(s): worst classical music puns ever:
  • Mary
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Different people have different tastes. What some people think of as genius, other people think of as awful. Most people don't actually study music, they just listen to what they enjoy so they won't necessarily know about the structure of the music. They could be just as enraged about rap, for example, as you are about their preferences. Just because they don't read music, doesn't mean that they're not entitled to their own opinions and preferences. Personally I can't stand a lot of "popular" modern music and it annoys me greatly that so many "singers" who can barely even hold a basic melody get recording contracts so easily because they "have the right look" or whatever. But that doesn't mean that I (as a musician) am going to interrogate everybody who does like them. There will, also unfortunately, always be those who simply follow the crowd. I have come across countless people who claim to be fans of certain kinds of "music" just because that's what happens to be in fashion at the time.

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  • 1 decade ago

    This isn't really a pun, but it happened in a band rehearsal one night:

    Conductor: *cuts band off* Did you see that Rit. there?

    Band: Yeeeesss.....

    Conductor: So why aren't you Ritting??!!

    Member of the band, without missing a beat: Because we're Rittards!

  • 1 decade ago

    The British conductors Sir Thomas Beecham and Sir Malcolm Sargent were great rivals. Sir Malcolm was known for his immaculate and fashionable dress, and Sir Thomas always called him Flash Harry. One day, on reading that Sir Malcolm had had an amazingly successful concert in Tokyo, Sir Thomas looked up from his paper and muttered "Flash in Japan, I suppose . "

    Source(s): a biograhy of Beecham I once read.
  • 1 decade ago

    Not actually a pun, but a wrong note played timidly is a wrong note; a wrong note played with authority is an interpretation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, gone chopin; don't worry though, I have the liszt and I'll be bach in a minuet or so!

    My Piano teacher sticks this on her door *sigh*, it's quite bad but that makes it funny hehe :P

  • 7 years ago

    If you can't Handel Baroque, you better be Haydn

  • 1 decade ago

    When I was a student at Interlochen, a composition student wrote a piece entitled "Snap, Crackle, and Pop!"

    After the performance, someone asked him why he entitled it such.

    He said, "Because it's in the [serial] [cereal] technique."

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