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how to send a youtube video from my laptop to my phone?

i have the env touch from verizon.

and i have a dell laptop and i wanted to send this video to my phone:

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Yeah for sure it did no longer bypass that video u downloaded style youtube, you % first to remodel youtube flash to 3 distinctive format to make it good matched with the LG. i earnings from Tunebite Youtube Downloader for this sorta jobs u must additionally try it. purely use Tunebite to get carry of youtube and convert youtube flv to mp4 or 3gp, whichever of those 2 paintings extra beneficial useful on that lg telephone of yours. undertaking solved truthfully.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    first you need to download it so go to and paste the url and download. then you can either bluetooth it, or use you phone cable to connect it to the computer, or if you have a micro sd card you can get the adapter for it and put it in your laptop and do it that way.

    i hope it helps XP

    Source(s): and Meee
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this can help you... use ' zillatube ' - it gives you good quality video/audio and more for your phone

    It is the easiest way (and also the fastest).

    It will help download youtube videos and convert them to good quality 3gp/mp4/etc mobile video format... then just transfer it to your mobile device. - this way you watch your favorite videos smoothly, and also save battery life as you do not need wifi.

    It works very well -

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