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Josh S
Lv 4
Josh S asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

What would happen if there was a exact permanent clone of you?

What if someone had a working cloning machine and accidentally created a perfect clone including age, memory and likeness. What would you do with this copy of yourself?


Sorry that I left out enough detail. Yes, the clone looks exactly like you and has the same thinking like you. So what would you do?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's weird to think about.. if it would be an exact copy, which body would "you" be in? i guess it wouldn't be you, as the moment the copy was brought into existence, the experience between the two would change, creating separate paths; individual identities..

  • 1 decade ago

    Shouldn't the question be: "What would the clone do with you?"

    You assume that one person is somehow less autonomous because he's a clone, but couldn't we say the same about identical twins? I think they both have equal rights.

    If I had a clone of myself, I would make sure all the legal problems would be solved first, such as personal documents and job. When it comes to the family and friends, it would be tricky, but I think it would be possible to share them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well that's difficult to say. I'd need more context.

    I will say this however: I've always posed the question of what people value regarding consciousness. People tend to value themselves more than others simply because you are you--you're conscious as you. There are evolutionary reasons why we are selfish, of course, but ignoring those, if you could think clearly and avoid any instinctual tendencies that might cause you to make a decision against your philosophical principles, answer this question:

    Hypothetically, consider this: There is exact clone of you, including age, memory, likeness, etc, so you were both exactly the same and indistinguishable except for the fact that you are conscious as you and your clone is another person. Now, if a bullet was flying through the air and you had to choose who it would kill (either you or your exact clone), who would you have die and why?

    This question is meant to see how much you value the fact that you are conscious as you. To the rest of the world they wouldn't care which one of you gets killed (you or the clone you), because no matter what there would be the same you who survives. But, when it is you who is the one deciding whether you are giving your own life or killing the exact copy of you, does the situation change?

    Are you apathetic? Does it matter to you whether you live or die? If the bullet said to you, "Who do I hit? You or the clone you?" what would you say?

    -"It doesn't matter, you (bullet) can choose randomly for me."

    -"You can kill the clone me. I would like to keep my consciousness."


    I personally would choose for myself to die to demonstrate that what I value most is what happens to the universe as a whole, not what I myself as and individual experiences during my lifetime. So in principle, I do not believe that I value myself anymore than the clone me. We would both be perfectly equal in value if we were both perfectly identical. The fact that I am conscious as me wouldn't make me choose to have me life instead, at least in principle. While this situation isn't a very practical one at all, if it was, I'm not entirely sure that I would be able to overcome my instincts and choose to allow myself to die. I bet I would be able to, but I won't claim certainty. In principle, however, I would kill me and let my clone live to demonstrate that contrary to the selfish actions of most people in general, I do not value myself because I'm me at all, but rather I value what happens in the entire world as a whole. I would value my clone and I equally, but kill myself to demonstrate that principle of mine. How do you value your consciousness?

  • 1 decade ago

    Or an even better question, if they had your memories and thought that they were the real you. How would you know if you were the clone or the original?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Point and make fun of the gay clones,

  • 1 decade ago

    I would make a hundred more clones and conquer the World.


  • 1 decade ago

    I would realize that I had an identical twin with identical memories, etc.

    So what is the big deal?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Start a two person folk band with myself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Then the world would be twice as nice.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i would kill him

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