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? asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

ok this is a very embarrasing and difficult question to ask?

As I said this is very difficult for me to post , but I really could use some input. I had a very radical back surgery in October of 2009. Sexually everything was just fine.I have been having some complications so the Doctor has given me 2 epidural steroid injections, Each was in six spots. After the first injection I was unable to have an orgasm. It has been about 8weeks and I still can't. All system are working fine, but in the end .....nothing. Has anyone ever experience this or has been unable to have an orgasm for a long period of time. I am getting very worried that this is permanent. I did speak to my doctor nd was told it is not from the injection, but all was fine until then. He also told me to look it up. Please, this was very difficult for me to post, so please no sarcasm or meanness ok? I thank anyone who answers in advance.


Just to add more info. The fusion was from L-3 through S1. The injections were from L4 through l5. Perhaps even began at the level of L3. I fought for years to avoid surgery, but it was an emergency surgery. My legs stopped working.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Friend stop worrying and try to analyze your problem with cool mind.the problem you are facing may be due to minute damage to nerve centers in lower lumbar can be rectified with physiotherapy and spinal flow of blood should be restored to those area.there may be some emotional and psychological factors behind your problem.orgasm is a complex reaction to extreme sensual pleasure.the process begins in brain and ends in try these things change your bed room,go to a new place far away from cities near to nature and stay there for a week.the new atmosphere brings in new enthusiasm in you and your partner.if it is helpful your problem is not due to surgery or steroids.Wishing you speedy recovery and Content sexual life.Mano

  • 1 decade ago

    I've had two spinal surgeries (at L5-S1), and three steroid injections since 2008. After my 2nd surgery I did notice a problem (though my surgeries were only 1 month apart so there had been no opportunity to test out the first surgery so to speak). I mentioned it to my doctor and he told me that because of the scar tissue and all the nerves involved that there could be lasting damage because of the scar tissue and inflammation from 2 surgeries so close together, but the only thing I could do was wait it out. Things improved, I had a tubal ligation as I was warned to never get pregnant again, my back is just not stable enough. Last summer I was experiencing pain and had the 3 epidural steroid injections, and did experience problems again, but after about 3 months things got way better. I was told that with inflammation etc, it can take up to 6 months for the steroid injections to fully take hold and settle into your system. Honestly, with my back feeling great, and all systems go again, hubby and I are having the best sex we've ever had. Hang in there, but don't give up. Consult your ob/gyn, a chiropractor, accupuncturist, physiotherapist if you don't see improvement within a couple of months. Is it a fear thing, I know I was afraid of reinjury for a long time, it's hard to let go. Can you achieve orgasm while masturbating, that might be the first place to start. This is not something you want to just give up on. Be vocal, it's important.

  • 1 decade ago

    Please understand that ALL drugs damage the body. Most back surgeries fail at some point. It is crude technology and a solution used by the medical people as a desperate act of not understanding how the body works.

    When you got the epidural and the problem happened, that should have been the first clue it was doing something to you. Most likely, your liver has been compromised trying to detox the poisons from the injections. Your liver makes cholesterol and ALL your steroid hormones are made from cholesterol; ALL OF THEM! Those include, testosterone, ESTROGEN, cortisol, aldesterone, progesterone, pregnenalone. As you can see, many are SEX HORMONES. Bile is what takes the toxins away from the liver. Doctors will tell you incorrectly, that you need to keep your cholesterol below 200 and preferably lower. For longevity, women need their total cholesterol above 240 to 300 range. That is according to the real experts on fats and oils, not some drug company trying to increase profits and indoctrinating doctors with bad science.

    Each area of your spine has nerves that go to each of your organs. If you inject poison into that area, don't you think it will affect those nerves in some way? Obviously it blocks the way the nerves transmit their signals. Anytime you bypass the normal way toxins enter the body, such as injections into the blood stream, your body cannot metabolize the toxins and they stay with you and reside in the connective tissues.

    Many chiropractors I know tell me constantly of all the patients that have had back surgery come to them for help. The help is to repair the damage done by the surgeons to allow the spinal cord to function like normal. It's much more difficult to repair damage than to address the original problem. Yes, sometimes, chiropractic will not work, but in most cases it's far better than surgery, especially knowing that only 18% of all surgeries result in some success for some period of time.

    I believe to truly help you, you are going to need to see a very good chiropractor and get some good nutritional advice and then detox that liver. The surgery has also caused what is called an interference field. This is an energy blockage that needs to be remediated to reduce the chronic illnesses that will result from the operation.

    good luck to you

    Source(s): CNT, B.A. biology & chemistry advanced nutritional research
  • 1 decade ago

    Actually I have heard of this. You aren't alone. My friend had the lumbar steroid injections and said she felt all the same old feelings but just could not get over the top for orgasm for close to 6 months. She had given up hoping when Viola! all systems came back online. Good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Very common side effect of the anti depression medications in the class of SSRI.

    Ask me how I know.

    Pharmacist who's life was almost ruined by Lipitor

  • 1 decade ago

    Which discs were involved? I know that sexual stimulation nerves are around L4-L5

  • 1 decade ago

    my mum was unable to have an orgasm when she was on antidepressantsi think it was the menafik ones, not sure how to spell it...strange but i thought it may help

    Source(s): :p
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it is not permanent,can be handled

  • 1 decade ago




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