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Just a person with alot of experience medical and otherwise and a mom of four,

  • To all mothers out there! How would you feel?

    If you never heard from your 23 yrs old son unless you call him. No Mother's day card or wishes. Then my 20 yr old daughter who lives 20 minutes from me couldn't even be bothered to come and say Happy Mother's day, bring a card. They did however manage to go to her fiance's mother's house, bring her a nice gift and spent the day there. My son did the same thing with his girlfriends mother! This is just unacceptable to me. I have always been there for them. When they are in trouble, I am the first one that they turn too. This hurt a lot yesterday. How would any other mothers out there feel? Am I overreacting?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Is it legal, ethical or moral?

    For a Surgeon who performed a five level Spinal Fusion surgery 6 months ago to drop a patient like a hot potato? I have been having some major complications post surgically. I have been going for Epidural Steroid injections, Physical Therapy etc... He has been treating my pain with Lyrica as well as a low dose narcotic pain medication. Every 10 days I have to call for a refill on my meds due to the fact that I was well monitored. Office policy, which I thought was a good thing. I was seen on Monday to be fitted for a Bone Stimulator and was told to return for new x-rays in 2 months. Wednesday, I call for a refill on my meds and was told the PA said this was my last refill and I had to find Pain Management Doctor. Now during this six month period, there were never any problems, I was compliant and the Doctor himself said he was not giving up yet and that he had a few tricks left up his sleeves. Now I have a week and a half to find a Pain Management Doctor, actually be seen, all before running out of my medications. I have no problem with not taking medication anymore, but I need to be weened off of these meds or I am going to suffer from some major withdrawal unnecessarily. Am I wrong to think that it is the responsibility of my doctor who has been prescribing these medications to ween me off? I had absolutely no warning of any kind. Everything was fine until Wednesday. I am curious to hear opinions as I believe this is actually malpractice. Thank you in advance for your time.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Scary You-Tube Pop ups?

    Hello all! This question is for my 10yrs old son. He would like to know if there is a way to tell if the videos played on you Tube contain Pop Ups that are scary. Thank you everyone in advance. He won't listen to my response to him lol ;)

    7 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • ok this is a very embarrasing and difficult question to ask?

    As I said this is very difficult for me to post , but I really could use some input. I had a very radical back surgery in October of 2009. Sexually everything was just fine.I have been having some complications so the Doctor has given me 2 epidural steroid injections, Each was in six spots. After the first injection I was unable to have an orgasm. It has been about 8weeks and I still can't. All system are working fine, but in the end .....nothing. Has anyone ever experience this or has been unable to have an orgasm for a long period of time. I am getting very worried that this is permanent. I did speak to my doctor nd was told it is not from the injection, but all was fine until then. He also told me to look it up. Please, this was very difficult for me to post, so please no sarcasm or meanness ok? I thank anyone who answers in advance.

    9 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Just wondering .......How does one?

    How does one become a top contributor and also how does one receive stars? I'm a dope when it comes to computers and sites. I have been trying to do research and find out on my own, however there is no information regarding my questions.

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What is with all of these advertisements for....?

    The advertisements for Nike and Acai berry. Does anyone else find this to be annoying and a waste of the asker's time and a waste of space? Just wondering what everyone else thinks.It drives me nuts to see almost an entire page dedicated to this......BTW..I couldn't find a better catagory to post this in.

    4 AnswersSearch Engine Optimization1 decade ago
  • Child support taken to offset account?

    Hello. long story short, my husbands checking account was in the red due to identity theft. We went through all we had to with the fraud dept at our bank. They went and took my child support that is electronically deposited into my account weekly. Does anyone know if it illegal to offset with child support. I was under the impression that it was illegal to touch child support to satisfy any arrears. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated as I am fighting a losing battle with the bank. Thanks

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • in the state the florida do you have to?

    my daughter recently broke up with her boyfriend and they were living together and he has asked her to turn over the car or secure a 1500 dollar loan in 3 days. she has been making the payments up till the 14 of august. is what he wants her to do legal? we live in florida.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Anyone who has had back surgery or a Doctor please help. Very difficult decision to make.?

    I have a grade 2-3 spodylothesis at the level of L5 S1. There is also severe spinal stenosis at that level. (For lay people,my 5th lumbar vertebrae has been displaced approx 35-40% forward and the space for my spinal cord has been narrowed). Needless to say, this causes me great discomfort and pain with pain and numbness in my legs. I do not even feel if I hurt my feet or legs most of the time. I have been treated for the past 3 yrs with epidural injections of anesthetic and steroid. Obviously there needs to be surgical intervention to stabilize the area. Now it is getting to the time when I believe that a decision needs to be made soon, as the treatments are no longer helping. I am just shy of 5 ft and 100lbs. Due to my size and the amount of displacement they need to go in through my abdomen to stabilize 4 vertebrae with hardware and do a bone graft using a piece of my hip. I am so very scared. What I need to know is what the general consensus is for the surgery actually helping, the healing time and any complications past the re-cooperation time. Also, how seriously are the adjacent vertebrae affected after the fusion has taken place. Thanks for taking the time for my rambling, my doctor has answered some of my questions, but is not very forthcoming with actual statistics from his experience . Thank you so much in advance for your help.

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • What would you advise?

    I found out yesterday that a very dear friend has been going through some very hard times. Her son is deployed for the second time, her daughter has RSD which is an extreamly painful condition. She is 13 and in 3 weeks went from being normal and healthy to a wheelchair. Well, She went to a doctor for anxiety and depression and he put her on some mild antidepressant and something to help with the anxiety. The kicker is, her husband flipped out. He does not want her to take this medication. So now she is reduced to hiding the fact that she is and lies to him and says she is not. I'm kind of at a loss. I just don't know what to tell her to do. The lying is really adding more fuel to the fire. Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Would anyone know of an organic fertilizer for Hibiscus also Crepe Myrtle?

    They need fertilizer and well, money is short these days. So i'm looking for a household item.items such as coffee grinds, tea grinds ETC. To make matters worse, we live in Florida where ant just love to take over. It's a never ending problem. Thank you in advance.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have ANY ideas about how to control ants? I live in central Florida and it seems no matter what do?

    my yard is infested. They laugh at the traditional pesticides (which I hate). My Dogs are getting bitten, and they are ruining my gardens. HELP!!!

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago