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Lv 5

What would you advise?

I found out yesterday that a very dear friend has been going through some very hard times. Her son is deployed for the second time, her daughter has RSD which is an extreamly painful condition. She is 13 and in 3 weeks went from being normal and healthy to a wheelchair. Well, She went to a doctor for anxiety and depression and he put her on some mild antidepressant and something to help with the anxiety. The kicker is, her husband flipped out. He does not want her to take this medication. So now she is reduced to hiding the fact that she is and lies to him and says she is not. I'm kind of at a loss. I just don't know what to tell her to do. The lying is really adding more fuel to the fire. Thanks in advance.


Mr Warrior, you sound like you have a problem you are not dealing with yourself. Anger. You are a very shallow person.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds to me like her husband is one of those men who doesn't believe in (mental Illness) or conditions such as anxiety. He probably has his own whole mess of personal problems that date back to his childhood. I know because i have parents like this, i recently got into counseling for an eating disorder ive had all my life and was put on zoloft as well and my parents were so embarrassed when i told them and kept saying i didn't need that crap and i just needed to toughen up and i'd be fine. Well i ignored their stupidity and kept up my treatment and i got off the drugs and out of counseling 1 1/2 yrs later and i am a better more stable person. Don't let your friend stop her meds she may very well need them to save her life. I suggest you pull the husband aside and have a small intervention, maybe show him statistics on how many people actually take these meds and how much they help. Theres got to be a reason behind his not wanting her to take the drugs. I would help your friend as much as you can but don't overstep you bounds too much, you don't want the husband going off on you for helping. Maybe if she talks to her son since he's over 18 and confides in him to talk to the dad maybe he can help his father see that this is nothing to be ashamed of. I also suggest that you try and find a support group for your friend of people who have children or family members with the same medical condition as the daughter, it can be incredibly theraputic to talk to other people with similiar issues and problems. And perhaps he wouldnt have such a problem with that type of help. Bottom line just be there for your friend as much as you can, be her shoulder, her rock, if she needs an ear just listen. This is the most powerful thing you can offer, just be a good friend.

  • 1 decade ago

    oh wow im sorry :( Personally, I would make sure that your friend knows that you are there for her no matter what happens and that you will do whatever you can to help. but also realize that because of her anxiety and depression, she might snap at you sometimes or vent her anger and sadness to you. Just be a shoulder for her to cry on and let her know often how much you care.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell her to get a note from her doctor explaining why the medication is so important. Her husband sounds like an ******, and there isn't much you can do about that, but hopefully he can be made to see reason if someone explains the importance to him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Her husband sounds like an a**. No one should have to hide the fact that they're taking medicine that they need. It sounds like your friend needs to lay down the law to her husband and tell him I'm taking this medicine prescribed by my doctor. You don't have to like it or not like it. It's what I'm going to do for my own health and sanity.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Who are you to interfere? She has a husband to take care of her.

    I think your the equivalent of a meddling mother in law in this case she has a husband to take care of her.

    EDIT Since when does your opinion matter in someone elses marriage? Your interfering.

    I bet if her husbands male friends were dictating what should and should not be done She would have a problem with it.

    Stay out of problems that are not yours. She has family and a husband to take care of her.

  • 1 decade ago

    well im not much on taking medication like that my self, to easy to get addicted to

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