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In a powerstruggle, broke up because not getting needs met and he won't compromise?

I feel I don't ask for much, relationship 6 months old, mature couple late 30's. Is it really too much to expect a kiss daily, an occasional compliment, to be greated enthusiastically with a hug and kiss instead of being asleep unshowered or shaved every time I come over? Is it really unrealistic to want to spend some time talking instead of watching him on a computer, or him watching tv totally emersed without any input on what I want to watch? He claims I expect way too much, I disagree, what do you think?


He expects the complacency that he giving. He's happy that way. I feel like its more like a friend with benefits and I have to beg for that. Recently out of a neglectful marriage (though it took 6 yrs to get that way) and I am not compromising on what I need from a relationship.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    GET OUT NOW!!!! If he is like that now he's not going to change in the future for anything. You are not asking too much! If you expect more from your man than why are you sticking around with this loser? You won't change him, if I have learned anything it's that. You sound like you deserve much better especially because you know what you want. If you want a kiss daily and a man that takes care of himself, you shouldn't settle, now the compliment thing-I haven't found that most men really do that, I think women do that more than men, but maybe it's the men I have been with, I kinda stopped expecting that and focus on my female friends for compliments. I think a lot of men want someone that will give them space, but be there for them when they need someone, they want someone they can live side by side with, and they don't have to make a big effort, but if you want to make an effort for him you need a man that wants to make an effort for you. The women who don't care to make an effort, hey they shouldn't expect any more from there man. If you expect more, than you deserve more, you shouldn't settle, especially since you just got out of a 6 year marriage. Do your best right now to make yourself the happiest most fulfilled person you can be and this will attract someone similar. Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    6 months into the relationship and these are things that he has to be told? My advice to you is to run now....bc it's only gonna get worse. At 6 months into your relationship you should still be in the "honeymoon" phase where your kissing and sneaking moments away together alone as much as possible and still trying to please one another.You shouldn't have to ask for a daily kiss bc at this point you should automatically be given them many times daily.It sounds like this relationship was heading in the same direction of your very long and unhappy marriage,the only difference is this going there much quicker. He is in his late 30's that means he is already very much set in his ways.This is probably why he is single. If you compromise on what you want now you will only be setting yourself up for future disappointment.DO NOT COMPROMISE AND DO NOT SETTLE.....after so long you deserve happiness and if this guy can't give it to you then he isn't the one for you. Good luck.

  • I think you need a man, not a little boy. And obviously your "man" is way too immature for a serious relationship.

    Put the ball in his court, ask him what HE wants out of your relationship. If it's nothing compared to what you want, then it may be time to go separate ways.

    And no, you do not expect way too much. You expect what should already be in every relationship. My husband and I have been together for over 7 years and while I do sometimes sit & watch him play video games, he also does all the "expectations" you've mentioned & more.

  • Shilo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    -good thing you discovered this relatively early in the relationship. If your needs for affection and communication weren't being met, then he wasn't the right one. Now, you are free to move on.

    He sounds waaaaay to self-absorbed for a meaningful and fulfilling relationship. What you expected was not at all unrealistic. It is the basic stuff that establishes a good foundation. Evidently, he didn't get it .......not worth your effort anymore.

    I am sorry about the break-up, matter about the reasons, it always hurts for a while when you terminate a relationship. -good luck to you getting through this period of loss.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Believe me you will not make him into what he dosent want to be.. Sounds like he wants a mummy figure not a girlfriend. Do yourself a favour get out, you deserve better. Relationships are a two way thing and he should give back, both people need to be happy not one...

  • Jackie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You expect communication and he doesn't. So you broke up with him. Seems ligit. Just find someone else who wants to give yo uthose things.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. He sounds extremely immature. I'm sorry!! I would try and move on since you deserve someone who shows he cares for you!!


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