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I am a married mom of 3 sons. I am a nurse married to a nurse. My background is primarily psych nursing. My husband is pursuing an advanced degree NP, so its just me and my boys and therapy alot. My sons have special needs, 2 are autistic spectrum. I feel very strongly in promoting autism awareness and issues that those with autism many times have such as speech delays and sensory issues. I have had personal experiences with infertility, pcos and enjoy answering those sensitive questions even though that part of my life has past. Also I am indigo and have altered sensory perception. I love jewelry and am diamond certified and have worked as a jeweler. I am a professional student and have spent many years acquiring various degrees. I have a competitive swimming background and have taught lessons, and been a swim coach for much of the past 30 years. I have many diagnoses myself dyslexia, autism/asperger's, and gifted

  • Got Autism? Got it threefold here.?

    I need marketing strategy help. Any suggestions on how to sell autism puzzle pieces to earn my 5 yr old autistic son an ipad? He is my 3rd autistic son, I am a single mom. He needs to sell 60 pieces to get the ipad. For anyone wanting to help, suggestions are awesome, also if you'd like to purchase one its under ipad challenge pieces and just fill his name Reed Kelly into the challenger box. Thanks.

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Got Autism? Got it threefold here?

    I need marketing strategy help. Any suggestions on how to sell autism puzzle pieces to earn my 5 yr old autistic son an ipad? He is my 3rd autistic son, I am a single mom. He needs to sell 60 pieces to get the ipad. For anyone wanting to help, suggestions are awesome, also if you'd like to purchase one its under ipad challenge pieces and just fill his name Reed Kelly into the challenger box. Thanks.

    4 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • bioflex jewelry issues?

    Purchased my first pair bioflex for conch piercings. Can't get the push pin balls in or out. The balls are so tiny 14g. I got 1 ball in the bioflex and can't get it out, the other I can't even get in. Is it supposed to be this hard? Neither are in ears, afraid to try if I can't even work it with both hands, and both eyes.

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago
  • Behavioral health? Is there anything I'm missing here?

    So my 10 yr old son who has PDD.NOS, and ADD.NOS has become irritable, and moody lately which I attribute to possibly beginning to have some hormone changes associated with puberty.

    What is concerning is, he has begin picking his skin. It is to the point of open sores. They are small and there are a few. He now has them on his face. I realize he needs help, but there is none to be found? Everywhere I have called, I've asked for other options, and I get the same 3 or 4 which none work for the above reasons.

    Where I live there are 1/2 dozen places I know of for behavioral health. 2 don't take our insurance, 3 aren't taking new patients. I scheduled him, for an appt. for the END of July. I tried other avenues, like neurologist (appt. also end of July), developmental-haven't heard back from, and I did get into a therapist next week. This just doesn't seem sufficient. Any advice please. Oh and primary won't touch it.

    I've worked inpt. they won't take him and I feel that would be too traumatic, a punishment for something that's beyond his control.

    5 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Behavioral health? Is there anything I'm missing here?

    So my 10 yr old son who has PDD.NOS, and ADD.NOS has become irritable, and moody lately which I attribute to possibly beginning to have some hormone changes associated with puberty.

    What is concerning is, he has begin picking his skin. It is to the point of open sores. They are small and there are a few. He now has them on his face. I realize he needs help, but there is none to be found? Everywhere I have called, I've asked for other options, and I get the same 3 or 4 which none work for the above reasons.

    Where I live there are 1/2 dozen places I know of for behavioral health. 2 don't take our insurance, 3 aren't taking new patients. I scheduled him, for an appt. for the END of July. I tried other avenues, like neurologist (appt. also end of July), developmental-haven't heard back from, and I did get into a therapist next week. This just doesn't seem sufficient. Any advice please. Oh and primary won't touch it.

    I've worked inpt. they won't take him and I feel that would be too traumatic, a punishment for something that's beyond his control.

    1 AnswerSpecial Education10 years ago
  • Ear Gauging: Is a lot of swelling normal?

    Went to a 6g after 3 wks in 8g with Crescents. Weepiness, seepage, some tinged blood.

    They are very tight, can move freely after 2 days, can take out and place back in. Have single flares but ears are too swollen to try.

    Is this normal? Did I do anything wrong? I did clean well w/ dial and rinse well. When will this swelling go away?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • First trip to the range tonight with all my gear, Why is my TAC bag so damn heavy?

    2 firearms, 2 mags, 1 eyes and ears, 200 rounds ammo and my bag no lie feels like a hockey bag loaded with gear on my shoulder!

    5 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Need a laugh, come on LOL! What crazy things has your child(ren) done this week?

    My 4 yr old pooped in the urinal @ preschool, they called me to tell me about it.

    Sunday my 5 yr old sang me Happy Birthday! (disclaimer-it wasn't my birthday and it was 5am, he wanted cake)

    My 5 yr old decided to skate in the empty tub by stripping naked and putting shampoo all over the bottom of the tub.

    My 10 yr old gets ready for swim lessons, puts his trunks on and we are ready to go to the Y. I ask him did you bring underwear? He says yeah right here and pulls down his sweats to reveal his boxer briefs OVER top the trunks. When I laugh he says don't tell anybody. He's been taking lessons for 6 months, why he decided now that was a good idea idk.

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • So I just bought my first two pistols a 9 and a 380 and am wanting a 22, suggestions?

    I've looked and I'm just not happy with the .22 selection out there. They either feel too small (Bersa, Walther), not right (Ruger), or have terrible misfiring, jamming, ejecting issues with bad reviews (Sig's Mosquito, Beretta).

    I can't seem to find much negative about the Taurus 800 series .22 or the CZ Kadet.

    Unfortunately shops around here don't have them so I haven't held either.

    Personally I think 400+ or just over 500 is way pricey for a .22 but if it doesn't have the issues the rest have I'd consider purchasing one later this year.

    13 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Opinions on pistol triggers for a lady w/carpel tunnel who wants to get a CCW?

    So what do you like and what do you suggest? I've only fired DA/SA so far. I just got a DAO but haven't fired it or any DAO yet. So there is SA/DA and LEM (not sure if that's only on the H&K's)

    How about manual safety's. For CCW's do you feel comfortable carrying without a safety? My second pistol purchase the Sig Sauer p250 9mm doesn't have one.

    For CCW are tritium nightsights worth the upgrade? One store that option cost 50 dollars more.

    9 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Pistol: Suggestions for a southpaw?

    I'm a lefty and a woman with little shooting experience.

    At the gun shop, I was discouraged from purchasing any pistol that I could not easily hit the release to close the slide with my left hand. This is difficult because I'm using my index finger to do it, and the springs are very tight since they are new.

    I really liked the Springfield XD and XDM but could not hit that release with my left index finger.

    Is this necessary, can't I just use two hands? She came off kinda snooty and she is the gun instructor too. She mentioned she's left handed and that she owned one pistol I looked at, the Walther 22. I didn't like it, grip way too small. So I asked her ok well since your a left handed woman with lots of firearm experience what is southpaw friendly? No answer. So I ask what else do you own? And she blew me off laughing and said oh I can't tell you that. Is that an offensive q to ask a gunshop employee? It's like she wouldn't answer any of my q.

    13 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Overwhelmed: Gun cleaning kit for a novice woman with 1st firearm?

    Went to the shooting range/gun shop today 1st time since seriously considering purchasing a .22 or 9mm pistol. Likely I will end up with both in short time. Thinking .22 for target practice so most likely this will be my first purchase.

    So gun cleaning kits? Looking for something simple, all inclusive that will work for both a .22 and a 9mm. I've looked and I don't know what to buy. Hoppe's, Outer's, kleenerbore, boresnake? And what type lubrication do you recommend?

    Also what else do I need? Ear protection got today, peltor's. Eye protection-I wear bi-focals so that's covered.

    Do I need a gun lock or a safe or is the case it comes with lockable? If I buy used, no case right?

    12 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Pistols-What would you recommend for a woman, caliber, brand, weight, barrel?

    Looking to purchase my first pistol, going to the range to try things out. Modest budget. I've got large hands, am strong, but have mild carpel tunnel. I was thinking .380, 9mm, or 40?

    I am a novice and have shot only a few times before years ago. It's for recreation, but would like for HD as well.

    I was thinking Walther, Springfield XD, Glock 19 (3rd gen.), Ruger SR9, S&W M&P, and Sig Sauer P250

    mid twenty oz in wt. barrel length 3-4

    Recommendations from knowledgeable people please

    16 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • My tattoo, upper inner arm?

    I've got a 50cent piece sized tattoo on my upper inner arm that is partially visible in the arm down position. In the arm up position its perpendicular to the elbow, in the arm down position its slightly turned towards the body. Is that just the way arms are or could it have been placed better? And how can I add something to take away from the angle?

    FYI its a jedi order symbol that is part of a sleeve that includes a celtic shamrock, 3 kids feet on diagonal and 10 negative stars and a rebel alliance symbol. The shamrock is same position except near elbow and it is angled in the up position and straight in the down.

    2 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • In your opinion, what is the best size clothes to fit into?

    So I've dropped a lot of weight, and am looking for opinions on what sized clothes looks best for a tall (5'9") middle aged, athletic curvy type woman.

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • In a powerstruggle, broke up because not getting needs met and he won't compromise?

    I feel I don't ask for much, relationship 6 months old, mature couple late 30's. Is it really too much to expect a kiss daily, an occasional compliment, to be greated enthusiastically with a hug and kiss instead of being asleep unshowered or shaved every time I come over? Is it really unrealistic to want to spend some time talking instead of watching him on a computer, or him watching tv totally emersed without any input on what I want to watch? He claims I expect way too much, I disagree, what do you think?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Pisces male in bed lacking drive?

    Sag female. Is frustrated by lack of drive by Pisces male in bed. When in bed he is the typical attentive, passionate, sensual partner, just doesn't seem to want it very often, like 1x-2x/wk sometimes even less. And this is a 35 yr old male who is still in the honeymoon phase of the relationship. Advice?

    5 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • How early has anyone ever experienced pregnancy symptoms? Like CD: 25?

    So I feel like crap, I mean crap. Had a spontaneous period which is a damn near miracle lmp: 12/19 lasted 6 days. Have PCOS, had lost a tremendous amount of wt. So beginning 1/8 with heartburn, indigestion, breast tenderness. Headaches last 4 consecutive days, popping tums like pez, serious constipation. Noticed breast fullness and blue veins in chest, urine is also dark, concentrated and sedimentary. Cravings, made bf go get ice cream last nite and I am on a diet. Am just so so tired.

    Called pcp today, told me to call ob/gyn. Called ob/gyn who said you need to be tested but it may not be real accurate till next week since right now you would almost be 4 wks, so if you don't begin bleeding thru weekend take a hpt and next week we will get you in for bloodwork.

    So now Im like are you serious? ANybody ever have crap symptoms from pregnancy this early?

    9 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Parents of children with disabilities, What kind of bike does your child ride?

    My son who is 9 cannot ride a two wheeler. He is afraid of it even with training wheels and at this point, he is embarrassed to try.

    I was looking online at getting his 4 yr old a bike and my 9 yr old said to me I wish I was small so I could ride a bike and it broke my heart.

    He is mildly autistic, ADD, has cognitive impairments, dyspraxia (coordination and balance issues) and proprioceptive sensory issues too.

    Can anyone recommend a recumbent bike that does not look like an oversized tricycle, is reasonably priced, works well for these kids?

    I was liking the triton pro, it costs 350 dollars. It's a lot of money to us. If it works as well as it seems to in the videos I have no doubt its a good investment. Also, we have another son the 4 yr old who has mild CP and potentially may never ride a 2 wheeler either.

    Does anyone own one? Does it really accommodate kids 4 ft.-6'3" and 250lbs?

    Can other kids with similar issues ride a 2 wheeler? When did they begin?

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Bike for child with disabilities?

    Can anyone recommend a bike for a 9 yr old who has disabilities? I am looking for a recumbent bike and like the look of the triton pro. Does anyone have one? Is it easy to maneuver? Where to get it for under 350 dollars?

    My son is 9 and cannot ride a two wheeler without training wheels. At this point he is embarrassed to try. He told me that he wished he was small so he could ride a bike and it broke my heart. I want one that does not look like an oversized tricycle or especially made for disabilities. He has mild autism, cognitive impairments, ADD, and coordination and balance issues

    Do you know of any child that can with these issues ride a 2 wheeler? or think he will ever ride a 2 wheeler?

    4 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago