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beetlemilk asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

In your opinion, what is the best size clothes to fit into?

So I've dropped a lot of weight, and am looking for opinions on what sized clothes looks best for a tall (5'9") middle aged, athletic curvy type woman.


I'm not there yet, size 14 right now but have bought some inspirational size 10's that I can get on and buttoned though they look too small, lol.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Definitely size 10 it's just right for a middle aged, althetic curvy woman!

    Source(s): Im size 10, curvy and at the same time athletic :)
  • 1 decade ago

    I'd have to agree with most of the others. I think somewhere between size 10-12 is perfect for a naturally tall, curvy woman. Med-Large in shirts. Size 6 in undergarments. Those are the most common sizes to find, and there are a lot more choices in clothing if you are right around those sizes too. Wish I could join you in that, but I am still in a size 20 in I have a long way to go yet. Congrats to you on the weight loss and keep up the amazing work. It doesn't matter what size you fit in, as long as you like the way you look and the clothes you wear.

    Source(s): Personal Experience
  • 4 years ago

    do not fall into that capture... you're pleasing... TO me there is no longer something rather about a length 0. that's basically too skinny! And each person it rather is this length and makes you sense undesirable.... has administration subject matters. Be pleased with who you're and the hips you own... i am going to guarantee you're fit than she is and in a while in've meat on your bones to keep up a foul affliction if urge for nutrition is a aspect and growing old... she will manage to look as if a shrivelled up prune with out organic fat to cover wrinkles! You go female... the position the dimensions God has blessed you with.... with information from the way.... i'm a length 14 and get called pleasing each and each and every of the time... i think it because I have a warm husband... nonetheless get whistled at and performance 2 infant boys which will be on the canopy of a mag... I were as huge as a length 18. walk tall and be confident... it rather is appealing!

  • Sassy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    12 is a great size for a tall middle aged woman. I am also tall (5"9") and large boned and look quite curvaceous in certain clothing. I can wear 14's too, depending on the cut and style of the clothing.

    It all depends on your bone type and structure.

    Fortunately, every person is unique and we all do not have to be the size of Twiggy to look good!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I would agree with the answer above me. A size 10 is a great size. Not to curvy and not too skinny! Congrats on the weight loss.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    12-13ish.... Am i shooting too big? I know every woman has a different body type.. Im only 5' 2" but have big hips (no matter how much running i do lol) and wear a size 11.. Not fat or anything but its just my body frame. People act surprised when i tell them i wear 11's. So it all depends on your frame really..

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say size 12 (English size) is perfect for you. I don't believe in ladies being too skinny. I like a bit of curve is more sexy and feminin.

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