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How is Catholicism different from Baptist Beliefs?


I didn't want anyone pointing fingers and saying who is right and wrong. I just wanted the differences without an opinion.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In almost every way possible. About the only thing that they agree on is the fact that Jesus is Lord and Savior -- and even then, there is a difference in the way that the two view salvation.

    Baptists tend to believe in "Once saved, always saved," while Catholics believe that salvation is a lifelong ongoing process. Baptists believe that the Bible is the sole authority for doctrine ("Sola Scriptura"), and Catholic doctrine is formulated in three parts: the Bible, the teachings of the Magesterium (the scholars and theologians of the Church), and Sacred Tradition, those beliefs handed down from the earliest days of the Church.

    Catholicism is led by the Pope, while Baptists have different leaders, depending on their affiliation. Catholics believe that the Holy Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ, and Baptists tend to see Communion as symbolic or a memorial of Christ's death and resurrection.

    There are many other differences, but the ones I've mentioned are among the major areas where the two diverge. I have deliberately avoided some of the more controversial points in order to give you as unbiased a presentation as I possibly can.

    Source(s): Catholic convert
  • Slick
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Baptist theologians teach several theories, but the most persistent is they represent an unbroken succession of the Church from John the Baptist to today. Modern Baptist practices are agreed to have remained fairly constant since the 1600s. Since then there have been many splits resulting in many Baptist denominations, but most retain enough doctrinal agreement to quickly identify them as Baptist. None accept they owe their existence to the Protestant Reformation, having never bowed to a Pope unless pushed to the floor. For the most part the Baptist sects are independent of one another, retaining their identity by adhering to the content of the Bible as widely regarded as canonized. The main emphasis in ministry is preaching the gospel of Christ, giving allegiance to none other than the God the Father, and God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit, three distinct co-existent divine Persons of the Godhead. Departed saints are not venerated, all prayers going directly to God in Jesus' name, no mortal human being an intermediary. Each believer is a peculiar priest of the priesthood of Christ. There is no reliance on extra biblical scriptures outside what is found in a typical modern KJV or similar version.

    Let a Catholic explain their ways.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all it would depend upon the type of baptist faith you are refering to. Not all Baptists follow the same doctrine.

    One of the major differences that I have experienced and I have spent time in both churches is that many Baptists believe in the once saved always saved...catholics on the other hand believe that salvation is determined at the end of the journey. Catholics believe that salvation is a free gift and given by grace but it is what we do with that gift of grace that determines our destiny.

    I think that many of the people who bash any faith will find it very interesting to see those very people that they were bashing in heaven some day.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wolfeblayde covered most of them.

    Baptists, as their name implies, believe in baptism by full immersion in water and it must be done by a believer old enough to make a decision for Christ. Baptism is considered a symbolic profession of one's faith.

    Catholics baptize infants with sprinkling. Baptism is a sacrament, meaning it's an outward sign given by God for one to receive His divine grace.

    Source(s): Baptist to Roman Catholic Convert.
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  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Is the end Near?
  • 1 decade ago

    Catholic have all the true teachings from Christ. The Protestants churches have bits and pieces with some heresies throw into it.The Catholic church was founded by God all others are made by men

    Source(s): Catholic Christian
  • 1 decade ago

    ______________It's the blind leading the blind __________

    Both believe in the 3 headed beast known as the trinity.

    Nether understand that TITLES are different from a singular NAME.

    ____God is a spirit... and a spirit can't bleed, so the spirit made a body ( Jesus ) . __ Now Jesus is 100% God... and 100% man________As a man, Jesus hungered, as God Jesus feed the multitudes. As a man Jesus prayed, but as God Jesus answers prayers !!_________As a man Jesus cried out while on the cross " Father why hast thou forsaking me "___but as God, Jesus said " I will never leave you nor forsake you " _____As a man Jesus died... but as God, Jesus raised Himself from the grave. !!___Isa. 9 : 6 tells us the son is the everlasting Father !___Jesus is the Father in creation ( creator ). Jesus is the Son in redemption, ( Saviour, ) and the Holy Ghost in regeneration, ( Indwelling Spirit ) __ ( Rom. 8 : 11 ). There is only ____One God ___

    ____ The bible tells us that " without the shedding of blood there can be no remissions of sins "...

    ___ *** Because God is everywhere at the same time He was able to stay in heaven and come to the earth at the same time, sacrifice Himself instead of us and still live !! ***

    Don't follow those " repeat after me " stupid religions... find a bible based church...

    This is why we need to baptize in the name of Jesus Christ.

    · __Water Baptism is an essential part of the New Testament salvation ! __Water baptism can be administered only by immersion ( Col 2 : 12 ) . Note the following : Jesus mentioned being " Born ( to bring forth ) of the water " ( John 3 : 5 ) ; Paul said, " We are buried with Him ( Lord Jesus Christ ) by baptism ( Rom. 6 : 4 ) ; Jesus " Came up OUT of the water " ( Mark 1 : 10 ) ; Philip and the Eunuch " Went down INTO the water, " and " came up OUT of the water " ( Acts 8 : 38--39 ) . Also read>>__Acts 2 : 38___<< Galatians 3 : 27 “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ”__1 Peter 3 : 21 “The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us ( not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God, ) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ”.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Catholic Church teaches the fullness of Christian truth, just as its founder, Jesus Christ, promised it would. Baptists, like all Protestant churches, is semi-Christian, picking and choosing which beliefs and practices of original and complete Christianity they keep and which they reject, and replacing many genuine Christian beliefs with new traditions of men introduced by their many unauthorized human founders.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    don't know. i read the bible for myself and follow the word of god though

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Catholicism is a false religion that follows a man/pope. Baptists follow the Word of God.

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