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I want to have sex with my wife all the time! Am I normal?

This is probably a stupid question, but is it normal that I want to have sex with my wife all the time? We started dating ten years ago and we have been married for about four years.

Our sex life is still healthy, usually once or twice a week and I make sure that I last at least an hour with her having at least two orgasms, sometimes up to seven or eight times.

We have a little daughter now, so I understand she is tired. I pretty much bug her everyday by touching her or grabbing her and kissing her. I will reach around and start touching her everytime she has both hands occupied (like when she is washing dishes or carrying the laundry basket). She will usually put up a fight or pull away.

She will only have sex when the little one is asleep at night. Although we are in our thirties, but I still think she is sexy I get horny just by thinking about her. I just feel that I am doing something wrong by trying to flirt with her constantly. Sometimes I feel real guilty that I want to have sex with her all the time (everyday and everytime no-one is around).

Should I stop flirting with her all the time? Do I need to see a shrink or somebody about this?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Once or twice a week is not enough sex !If she gave it up a little more you wouldn't be so flirty!It's a good thing that you feel this way about your wife but she need to feel the same about you!

  • 1 decade ago

    There are two main problems marriages have: 1.) sex and 2.) money The stereotypical marriage is- all the man wants to do is have sex and all the woman wants to do is spend money. Not all marriages are like that, but that seems to be the trend.

    There is quite a difference between men- even some men in their 20s can go a month or more without sex and some men even in their 50s want it multiple times a day.

    There is also quite a difference between women, especially after child birth. Some are just done with it and never want to see another penis, and some want it two or three times a week. Note that even the women that don't ever want sex again will not admit it. They often blame their lack of desire on their husband's ineptness in bed, etc. even if he is exactly the same as when he used to turn her on.

    I've been married for 24 years and I am happier now than ever before- I've given up on sex. I do not have sex at all with my wife. She hates it and I always felt guilty asking for it when I knew she didn't want it.

    I would suggest finding an outlet for your sexual needs outside your marriage- most of my married friends have but they keep it on the low. Everyone involved will be happier.

    Good Luck!

    Source(s): 24 years of marriage
  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    I want to have sex with my wife all the time! Am I normal?

    This is probably a stupid question, but is it normal that I want to have sex with my wife all the time? We started dating ten years ago and we have been married for about four years.

    Our sex life is still healthy, usually once or twice a week and I make sure that I last at least an hour with...

    Source(s): sex wife time normal:
  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you love your wife, and enjoy the intimacy with her. let her know (this from a mom of five) that it is alright to have some marital fun when the baby is napping during the day. Even alright to have someone watch the kid so you can have time together. My youngest was conceived during such a time. Her reaction is probably due to fatigue. Having a new baby (assuming pretty new) can be very draining at first, and throw your schedule all out of whack. See what you can do to help out, and give her a little time to adjust, and let her know you can't help being attracted to her, because she is beautiful and sexy to you, and because you love her so much. No, you are not wrong, or abnormal. However, maybe cut down a little of the grabbing when she has her hands full, as that can be distracting from the task at hand. Your goal, after all, isn't to annoy, but to charm. Help with the dishes and laundry, then make your move.

    Source(s): 17+ years of marriage, five kids, and would be upset if mi y man didn't want to
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong with being genuinely attracted to your spouse. That is a normal and wonderful thing. As far as her wanting sex only after the kids are asleep, she may just feel like that's the only spare time she has for it, lol. Don't stop flirting with your wife, that's silly. Just sit down and talk with her and find out what's going on with her and see how she's doing.

  • K8
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Of course it's normal and why would you want to stop wanting her? Just make sure you aren't applying crazy pressure and making it seem like a chore for her. Also, motherhood can be overwhelming at first - help her when you can.

    My husband still touches, grabs, and flirts after 22 years married. I am more used to it now and would miss it if he stopped. Of course things have shifted and the grabbing is sometimes lower, lol, but he still seems to like it.

    I will say that one of the leanest times for our sex life was after having children and while they were young. It was the hardest adjustment for me with the first child. It passes. Now - I want sex as much (or more) then he does.

  • Dan H
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You're not flirting with her; you're grabbing her when she doesn't want to be grabbed. That's not flirting for a woman; more often it feels like assault. You'll get a lot more cooperation by listening to what she's asking from you: a lot more help around the house and with your child; loving, supportive, appreciative words; a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on without immediately jumping to wanting to fix whatever problems she's talking about; and genuine attention to her needs and wants. You *might* get a lot out of talking with a counselor, but you also might want to explore a less expensive option first. I highly recommend the books and DVDs of the Gottman Institute (link below; I have no connection with them). They're the only marriage therapists I know who base their work entirely on solid scientific research on what makes marriages *good*.

  • 1 decade ago

    No you're doing everything right. It's only been 4 years so youreprobly getting used to it. Hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's so sweet that even after all these years, you are still into your wife.

    I would be pleased.

    Keep flirting and wait until your child is asleep.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sounds like you are doing everything right, except sitting down and talking to your wife about this. depending how old your daughter is and how much free time she has, she may be feeling overwhelmed and like you do not contribute enough to helping around the house. she may feel like you only want her body for sex.

    but you sound conscientious to me, so the best way to find out is to ask her why she's no longer interested as much as she used to be

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