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Bill R
Lv 7
Bill R asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

What does "Top Contributor" mean?

What stats are required for that designation?

12 Answers

  • Laredo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To become a Top Contributor you just have to answer a lot of questions in a category, and receive best answers for them, and continue to do that to keep the badge. You just need to find a category that you like and know a lot about, and answer, answer and more answers in that category. Plus you need quality, as well as quantity in all your answers. Being a Top Contributor is not about the amount of points you have or which level you have reached, it is purely down to contribution in a category and the correct amount of best answers in that category.

    To be a Top Contributor you have to answer questions in 1 - 3 categories (best to just concentrate on 1 category to start with) and obtain 12% (or more, no one knows the correct figure) best answers in that category. The exact number of questions that you need to answer is also not known, but there have been suggestions that it might be 40 to 50 answers a week in just one category, you do not need to spend every waking hour on your computer to achieve those answers, just a couple of hours a day. The Top Contributor badge is awarded on a Monday and it will disappear on a Monday if you do not continue to contribute to the category that you got the badge.

    You cannot be a Top Contributor in Polls & Surveys or Jokes & Riddles, although you could be the Top Yahoo Answers Answerer for those categories.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Top Contributor badge is given to users who answer a lot of questions in up to 3 different categories and get a fairly decent amount of Best Answers in these categories. The Top Contributor badge is usually given to users who actively answer questions in particular categories. To get or keep the badge, one must continue answering questions and getting Best Answers in the categories that they wish to have the Top Contributor badge in.

    The formula for becoming a Top Contributor is kept a secret by Yahoo and is kept secret so that it is not just a thing for people to gain who don't deserve it. People believe that you need to have a minimum of 10% Best Answers and answer a certain number of questions in a certain amount of time, but that is just speculation. There is no set amount of answers that you need to get or percentage of Best Answers that you need to get and no set amount of Best Answers that you need to get. You also don't have to have a certain amount of points in order to get the Top Contributor badge, although I have rarely seen a Level 1 Top Contributor :).

    If you do not remain active and actively answer questions and getting Best Answers in the categories that you are a Top Contributor in, you can lose the badge. As was said before, so long as you stay active in the category(ies) that you want the Top Contributor badge in, and you keep on getting Best Answers in that category, you'll keep the Top Contributor badge :P.

    Jokes & Riddles and Polls & Surveys are the only categories where it is not possible to get a Top Contributor badge in.

    Hope this helps :)

    Source(s): Own experience/opinion
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A Top Contributor is a member of the Answers community who has shown that they are knowledgeable in a particular category. Each Answers user can be a top contributor in up to three categories.

    The top contributor badge is dynamic —you earn it or lose it depending on your recent participation in a particular category. The more actively you contribute, the more likely you will earn a badge. Just like featured users or category leaders, it's another way to feature community members who might otherwise be overlooked.


    To become a TC (Top Contributor) you need to keep in mind 3 points:-

    1)Select a ‘PARTICULAR’ category (Stick on to only one or two)

    2)Earn ‘LOT’ of Best Answers

    3)Remain ‘ACTIVE’ in that category which you have chosen.

    The EXACT algorithm of becoming a TC is not known to anyone except

    Yahoo to prevent users from gaining that badge by cheating.

    If users find out the exact formula of becoming a TC then they would

    MISUSE the purpose of becoming a TC. So Yahoo keeps this a SECRET.

    You can become a Top Contributor in 3 categories. Not many users know

    what the exact thing is to become a TC.

    (I think I know the point pretty close if not the exact one)

    FIRST STEP:- You have to do is select a ‘SINGLE’ category,

    which you feel you can answer MAXIMUM number of questions.

    Eg:-If you feel you can answer in Chemistry, Mathematics,

    Games and Recreation and to name a few, select it.

    SECOND STEP:- You have to earn LOT of Best Answers.

    To earn more Best Answers you have to provide GOOD quality answers

    with the right type of ACCURATE information. Always try to be SIMPLE

    but at times explain a little bit in detail. If you answer 60 questions and

    get 10 Best Answers then you're likely to become a TC in that week.

    You have to get a minimum of 10-11% of BA in a particular category.

    •Also note that you should NOT answer questions, which you feel you won’t be getting a Best Answer at least until you

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  • `
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The Top Contributor is a member of the Yahoo! Answers community who has shown that they are knowledgeable in a particular categories...........

    Iam telling you my experience.....

    Its so easy.......

    First you should choose your favourite category.... And you should know about that category....

    Keep answering in that category..... Get more best answers on that category.....

    In my experience...... I answered 110 Questions in 2 weeks...... I got 35 best answers in that....

    Any one can able to become a Top Contributor.......

    User can able to become a Top Contributor in 3 categories.... But some users are showing 4 & 5 Categories.....

    The Top Contributor badge will be appear on monday...... After you got the badge.... You are not supposed to give the enough best answers... The badge will be disappear on new monday.......

    You cannot become Top Contributor in Polls & Surveys, Jokes & Riddles.........

    Hope you got it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    top contributors means the best users that gave best answers with highest points !!!

    if u want that orange tag of top contributors,,,then answer a lot lot lot in any category !!!


    all da bst :-)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's an achievement/badge that you get when you get Multiple best answers in a single section. You spend almost ALL of your time in that section, answer questions in that section and get alot of Best answers. You have Knowledge of your section and you can answer alot of it's questions whether it being fact or opinion. I got it on another account before it got suspended by some F*ggot. As soon as I hit Level 3, I got Top Contributer.

    Source(s): Experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    A T̲o̲p C̲o̲n̲t̲r̲i̲b̲u̲t̲o̲r̲ is an expert in from one to three categories. It is available in every category and sub category except "polls & surveys" and "jokes & riddles".

    The exact qualifications are kept secret and no one can say for sure. It is a high current percentage and quantity of best answers in a category. Note that even though you may have a high overall percentage it may be lower in the category where you are most active.

    Badges are issued every Monday morning. Once you get the badge you must keep up your activity in the category or you will lose it.

    ₪ ʎəɿʞɹɐq ₪

  • 1 decade ago

    just to keep answering questions in a particular category (or 3), to have a level 2 account or above, and to have at least a 10% best answer percentage.

  • LC
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Top contributor is someone who answers, votes on and asks thousands of questions

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