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Who is the oldest,craziest person in your school?!?

Who is the oldest craziest person that works in your school?

Mine is our secretary Mrs.Coleman. She's been there for a VERY long time she's like 90 something. No joke. Anyways you go and ask her for something and she'll never know where it is and it can be right in her hands. A few weeks ago I went and asked her where our Asst. Principal was. Her response was:



"Oh, well I haven't seen him"

"Well, I kinda need him."

"What for?"

"He's supposed to give me money."

"Oh, WHO?!?!"


"Oh, welllllllll I don't know where he is"


"If you find him let me know."

"Okay Mrs.Coleman"

yeahhhhhh she's great!

I wish we could video tape her and put here on here for you guys to see. Its commical, but extremely frustrating.

Lemme KNOW!


OMG! Another ? to go along w. this. Who is the laziest person at your school? Ours is Mr.Herron our guidance councelor. He LITERALLY sits on his butt, at his computer plaing SOLITARE. I went and asked him for my transcript for a scholarship and he said he'd get it for me. (Literally) about 2 weeks later guess who still didn't have the transcript!!! ME :D!!!!!!. He has a COW if you interrupt his game......

BTW. I go to Fayetteville, which is in Ohio, in Brown County. We're basically a 1 stoplight town and barely a dot on the map. We're like on 1 road sign lol. Its a nice little town though, our school is pretty high up there for being so small.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    mrs powell!!! omg she is crazy. she looks like a hippie!! and she is like 50ish. she is so hilarious!!! i love her class!! lmao!!! whenever she reads she really gets into it and makes all the different voices so it makes reading a tale of two cities fun!

  • Emma=)
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't even have a clue how old this teacher is but I had her when I was in 6th grade!! She looked to be like, in her 80s (I heard she was only in her 70s-10 year difference lol). We didn't do anything in her class!! Sounds great but it'd get boring after a while! She'd always come about 15 minutes later than the class started-okay sweet, free social time! Then she'd take attendence, sit down and say, "Okay, start readin." So, we'd have to read it out loud and she never told us what chapter so sometimes, we'd read the wrong chapter and she'd give it to us as homework. Then, she'd give us homework on chapters that we'd never read. Yeah, she was 'great.' =l

  • 4 years ago

    basically for me.. i might say the student.. they dont understand all the solutions and are searching for what they dont understand. Impotent can advise alot of issues. not being waiting to accomplish. once you're a student you cant carry out as in you dont understand reason you're nevertheless discovering. i'm speaking academically yet its during the academic technique that we become much less impotent. i'm not speaking sexually yet ideas is all i will upload now without having my head interior the gutter M..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    My craziest person at my school is Mr. Dean, our principal.

    He sings and dances around the school..



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  • a$
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    my english teacher

    i clicked as many as 10 photos of her in mid class

    but still she did'nt say anything

    she even saw me

    shouted "who has the phone"

    but forgot a momoent later


    oops sry mine bad....

  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    We have a 83-year-old teacher at our school, but she's retiring at the end of this year. :(

    We have a 21-year-old student who graduating with us this year. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    ME! HA! :-D

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