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Do *Atheists believe they are in some kind of battle with Christians? Atheism vs. Jesus Christ?

Just wondering what Atheists think there battle is?

Just to inform you, the battle has been won at the Ressurection of Jesus Christ 2000 yrs ago.

When Jesus said *It is Finshed*

You can join the ship of the living or be lost at sea for eternity..... Many have tried to wipe GOD out of the mind and hearts of Men and failed ach and every time, the world is sinking into debauchery, depravity and immorality just like Jesus said it would, in the time before he comes back......

So what battle do you think you are fighting? and why fight when you lost 2000 years ago?

Satan has been trying to battle GOD since day 1 and has lost, now he is trying to win your soul by saying to you..GOD does not exist, he is not coming back,

Just wondering what battle you think you are in?

31 Answers

  • Marie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Atheists are in a battle to strip away all our Constitutional rights that ensure our right to free worship. It is a battle I am willing to meet head on! We have a right and a duty to stand for what our forefathers fought and died for! I will not give up my RIGHT to free speech or free worship! The atheists want to make a secular society where it will be a crime to even mention God.

    Yes, you are right, the battle was won two thousand years ago. Of course, we all know what the outcome of everything will be because we know how the Book ends!

    The Christian majority have spent hundreds of years making this country one in which everyone wants to come to because of the idea that everyone is free to think and say what he or she likes. These days, atheists think that stopping free speech and worship is the way to go. My father and his fathers before him fought and died for my rights. I will not be silent! We are letting a miserable minority dictate policy for a majority. It is time to speak up and let your elected officials know that Christians are not going to be silent and are going to stand up and make our voices heard! We will shape our world. We are to shine our light, not hide it! Make no mistake, we are at war! Let us not neglect our right to fight back in the poles! Peace and blessings to you!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    matters not what everyone else thinks try thinking for yourself/ read a little then read a hell of a lot because there is way to much left unanswered such as did he or did he not raise from the dead etc etc> along with a cast of other characters involved to complicate things even more. lol just look at your life if you live to lets say 65 and people need to write about 250 years after you die how much of it(your story) would become filled with confusion. so it becomes mostly faith billions of people believe in a higher power yet all have opinions to this end including you and what makes you lean to one belief or another or non at all. in a nutshell we are better off in a world with no religion just spirituality non directional. serves most needs and allows mankind to advance and leaves open the ability to keep a more open mind regarding death and the future. life has an ego and it is this ego that interferes with our ability to be more humble therefore such is life is so true lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe were are in a battle with the individual Christian and their right to their beliefs. However, we are in a battle with Christians who attempt to impose their morals and ideas on society through the education system and through politics.

    I don't care that someone worships god or Jesus. But I do care when someone attempts to get a religious idea like Intelligent Design taught in science class rooms. I do care when religious people attempt to use laws to deny rights to others. I do care when religious people attempt to use laws to dictate what is and is not appropriate for others.

  • 1 decade ago

    Atheists rebel and hate to hear the truth of the gospel.

    They deny they want to battle christians and christianity but read most any posting about christianity (pro or con) and they make it clear they want christianity silenced and they prove their aggressive battle by using the US courts to bypass the constitution and the legal way of legislation to forcefully impose their agenda.They tell christians not to evangelize but turn around and "like it or not" shove atheism on every other person in the USA.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No, I don't think I'm in some kind of battle -- well, a battle of words with believers I suppose.

    Why do people who claim to love God constantly tell supid lies about atheists? Doesn't you imaginary Sky Bully torture people forever for stuff like that?

    BTW, you have NO credible evidence for any of your delusions: not ANY.

    I haven't lost anything. There are more and more people every day who don't need to believe in impossible things. Eventually, there won't be believers any more.

    YOU think you're in an imaginary battle between imaginary beings. i don't. I'm in the battle for REASON and TRUTH. Eventually, my side will win.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Atheists don't believe anything.

    And just to inform *you* -- there's no evidence your magic resurrection ever happened, that magic jesus ever existed, or that there's any god at all. So claiming (without evidence) all those things simply isn't valid.

    I don't care what you or anybody else believes. Believe whatever you want to. But when your beliefs push you to take actions that affect me and my society, and they're based on silly superstitions, proven-wrong ideas, and beliefs without any supporting evidence, I oppose those actions. That's the "battle."

    If you'd keep your superstitions to yourself, like your magic jesus story says to do, there wouldn't be any "battle." Since you guys refuse to follow what your magic jesus story says to do, and you try to make your superstitions into law and take away the civil rights of people you don't like, there's a battle.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christians burned Giordano Bruno for teaching that the earth orbited the sun. Imprisoned Galileo for saying that if observed evidence contradicted the Bible, the evidence was right. Took away Vesalius' license because he tried to study anatomy by dissecting corpses.

    If no one had opposed the Christians there would be no hospitals, no schools, no democracy, no pharmaceutical industry, no women's rights, not even any clean drinking water.

    We are not opposed to you. We just wish you would stop freeloading on all our technology.

    You'd all get to heaven in your late twenties..

    Win / win situation.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    We are not seeking a fight. And you are very much mistaken to imply so. As atheists we trust in science, and seeing as science has never exactly disproven god (as proof of a negative is impossible) that means our views are not necesarily opposing.

    We are here seeking to learn about the world, and as a christian you should be willing to teach. I don't see that as a fight, I see that as a mutually beneficial proposition.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's obvious that Atheists are at war with Religion, and they seek allies in that war with gays who are definitely at war with Christians in particular. They love to refer to Christians as nuts and idiots. You see them attacking anything religious connected to government, such as prayer, or taking God out of the U.S. motto and pledge of allegiance, or striking the ten commandments on plaques at some court houses. It's ultimate fulfillment is seen in Rev. 13:5 regarding the future beast empire when it says he makes war with the saints.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The battle is to get delusional people like you to see the truth.

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