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Lv 779,016 points

Justin H

Favorite Answers24%

I manage a movie theatre in Northern California. I'm a divorced father of two. I studied Business Administration - Management Information Systems in college, although I never received a degree.

  • MySQL Collation error after upgrading to 5.7?

    My data and queries all worked fine under MySQL 5.5. I updated to 5.7 when moving my server to a new machine, however I keep getting a collation error on a fairly complex query.

    I have dropped the related tables and rebuilt them so I know the character set is utf8 and the collation is utf8_unicode_ci. I know the database has the same character set and collation.

    The following query keeps producing the collation error listed after. Any help would be appreciated. As I said, this query works just fine under MySQL 5.5.

    SELECT movies.movie_title, movies.trailer_min, movies.run_time, movies.credit_min, movies.movie_art, times.start_date, times.time, times.aud_num, dates.title_art

    FROM movies, times, dates

    WHERE movies.movie_id = times.movie_id AND times.date_id = dates.date_id

    AND times.start_date = CURDATE()

    AND '17:01:53' > SUBTIME(times.time, SEC_TO_TIME(2700)) AND ADDTIME(times.time, SEC_TO_TIME((movies.run_time + movies.trailer_min)*60)) > '17:01:53'

    AND times.aud_num = '1'

    COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci

    ORDER BY times.time LIMIT 1

    #1267 - Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) and (latin1_swedish_ci,NUMERIC) for operation '>'.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Problems with variables after upgrading to PHP 5.6?

    I have a script which is working perfectly fine under PHP 5.4.3. However, after upgrading to 5.6.26, I am getting an undefined variable error without changes to the script.

    The following script is supposed to check for a variable passed from the $_GET array. If the variable doesn't exist, then it is declared. The $cur_time variable is sometimes passed via the $_GET array so that I can manually check the information on the page at a future time. The below script normalizes the time sits it if it doesn't exist.


    if (!$cur_time){

    $cur_time = date('Y-m-d');

    } else {

    $cur_time = strtotime($cur_time);

    $cur_time = date("Y-m-d');


    This code is returning the error "Undefined variable: cur_time in...". However, the correct time is showing up later in the script inside a query where the $cur_time variable is used.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Changing PHP scripts to use mysqli instead of mysql?

    First off let me say that I know mysql was depreciated with the release of PHP 5.5 in 2013. I'm not looking for admonishments about how I'm behind the times or similar comments.

    I am not a professional web developer. I am self-taught, and my use has been limited to my company's web site as well as some internal applications. All of the servers still support mysql, however I will be replacing an internal server which will necessitate an update, so I am more or less forced to make the switch.

    Part of the reason I have put this off is because each time I have played around with mysqli in the past I have not been able to make it work. This switch is going to force me to rework numerous pages, as well as rewrite functions.

    What I'm looking for is a straightforward tutorial on implementing mysqli. Many of the things I have read, including the PHP web site has very terse instructions which are not particularly helpful in understanding the differences.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Forcing a browser to refresh on a LAN computer via a web interface.?

    This is a little complicated and I don't know if there is a way to actually do this without advanced programming.

    The applications is an auditorium sign system for a movie theatre. All the signs are essentially web pages built with PHP and MySQL, and using JavaScript to refresh at certain times based on the schedule (for example when the show is seating, in previews, now showing, exiting).

    I want to build an interface which will allow me to skip a show (essentially delete it from the database). The issue is I want to minimize the work the theatre staff has to do when skipping a show. Meaning I want them to be able to delete the show and then the signs refresh on their own.

    The way the signs are built, they only refresh when there is a status change, as opposed to refreshing at regular intervals.

    What I'm wondering is if there is a way to click a button on one computer and have it send a refresh command to the browser on another computer. For example, I skip the show in auditorium 5 from the server computer and it causes the browser to refresh on the auditorium 5 computer. Almost like sending a push notification to the browser.

    All these computers have VNC, so someone could log in and manually refresh, but I'm trying to avoid that step.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Meeting women while on the job?

    I manage a movie theatre. Because of the hours I work, work is the main place where I have an opportunity to meet women. However, I have always taken a very strick line of not "hitting" on women while I'm on the job. I feel it would be inappropriate, as well as potentially making them feel uncomfortable about coming to the theatre.

    What I'm wondering is if there is anything I can do that might encourage women to contact me, or otherwise make the first move after meeting me at work. As I said, work is the main place where I come in contact with women. But most of my interactions with them are strictly as a cashier, or occasionally in a managerial capacity. I don't normally wear a name tag at work, but would this make a difference?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I'm feeling kind of pathetic about an ex?

    It's been over a year and a half since I stopped seeing my ex. The breakup wasn't horrible, but it wasn't amicable either. There has been no contact between us since then, other than the occasional seeing one another in public, where we have more or less ignored each other.

    Unfortunately, I still think about her frequently. Not because I still have feelings for her or anything. More because she was the last person I dated, and the most recent context I have for anything relationship related.

    Yesterday I had to go into the place where she works. She's a pharmacy tech, and I needed something for a head cold and hers was the only pharmacy open. Of course she was working and the one who waited on me. The transaction was awkward, and I could sense she felt as uncomfortable as me. To the extent I could I just acted like I didn't even know her. She did ask one personal question, "How have you been". To which I replied, "Fine, just working a lot". I did not ask her anything in return.

    Since this happened yesterday, I have been fighting back the urge to contact her in some way. This would require unblocking her on Facebook, or finding her cell number in a phone backup. I know I won't actually go through with it, but the temptation is still there.

    I know part of the reason she is still on my mind is because I haven't dated anyone since her, and haven't even tried to do so.

  • Looking for a wireless router which emails log info?

    I would like to find a wireless router which will email me log info, specifically when my IP address changes. I currently have a Linksys Smart WiFi router, which I generally like. But it is missing this one feature.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking5 years ago
  • Plumbing Question: Slow draining urinals?

    My business has a bank of 5 urinals. For a number of years we've had a problem where urinal #1 and urinal #2 do not drain properly. On both I have to turn the water pressure down considerably so water doesn't fill too fast, and even then I'm lucky if they don't spill over before the water stops flowing. This problem does not exist in urinals #3 - #5.

    The urinals have been pulled from the wall many times to have the line snaked, and we use an enzyme treatment regularly.

    At one point we changed out the urinals to a new design, and that still did not resolve the problem.

    Any thoughts on what might be causing these urinals to not flush properly when there is no obstruction in the line?

    To the best of my knowledge, all 5 urinals flow into a common line which terminates by #1 and flows to the main line by #5.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • Microsoft Excel Question?

    I want to create a formula which would do a calculation based on which cell the value is entered into.

    What I mean is the use enters a value in G16, then the formula in I16 would be G18-G16. But if the user enters the value in I16, the formula in G16 would be G18-I16.

    When I try to enter the formulas as if(G16, G18-I16,"") and if(I16,G18-I16,""), I get a circular reference error - which I understand. But as soon as the user enters a value in G16 or I16, the error would go away.

    1 AnswerSoftware5 years ago
  • Anyone know the record for consecutive innings by starters in baseball?

    Counting tonight's game the Giants got 26 consecutive innings from their starters. I'm just wondering if anyone has heard of a record for most consecutive innings by a team's starters?

    3 AnswersBaseball5 years ago
  • Stephen Curry: Is the a future hall of famer?

    With superstar athletes I have always posed the question of when someone goes from being a 'potential' hall of famer to being a 'future' hall of famer. With what Steph Curry has done this season, is he already a 'future' hall of famer? Would the Warriors winning the championship this season cement that title?

    Besides all the records he's already broken, he is quickly moving up the all time chart for 3 pointers. He sits at 19 right now, but could conceivably be at #5 after next year if he can match this year's production.

    But forget about the records he might break withing a couple years. My question is based on if he never played another game after this season.

    7 AnswersBasketball5 years ago
  • Adding a thermal control to a dryer duct booster fan?

    I have a booster fan on my dryer duct. Currently I have to manually unplug it and plug it in. I would like to add a thermal control which will kick the fan on when it senses heat from the dryer. Alternately I would like to wire it so it comes on when the dryer is on. Any thoughts or suggestions?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • MySQL query help?

    My table name is "Location" and I need to select the off season message if the current date is outside the season.

    My table structure is

    location_id (int)

    season_start (date)

    season_end (date)

    offseason_message (text)

    The row I'm dealing with is for Location 1.

    location_id = 1

    season_start = 2016-04-15

    season_end = 2015-09-30

    offseason_message = "This location is currently closed. The season starts April 15"

    I want to return the off season message if today's date is outside of the range, and return 0 results if today's date is within the range.

    The season dates will be updated every year to show the appropriate dates. I'm wondering if I would be better off having the end date be the end of last season until the start of the new season. So currently it would be season_start=2016-04-15 and season_end=2015-09-30.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • What do I need to know about terracing for landscaping purposes?

    I'm considering buying a home which has a pretty big back yard, but it's on a pretty good slope that starts at the house and runs all the way up to the back fence.

    If I were to buy this house, I'm considering the idea of adding a few terraces to create some usable space - enough for a small basketball court and a patio area.

    What do I need to know about creating terraces out of a slope like this? Can I dig into the slope or would I build up an area on top of the slope - or some combination of the two. If I can dig into the slope, what kind of measures would need to be taken to ensure there is no erosion from above. I realize I would need to build some kind of a wall to hold the terrace in place, but what kind of work would need to be done to make make sure it doesn't subside down the road?

    As far as I know the back end of the property is the top of the slope and there are no structures above the house.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape5 years ago
  • Effects on the DH on baseball strategy?

    As a Giants fan, I primarily watch NL play. I saw an article yesterday about the idea of adding the DH to the National League, and it's really gotten me thinking about how the DH affects the game.

    I've never seen any statistics on how the AL uses the bench and bullpen vs the NL, but it just seems like there is less strategy involved in the AL. Because pitchers don't hit, they don't impact the line-up, meaning you don't have to factor the pitcher coming to bat into when you pull him from the game.

    Also, because you're not using double switches, it would seem like bench players would get less play in the AL.

    6 AnswersBaseball5 years ago
  • Need some help with an HTML form?

    I have an html form which is giving me fits. I can't tell if the error is happening on the form its self, or on the processing page.

    For some reason the processing page is not receiving the form data when the form method is set to POST. However, it receives the data when the method is set to GET.

    The <form> tag is correctly in place, and the action directs to the correct page. The </form> tag is also correctly in place.

    The processing page has "extract("$HTTP_POST_VARS")" as the first line inside the opening php tag. And I am having no issues with a similar form which I used as a template.

    I don't want to post my code here because it contains confidential information, but I'm looking for ideas on what could cause this to fail.

    6 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Dell Inspiron 620 with Windows 10 having issues with USB connectivity.?

    I have a Dell Inspiron 620 which was originally a Windows 7 machine, and upgraded to Windows 10 about 4 months ago. Machine is about 4-5 years old and has been working without problems until just a week or two ago.

    Came home from work one night and found my mouse and keyboard were not working. Played around with rebooting and unplugging/plugging the USB dongle. This did not resolve the issue.

    At one point during a reboot the computer started smoking from the power supply, so I shut it down and ordered a new power supply.

    After rebooting with the new power supply, still no luck with the USB or the mouse keyboard.

    Uninstalled the Logitech set point software, as well as all other related programs. Still not luck after reboot.

    Installed a BIOS update, as well as chipset update from the Dell support site. Still no luck.

    I am able to log into the computer via VNC, and everything seems to work normally with the exception of the USB ports. The ports are getting power because when I plug in my phone, it starts charging. However, the computer does not recognize my phone, or the USB dongle for the mouse and keyboard.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    4 AnswersAdd-ons5 years ago
  • PC went up in smoke today. Any idea what might have failed?

    It was a Dell PC about 4 years old. Prior to this happening the computer started having issues with the mouse and keyboard not being found. I did power down by pressing and holding the power button. Then when I rebooted the there was some smoke coming out the back of the computer. It wasn't a particularly acrid smoke - like something melted.

    I haven't opened up the box yet to see if I can tell what happened. I was just curious to see if anyone had any thoughts, and whether the system might be salvageable.

    4 AnswersDesktops5 years ago
  • Solutions for a dual monitor desktop system.?

    My desktop went up in smoke this morning so I need to find a new one. Unfortunately most off the shelf models do not seem to have support for dual monitors.

    Any input on what the most affordable route is to get a dual monitor system. I know that many off the shelf systems do not have a large enough power supply to power dual graphic cards or cards with dual monitors.

    What about external monitor adapters?

    1 AnswerDesktops5 years ago