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What do you think the *Founding Father's would think- If they could see the USA today?

Do you think they would be pleased or apalled?

Also have you watched the Film Documentary *Generation Zero*

The families after World War 2 were so grateful to GOD and to the USA for the Freedom they were given, how grateful they were that the depression was over, and they no longer had to stand in bread lines and wait for food in soup kitchens, and if you are a Baby Boomer like I am, you know that most Moms tried to give there kids everything because they never wanted them to experience the hardship and depression they had to go through.... But what generations did it produce?

Baby Boomers= Generation X= Generation Y=Millenials?

Would the Founding Father's approved of these Generations, and what they have tried to do with the Constitution to appease people embracing every kind of immorality known?

Generation Zero explores the cultural roots of the global financial meltdown - beginning with the narcissism of the 1960's, spreading like a virus through the self-indulgent 90's, and exploding across the world in the present economic cataclysm and immoral debachery that has stung society. 30 sec trailer


Their was no honesty in the 60's I know since I was there....It was about Drugs and more Drugs and so it begins......

I was young and the 70's were my real coming of age, but it was knowin GOD that kept me from falling into this Abyss

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They would cringe at Obama who is not a constitutionalist. He's stated that the constitution is outdated and courts should reinterpret it in light of the greater public good. He'll appoint activist judges, like his appointment of Sodomeyer, who are activist judges who would abandon the precepts of the constitution to write laws they feel should be the law of the land instead of strictly following the precepts of the constitution.

    The father's didn't want God taken out of the government. The clause that the government will not establish a religion says it will not impede the free expression either. All they wanted was not to have something like England had, in which the King was head of the Church of England. They did not advocate taking God completely out of government like that has been interpreted.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It would be the same as it is today. What you don't seem to understand is Conservatism inherited many of it's principles FROM the Founding Fathers. You can't listen to many Conservatives without them talking about the Founders wisdom. Glenn Beck thought this was so important that he had Founding Fathers' Friday. Each Friday, he talked about a different Founding Father. He, as other Conservatives believe, the more you understand the Founding Fathers, the less attractive Progressivism is. You should post additional comments on the specific principles you seem to think Conservatism differs with the Founding Fathers. Y!A Conservatives could then help you clear up your misconceptions more.

  • 1 decade ago

    Without getting into your generation issue, I think the founding fathers would be rolling in their graves to see the state or our nation today. Many of the more prominent founders like Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington would be appalled by the influence of religion in politics.

    In someways I think we might have been better off if the US had been founded about 50-75 years later so the founding fathers would have had a better idea of how technology might affect the Union. Unfortunately technologies in printing, transportation, and communication were in their absolute infancy and so it would have been difficult for the founding fathers to even imagine where technology would be 200+ years later.

  • 1 decade ago

    They would not be pleased with the rampant treasonous views of many.They would not approve of the atheism,communism,socialism and other "isms" that are bent on distroying the USA.They would not approve the sewage draining from hollywood and other "etertainment" suppliers.The horrible education system that promotes and teaches agendas not RRR (3 Rs).etc,etc,etc...

    The USA wasn't the only nation to have slaves and abuse people.Every part of the world for thousands of years (before the USA existed or even thought about) enslaved and abused people."Modern" times Sudan,China,Cuba,the former USSR are some recent examples of people abusers.

    robert p

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Founding Fathers were a bunch of immoral people themselves. Most of them owned slaves. Thomas Jefferson even slept with one of his. They stole this land from the Natives and ruined the Native peoples. Ben Franklin was a notorious womanizer. They denied rights to women. Some Founding Fathers they were. If they wanted this country to have integrity they should have set a better example.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Anything that appalls slave owners must be a good thing.

    And It was the HONESTY of the 1960s. You want "narcissism" look at the televangelists.

    Self-indulgent EIGHTIES beginning with Reganomics. This propaganda is too easy to dissect.

    "Immoral debauchery" is spelled G O P.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think generally they would approve, yes. When they were around this country wasn't anything at was practically a non-country. So, I think for them to see that it has become a world power would impress them quite a bit.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm still trying to envision God looking down on our country going, " O.K. children, let's get serious now." "or have you forgotten what I did to the Israelites for their abominations?"

  • 1 decade ago

    They would be depressed at our foreign policy, ignorant citizens, and debt. Especially Alexander Hamilton.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    since the majority of the F F were freemasons they would probably say usa is right on the agenda

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