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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Do Jews, Christians & Muslims worship the same God?

Note: If you say one of them worships satan then you are worshiping satan because all of The three religions worship the god of Abraham. So if god of abraham is satan then you worship satan. Also if you believe That god is a moon pagan god then you are worshiping the Moon pagan god. Because all worship god of abraham.

Names God is called:

Jews: אלוהּ(Eloah), יהוה(YHWH), אלהים (Elohim) & many others.

Christians: God & The Father.

Islam: Allah(sounds like eloah), Allahuma(sounds like elohim but allahuma is only said when asking forgivness), The Mirciful, The Creator, The king of kings & many others.

All are just names Is eloah & God & allah diffrent!

If you believe jews & christians worship the same god Though both have different names of god why not believe muslims too worship eloah or god! Eloah sounds like allah.

So please give your non ignorant & Islamophobic opinion.


@mannon: Thank you for your intelligent non islamophobic answer.

My last remark was for ignorant people who judge people wrongly & ignore the facts & believe what ever the media says.

& islaophobia is a real thing This is its exact meaning copied from the dictionary:


Islamophobia |isˌläməˈfōbēə; iz-|


a hatred or fear of Islam or Muslims, especially when feared as a political force.

ORIGIN from Islam + -o- + phobia.

37 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. Christians worship a pagan god, that has God becoming a man, separating itself out from the Godhead and walking around the earth and dying. Born of a god and a virgin and is a man/god. This is paganism, and does not come from Judaism.

    Furthermore, the Christians then separate out the ability of God to create evil and give it to what amounts to a lesser god, Satan. Judaism teaches that only God can create Universal Forces such as Good and Evil, and to give the ability to create either of those to another being then elevates that being to the status of a god.

    Isaiah 45:5-7 I create light and I create darkness. I create good and I create evil. There is none besides me who does these things. I alone do these. I am God.

    So Christians do NOT worship the same God as the Jews do, Christians worship a pagan man-god entity.

    As for Muslims, they do NOT worship a moon god. This bit of misinformation was spread around about a hundred years ago or so when archealogists in the Middle East found a Muslim mosque on top of a pagan moon god temple. A reporter saw remnants of the moon god temple, including pagan symbology that suggested moon worship, and reported that it was found in the MUSLIM mosque layer instead of where it was actually found, which was in the lower level beneath it, in the pagan moon-temple that was not Muslim at all.

    And this misinformation went around the world - although even the Jews in the Middle East at that time went "wtf?? Even WE know that Muslims dont worship a moon god." And that is how the false accusation of Muslims worshipping a moon god got started - and even today you see tons of Christians spouting this bullcrap and nobody bothers to check out whether its true or not or how this conclusion was arrived at.

    As for what the Muslims DO worship, it's Allah. Which is Arabic for "El" which is a Jewish name for God, and EL was originally a Canaanite name for one of the Canaanite gods, taken over by the Israelites about 3500 years ago.

    Allah is not divided up into 3 or 4 as the Christians have, Allah is ONE just like the Jews have for our God. Everything comes from Allah, just like everything comes from God in Judaism.

    Neither Islam nor Judaism have a God who was born of a virgin and became a human sacrifice for sin - this is paganism and this is what Christianity has.

    Muslims and Jews worship the same One undivided God.

    Christians do not.

    Source(s): me, a Jew
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Rev Kip - The moon God, WTF? And you're a spiritual leader? Explains a lot about the mindset of a lot of Christians out there... *Shakes Head* Do you not know that Muslims (and many Jews) trace the origins of Islam back to the first child of Abraham, who God also said would the be the father of a great people? So do you hold it against Jesus that his parents weren't christian? Since Mohammed founded the religion, of course he was born into a different one. And those crazy reference you made about the pagan daughters he allegedly worshiped, you need to study a bit more. Mohommed actually denouced all scripture regarding them as "The Satanic Verses" and said such beliefs had no place in a monotheistic relgion. Anyways, on to answering the question. Keep in mind, I speak of the broader Christian mindset, and not the actual religion itself which preaches tolerance of others... Christianity has never liked other religions. To include Judaism. Anyone recall the Inquisition? Or the fact that Pope John Paul II admitted that the church bore some responsibility for the holocaust because of it's intolerence of Jews? Ever heard the age old tale that we use the blood of a christian innocent to make our passover matzah? Christians want to piggy back off of our religion so they have a love hate relationship with us, but overall can't denounce us because they did borrow our God and not the other way around. The straight out hate for Muslims comes from the fact that while Jews just need to get with the program, Islam was formed after the death and hoopla of Jesus. We don't want to grandfather clause him in, but they outright rejected him. Oh, that and Christians seem to be an intollerant lot as it is (much to Jesus's chagrin, I'm sure).

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    How Do Jews Worship

  • mannon
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It seems totally obvious to me that all worship the same God (and it's not Satan - Satan is a separate being, a Not God, starting back in the Garden of Eden.)

    And, yes, Eloah sounds like Allah. Coincidence ? Same linguistic roots ? Divine inspiration ? I go with the latter, and take it as more proof we all worship the same God.

    It has always embarrassed me that Islam accepts Jesus as a prophet ( and Buddhists as a Bodhisattva), but Christianity refuses to acknowledge Mohamed at all (or for that matter, the Buddha).

    I love the many names of God, by the way. The closest thing in Christianity is the acceptance by the Catholics of the Trinity as an absolute.

    Off topic - did you know that the original name for God in Hebrew had no gender?

    As to your last line, I was sorry to read it. It rather tended to spoil what was a good question. Did you maybe mean to say "Intelligent and Islamiphilic" opinion, or are you being as biased as you are expecting all others to be ?

    Fundamentalist Christians do not accept faith by works, but rather predestination. Other branches of Christianity understand that faith without works is dead.

    Peace be with you.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


  • Otto
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Yes, if the worship the Father of Jesus Christ, Jehovah .

    Source(s): Bible, Ps. 83:18.
  • 7 years ago

    If you think for one moment that Yeshua and that Christianity is Pagan, do your homework, Although some Christians may teach the trinity and you might think it sounds like tritheism, really the only ones that fall in that court are Mormons, whom we do not hold as Christians.

    The Bibie states.Hear Oh Israel, the Lord Our God is One. Real Christians believe in a Monotheistic And although we may believe in 3 forms of that One God..that does not make us Pagans.

    I understand how someone could come to that conclusion, but we are not Pagans, nor was Jesus a Pagan.

  • 6 years ago

    NO. Allah in Quran did not use the same teachings in the OT and NT

  • 5 years ago

    To All My Christian Faithful Brother i Suggest u Watch this Video and Think About it .

    god bless cya

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe that the Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God.

    Some of the Jews don't believe that Yeshua/Jesus is the Son of the living God and that He is not the awaited prophesied Messiah. Some of the Christian denominations that actually do follow the Lord Yeshua worship the right God, but in the wrong way (they use pagan; rituals, festivals, images and symbolism). The Muslim religion does not believe that Yeshua is the Son of the living God and the Savior and therefore they can't all be worshiping the same God as the Christians, since our God said, 'this is my Son, whom I am very pleased with listen to Him and follow Him.

    God's very name is powerful and mighty, so I think that it is important to call Him by His true name and since each group calls God by a different name they can't be all calling on the same God.

    In order to believe in the true God, one must believe in His Scriptures and His doctrine - mainly that Yeshua is the Son of the living God, was born to the earth for His Father's will, was crucified at the hands of the Romans, rose on the third day and is the ultimate sacrifice for the atonement of man's sins.

    Be Blessed:-)

  • 1 decade ago

    Most Prophets Are Decedents of Prophet Abraham & all Worship The Same God The One True God no matter what names they call him. The beliefs difference reason is because People infiltrated & changed their scripture. Muslims are the only ones That didn't dare to change the scripture. The only reasons prophet decent after the other is the failure of people to respond to these scriptures appropriately. The people of muhammad Did respect the messenger & did not try to kill him & respected The scripture that god gave him through a holy spirit.

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