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Has anyone else noticed that Parent/teacher consultations in UK Secondary Schools are a complete shambles?

Can anyone beat this? Last night we went to our yr 10 son's consultation. Arriving on time for a 6.25 appointment, we found that the teacher was running very late and was doing a 6.00 appointment. Since we had a 6.30 appointment to get to, we told the teacher we would go to our next one, and then come back later. He said that was OK. When we got to our next appointment there was a complete rabble and the teacher said he would keep his head down and let us fight it out between ourselves. Our appointment was before anyone else's, but as we were about to sit down, he pointed out that one group had been waiting for a long time and should go before us. We disagreed, because our appointment was first, and sat down anyway. After this appointment we found that the next one was running very late, and it was after 7.00 (the finish time) when we emerged from our 6.40 appointment. We went back to the first appointment to find that the teacher had gone.

Ten points go to whoever can tell the best "shambles" story. And does anyone know why they have to be so disorganised?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Can I join in if I'm not in the UK?

    My parents had to go speak with my math teacher when I was in grade 9 (over a decade ago now :-s). I was working a year ahead in a school that only had students in grades 7-9 - their solution had been to give me a self-study package and stick me in a grade 9 math class, with the understanding that the teacher of that class could help me if I got stuck. The teacher, however, decided the best thing to do with me was to sit me at a counter in the back corner facing a wall so my work wouldn't distract his other students. Needless to say, my parents were there on parent-teacher night.

    When they arrived, his was actually the only desk with a line -- and it went right across the gymnasium. Appointment times were out the window at that point - he was so behind that nobody was bothering with them; they stood and waited their turn. At 6:45 when the interviews were supposed to be over, he still had a line of about ten parents waiting to speak with him - so what did he do? He stood up, said "sorry, time's up" and walked out of the room (and the building). That, ladies and gentlemen, is dedication to your work.

    Just as an aside - my parents ended up going to the school principal the next day and had me removed from his class - I just started again with my year-mates the next year.

    Not only did he not lose his job (or face any disciplinary action my folks ever heard of), but eleven years later he stills holds the same position at the same school.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's mayhem, isn't it?

    My daughter's school is being rebuilt so they don't have a hall at the moment - so we ended up running between classrooms. I'm not sure we had any appointment at the right time or in the right order.

    What we did was to split up so we could effectively do two appointments at once. You say "we" - why didn't you do that?

    My son's school is ruthless. They have a prefect sitting on the stage and he rings a bell every five minutes. That's it. If you want to talk to a teacher for longer, you have to make an appointment at some other time.

  • 1 decade ago

    It was so so different in the 1960's (I left school in 1971).

    A minority of parents these days are more badly behaved and rude than the worst behaved 1960's children.

    The rabble is not the fault of the administration, but that of the parents who all think they have the right to be attended to first. After a whole day controlling unruly children, teachers have to spend their evening controlling unruly parents. PTA was a pleasure for both parents and teachers back in the day, but school staff now dread the event

  • 5 years ago

    all and sundry is going to snigger lol yet i admire the music infant (Justin Bieber). The music is quite catchy and that i admire the lyrics. Yeah, Bieber kinda sounds like a woman however the music is nice in its very own appropriate. i admire a gaggle of different songs, yet this can be the only music i admire that all and sundry else hates. BQ: call Me perhaps (with the aid of Carly Rae Jepsen) - I only discover it annoying and that i do no longer likely like her voice. what's My call (with the aid of Rihanna) - i do no longer understand if all and sundry likes this music, yet i do no longer in ordinary terms like the lyrics. it truly is too repetitive for my flavor. domicile (with the aid of Philip Philips) - The music is catchy yet it truly is all the music is. The lyrics is nice, however the refrain and the entire music is repetitive. I only truly dislike the music through fact i grew to become into so disillusioned whilst Jessica Sanchez did no longer win American Idol final season! i in my view love her voice!

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