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  • Solve this equation please?

    I keep getting a quadratic with a negative x squared

    6/x+2 + x/2x-3 = 1


    5 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Maths Question. Simplify this please?

    Simplify 4p^3q^3/(2pr)^3

    I get 4q^3/2r^3, but the answer is q^3/2r^3

    I don't understand how to get rid of the 4. Thanks.

    6 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Maths question circle theorems?

    A and B are points on a circle with centre O. PA and PB are tangents to the circle. Angle APB is 86 degrees. OA and OB are radii. Line joins A and B. Find angle ABO.

    I got 43 degrees but the answer is 47 degrees.

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago

    Has anyone else tried releasing books into the wild? If so, how many have been "caught"? I've released around 10, and only one has been officially caught. I know the others have been taken because I always leave them in the same place, in an official bookcrossing place in a local cafe.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters?

    Did you understand the ending?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Pythagoras 3-D question?

    A 3-D rectangular box measuring 12cm x 9cm x 20cm. Notation as follows. anti clockwise, base ABCD, and top EFGH. So vertical sides are AE BF CB and DH. Vertical sides measure 20cm, and base and top are 12cm x 9cm. Question: Find angle EBH?

    I can't find a right angle anywhere to use Pythagoras or SOH CAH TOA. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    5 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Could an expert skier tell me if my bindings should have opened please?

    I'm an intermediate skier, who skies cautiously, mainly on reds. On this occasion I was on a blue in good conditions, skiing parallel at a moderate speed. Things got a bit crowded, so I turned and ended up in a traverse. I collided with a skier coming across the slope towards me and fell awkwardly - the other skier skied on - I took the impact, it seems. My bindings didn't open and I wrenched my knee. It's still sore now, 7 weeks later. I am trying to work out if my bindings were set too high.

    3 AnswersSnow Skiing1 decade ago
  • Simplify the following:?

    (6x^2 + 3x)/4x^2 - 1


    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else irritated by the number of people who seem to think they can get their books published?

    Has anyone else noticed that there are a lot of people on YA who are cherishing notions of getting their books published when there is little or no hope? It's very hard even for skilled writers, and the people posting on YA about their books are certainly not skilled writers.

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Scottish Education system - what is intermediate?

    When I was at secondary school in Scotland we did "o" grades and then Highers. Then "o" grades were replaced by standard grades. But now there seems to be something called intermediate. What is this, and how does it compare with G.C.S.E? I live in England now, and my son is doing G.C.S.Es and I'm curious to know how they compare. Thanks.

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else noticed that Parent/teacher consultations in UK Secondary Schools are a complete shambles?

    Can anyone beat this? Last night we went to our yr 10 son's consultation. Arriving on time for a 6.25 appointment, we found that the teacher was running very late and was doing a 6.00 appointment. Since we had a 6.30 appointment to get to, we told the teacher we would go to our next one, and then come back later. He said that was OK. When we got to our next appointment there was a complete rabble and the teacher said he would keep his head down and let us fight it out between ourselves. Our appointment was before anyone else's, but as we were about to sit down, he pointed out that one group had been waiting for a long time and should go before us. We disagreed, because our appointment was first, and sat down anyway. After this appointment we found that the next one was running very late, and it was after 7.00 (the finish time) when we emerged from our 6.40 appointment. We went back to the first appointment to find that the teacher had gone.

    Ten points go to whoever can tell the best "shambles" story. And does anyone know why they have to be so disorganised?

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Why do so many people criticise others for being "rude".?

    Has anyone else noticed that it's only bad mannered people who comment on the manners of others? People with good manners overlook others' misdemeanors. For example, most of us from time to time forget to thank someone who opens a door for them or lets them go first. Sometimes that provokes a reasponse like " You could have said thank you". To my mind it is the person saying this who is behaving badly. Also, the word "rude" is over-used, and is now used as a put-down, a taunt, and is only used by "rude" people. Has anyone else ever thought this?

    12 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Has anyone noticed that proper use of indirect speech is disappearing?

    For example, peoplel no longer say "I said I was hungry". Instead they say "I said I am hungry". Totally wrong, but likely to take over and wipe out the correct version. Has anyone else noticed? And what about the correct use of comprise? Just about everyone seems to use it wrongly, and it gets past many editors.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Why do so many people try to get books published?

    Why do so many people think they can get their books published? Don't people realise that the chances of success are very very small?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What 3 authors do you most enjoy and what 3 do you really not like?

    The 3 that I most like are: Wilkie Collins, Anthony Horowitz and Erica James. The 3 that I really don't like are: Thomas Hardy, George Orwell and Jeanette Winterson. What about you?

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else feel that rugby in schools is a bad idea?

    These days schools go overboard with health and safety in so many ways. It therefore seems bonkers that they have compulsory rugby and force many unwilling children to go out and play rough games. Does anyone else agree that rugby should be done only in optional clubs? Another thing, children often do rugby tackles on each other outside PE classes, ie in the school corridors etc, despite being told not to. Teaching them rugby tackles can't be a good idea.

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Why do so many people in the U.S. spell "lose" wrongly?

    I'm just curious. Here in the UK there are words that are commonly spelled wrongly, but on YA, loads and loads of people write "loose" instead of "lose". So much so that it's almost become an alternative spelling. I wonder why you can get mistakes that only occur on the american side of the Atlantic, and probably some others that only occur on our side. Please note that I'm not saying people in the U.S. are bad spellers. I'm sure there are good and bad spellers over there just as over here, but it's strange that there should be some errors you only get in one location. Any ideas?

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What 3 films (movies in the U.S.) do you like to watch when you are sad or unwell?

    My three (in no particular order) are: The Sound of Music, A Room With a View and Back to the Future.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Gardens of Delight by Erica James? Did anyone find all the grammatical errors annoying?

    I don't know if these books are read in the US, so this question is aimed mainly at UK residents. I've just finished "Gardens of Delight" by Erica James, and feel that what would have been a really good book was tainted for me by all the grammatical mistakes. It's hard to believe that all these errors got by proof readers/editors. Did anyone else think the same?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago